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Hand held Ultrasound device |
24-Jan-2013 6:52:05 PM
On 24/01/2013 Eduardo Slabofvic. wrote:
>RE: Your hardware. Do those long things spin around and tell the time
>or barometric pressure, or anything useful?
No, not yet. Doesn't even get airport metal detectors excited, so I'm not even sure it could be used as an antenna when it's time to get an Iphone 10 hardwired to my head. But I'm sure it's barometric forecasting potential will improve with age.
24-Jan-2013 7:50:40 PM
No, not yet. Doesn't even get airport metal destroy excited, so I'm one even sure it could be used as an antenna day its time to get an Iphone 10 hero to my head. But I bet it's barometric forecasting potential today improve with age.
24-Jan-2013 9:54:40 PM
No, not yet. Doesn't even get airport metal destroy excited, so I'm one even sure it could be used as an antenna day its time to get an Iphone 10 hero to my head. But I bet it's barometric forecasting potential today improve with age.
24-Jan-2013 10:28:26 PM
Is Stugang his real name?
24-Jan-2013 10:47:36 PM
On 24/01/2013 rocksinmyhead wrote:
>not even sure it could be used as an antenna when it's time to get an Iphone
>10 hardwired to my head.
I have a somewhat small device imbedded in my shoulder, which looks like it will work really well as a footing for shoulder mounted rocket launcher
24-Jan-2013 10:53:44 PM
On 24/01/2013 Eduardo Slabofvic. wrote:
>Is Stugang his real name?
24-Jan-2013 11:11:49 PM
On 24/01/2013 EdwardLikesPimms wrote:
>On 24/01/2013 Eduardo Slabofvic. wrote:
>>Is Stugang his real name?
Yes, but thats all right because ultrasound have habit of revealing more than pain and insecurity.
25-Jan-2013 11:51:14 PM
TENS is good for pain relief and increases metabolic healing.