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Australian Landscape Photography by Michael Boniwell
Australian Landscape Prints

Chockstone Forum

A place for Victorian climbers to hang out and chat about climbing. Anyone can register and post messages.

Forum Members   Push For The Summit Sorted By
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Icon User Location Joined # Posts Last Posted Last Logon
  FairGoAustralia Victoria, Australia  20-Jul-2024  0   20-Jul-2024 
  FairGoCasino Victoria, Australia  20-Jul-2024  0   20-Jul-2024 
  lanawatt Victoria, Australia  17-Jul-2024  0   17-Jul-2024 
  Anna54mn Island  14-Jul-2024  0   14-Jul-2024 
  hannana Victoria, Australia  9-Jul-2024  0   9-Jul-2024 
  jasperwilde09 Victoria, Australia  5-Jul-2024  0   5-Jul-2024 
  EmilyFoster Victoria, Australia  2-Jul-2024  0   2-Jul-2024 
  PedroVep Vanuatu  29-Jun-2024  0   29-Jun-2024 
  HollieHood Victoria, Australia  26-Jun-2024  0   26-Jun-2024 
  Gramicci Santa Paula, California  25-Jun-2024  0   9-Jul-2024 
  kristiann Victoria, Australia  22-Jun-2024  0   22-Jun-2024 
  OliverPage Victoria, Australia  21-Jun-2024  0   21-Jun-2024 
  SophiaHenderson Victoria, Australia  20-Jun-2024  0   20-Jun-2024 
  MargaretWatson34 Victoria, Australia  17-Jun-2024  0   17-Jun-2024 
  MargaretWatson Victoria, Australia  17-Jun-2024  0   17-Jun-2024 
  encoderinse Victoria, Australia  14-Jun-2024  0   14-Jun-2024 
  Angel17 Victoria, Australia  13-Jun-2024  0   13-Jun-2024 
  GabiSot Schweiz  12-Jun-2024  0   12-Jun-2024 
  justbat Victoria, Australia  12-Jun-2024  0   12-Jun-2024 
  pedalany Victoria, Australia  12-Jun-2024  0   12-Jun-2024 

 Page 1 of 533.

Member Statistics   Push For The Summit

Activity Percentage Graph
Top Rope
Trad Single
Trad Multi
Aid/Big Wall
Not Applicable

There are 10653 registered members. Of these 45% have never posted, 43% have only posted a few times, leaving 12% who are major posters. 68% are from Australia.

The top users are: ima.seriousyoungliza, Andy P, stugang, TimP, Dave_S, Snacks, johnpitcairn, Groveller, bigchris, JimmyS, BlankSlab, dan_b, Will_P, skegly, White trash, Dr Nick, ChuckNorris, PThomson, pecheur, StuckNut, Duang Daunk, shortman, Ben_E, sbm, Big G, Gavo, cjradloff76, E. Wells, davidn, mikllaw, Mr Poopypants, voodoo, phillipivan, technogeekery, Jayford4321, salty crag, f_ladou, Zarb, Miguel75, Hugh, Sarah Gara, martym, bw, Damien Gildea, racingtadpole, hargs, MonkeyBoy, marky, Mike Bee, bl@ke, Cookie, dmnz, J.C., ambyeok, Richard Delaney, Paz, pmonks, BoulderBaby, Sonic, Olbert, mattjr, egosan, timfreddo, benjenga, JimboV10, ajfclark, singersmith, rolsen1, qman, PDRM, deadbudgy, Chockstone Moderator, devlin66, Wollemi, Capt_mulch, Tastrad, grangrump, MrsM10iswhereitsat., M10iswhereitsat., penguinator, f_abe, ghost, MisterGribble, surfinclimb, Lee C, TLockwood, Pat, TonyB, Macciza, Access T CliffCare, GravityHound, bones, widewetandslippery, wallwombat, evanbb, ZERO, westie, ado_m, Karl Bromelow, dimpet, foreverabumbly, dougal, dave h., Organ Pipe, muki, Winston Smith, Bluey, cruxmag, Stuey, JDB, hero, jkane, brendan, jrc, ithomas, Hipster, Cam McKenzie, sliamese, pharmamatt, drdeviousII, chalkischeap, belayslave, Chuck Norris, wombly, Paul, spicelab, The HEX, BigMike, skink, daave, anthonycuskelly, Climboholic, psd, wyt91t, rod, PreferKnitting, DaCrux, gremlin, hotgemini, kerroxapithecus, uwhp510, patto, mikepatt, lacto, freesolo, hipdos, The good Dr, brat, Bob Saki, hangdog, Zebedee, LittleMac, Super Saiyan, KP, Dave J, billk, simey, Eduardo Slabofvic, tnd, steph, citationx, kuu, ademmert, Hatman, Wendy, cruze, garbie, Fish Boy, One Day Hero, ShinToe Warrior, gordoste, PN, Nottobetaken, Dave C, Sabu, Dom, maxdacat, BoaredOfTheRings, rightarmbad, Breezy, climberman, MichaelOR, HEX, duglash, AlanD, rhinckle, harold, Goshen, Bourge, Nick Kaz, Cool Hand Lock, prb, maxots, Damietta, shaggy, hex-TROLL, tastybigmac, WM, adamk, Robb, SteveH, BundyBear, rodw, Andrew_M, mousey, Duncan, Phil S, JamesMc, shmalec, gfdonc, earwig, Goodvibes, glacier-rat, vwills, Cheesehead, neats, robertsonja, JBM, dave, Ronny, Romfrantic, Jackie, Onsight, ..::- Chris -::.., Sticky, Superstu, Alex, jgoding, phil_nev, Phil Box, manacubus, nmonteith, The Elk, Mike, Paulie, Rich, Richard, anthonyk, adski, Garrath, Tel, Dalai, deadpoint, dodgy, Donut King, oweng, kezza, D.Lodge, Rupert, Robin, joemor, Hardware, HM33, James, alrob, BA, JohnK, mikl law, GG, Doug, IdratherbeclimbingM9, climbau, kieranl, tmarsh, climbingjac, (removed), shiltz


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