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Climbing Media Reviewed by "Rupert"
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Reviews by climbers, for climbers! This resource needs YOUR input. Please take the time to review the climbing books and movies you're familiar with. If the media is not below, just add it.

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Fiction    Push For The Summit

** DV Scream of Stone - In this battle, there can be no winners...

Narratives    Push For The Summit

**** BK Everest: Mountain Without Mercy - Story of film-maker David Breashears' Imax photographic expedition to Everest in 96. Inc 125 color photos.
**** BK Australian White Limbo - The First Australian Climb of Mt Everest

Non-Fiction    Push For The Summit

**** BK A Life in the Vertical - A biography of Wolfgang Gullich
*** BK Rock Prints - A collection of rock climbing photographs
***** BK Rocks Around the world - Stefan Glowacz - world tour with photographer in tow

Instructional    Push For The Summit

**** BK Basic Rockcraft - Royal Robbins instructional manual

123 of 178 books, 127 of 203 movies reviewed. 563 total reviews.


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