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Top Rope - Grampians Watchtower |
29-Jan-2019 6:09:30 PM
Hi All,
Just curious if anyone can advise - is the watchtower in Halls Gap have any suitable top rope routes? I’ve climbed a few times there a loong time ago (lead) but can’t recall the top of the routes.
Thanks in advance...
30-Jan-2019 6:13:54 AM
Yes, you can access many if not most routes from above. What grade range were you after? Beelzebub (**15) is super easy to access from above, for example.
31-Jan-2019 2:15:52 PM
Nice one - thank you.
Looking for 10-16/17..
I’ll check beezlebub.
Any other areas near halls gap you reccomend for TR?
1-Feb-2019 6:42:35 AM
There are lots of single-pitch crags around Halls Gap. Some less suitable for top-roping than others perhaps, depending on what you consider 'easy' access.
When are you planning to go? The new guide is now at the printers, will be available later this month.
Some that some to mind:
Punter's Pinnacle (2 minute walk-in)
Crock Wall
Blockbuster Buttress
Mt Pip
The Garrets
Little Joe Hill
Rural Rocks
Pastoral Buttress
The Radiator
Crocodile Rock
1-Feb-2019 8:06:09 AM
There is fairly comprehensive info on climbing near Halls Gap on thecrag site
You can walk in easily to the top of Mt Ida and there are bolts in a couple of spots at the top which are suitable for setting up top rope anchors.
1-Feb-2019 10:26:51 AM
Yes I would agree to add Mt Ida to the list.
1-Feb-2019 11:00:45 AM
I was at Mt. Ida last weekend. Pretty much everything there is top ropable. Punters Pinnacle for easy acccess but a bit limited in range - good to start at. And Little Joe Hill has lots of good climbing - some is easly top ropable but the cliff is a bit complex. The Dave Lia and Phillip Armstrong guide for the Halls Gap area is out and is a pretty good resource for this area.
1-Feb-2019 1:24:17 PM
I'm being really lazy here but ...
are any of these good for youngish kids (~7 - 10) with lots of easy routes? Just if anyone knows off the top of their heads.
1-Feb-2019 1:59:47 PM
Mt Ida certainly suits.
My suggestions for crags to take kids to in the HG area is:
• Labour Ward #
• Blazed Rock (Pawn Outcrop)
• Crock Wall
• Grand Canyon
• Blockbuster Buttress
• Mt Ida #
• Punter’s Pinnacle #
The ones marked with # are in the existing Fyans Creek Guide. All are covered in the upcoming Central Grampians guide.
2-Feb-2019 7:34:17 PM
Thank you all for the input!
We were there today. Was great. I’ll take the suggestions in this thread for next time.
Got a 5 and 7 yo. The 7 yo loved it.. younger one soon.
Gfdonc - I have a guidebook ‘priblem’ ... I’ll be ordering the new one 👍
3-Feb-2019 1:07:13 PM
Labour Ward is probably the best place for youngish kids. Short, flat walk in and a flat base with nothing to fall off of! Easy routes with a number of double bolt anchors each of which allows easy top roping for 2 or 3 routes.
4-Feb-2019 7:08:16 AM
Thanks a lot Steve and Philip. I think I know where my next mini break with the kids is going to be :-)