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21-Jul-2010 7:47:09 PM
Looks like Wild Country will be releasing an update to their Tech Friends:
Doesn't seem to be any details available yet for the "Helium Friends" - hopefully more will appear soon.
21-Jul-2010 7:51:00 PM
Maybe they're constructed so lightweight, that your voice rises up a couple of octaves when you're about to fall on one...? : )
22-Jul-2010 5:36:57 PM
Interesting light weight Gri Gri a bit lower on the link.
22-Jul-2010 8:20:13 PM
Previously mentioned here:
23-Jul-2010 1:47:45 AM
Its about time WC Friends get updated. That pictures seems suspicious. They seem very keen to be covering up the base of the cam where the sling meets the stem. Possibly something they haven't yet done the patent work for?
23-Jul-2010 8:25:47 AM
i like the look of that BD GridLock there, to keep my belay device from moving into an awkward/dangerous lateral loading position.
Has anyone has success with a home-made technique to do the same to their pear shaped biner?
23-Jul-2010 4:50:55 PM
On 23/07/2010 ryguy wrote:
>Has anyone has success with a home-made technique to do the same to their
>pear shaped biner?
Haven't tried homebrew methods, but I have used the DMM belaymaster ( which works quite well. Finangling with the plastic dodad is a bit of pain sometimes, and it can come off, so the gridlock looks like a good alternative.
24-Jul-2010 8:27:31 AM
Is that not one hanging upside down in the background next to the two empty hooks on the display board from which the ones that they are holding were hanging? the lower one with the purple sling between their shoulders.
24-Jul-2010 9:26:18 AM
Ah it is indeed. They may have to become my new favourites....
24-Jul-2010 12:09:12 PM
On 23/07/2010 patto wrote:
>That pictures seems suspicious. They seem very keen to be covering up
> the base of the cam where the sling meets the stem.
I heard the real conspiracy here is that WC have been too cheap to use real helium in them. Their Chinese factory is substituting hydrogen instead, and they explode without warning!
Levity aside, I think the strange hand positioning in the photo is just the result of one of those awkward shots you end up with when photographers try to put people in overly posed shots.
24-Jul-2010 2:54:31 PM
>Levity aside, I think the strange hand positioning in the photo is just
>the result of one of those awkward shots you end up with when photographers
>try to put people in overly posed shots.
no no, there is deliberate depth in the photo.
Can't you see that the chick is holding the cam over the guys mouth, making a feministic statement that he should just shut up and climb?
The deep harrowing stare from behind his square glasses tells that he has been dominated and submissive to the Red Chili hottie.
24-Jul-2010 10:04:50 PM
I agree, she's a hottie...
What was this thread about again?
26-Jul-2010 3:01:29 AM
yeah and how does she do that braid thingy with her hair? Kind of faux swiss mountain girl.