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Grampians National Park Closures |
15-Sep-2016 11:36:22 AM
Just got off the phone to Parks and the Grampians National Park is currently completely closed though they haven't had a chance to update the website.
Updates will be posted as they become available.
15-Sep-2016 11:55:19 AM
What does 'closed' mean?
Last I heard (late yesterday) the road from Halls Gap to Stawell and to Ararat were blocked by floodwaters. Meaning the main routes into or out of Halls Gap would be the Dunkeld Road or the Mt Victory Road, both of which are 'inside' the park.
Why would you close an entire National Park because part of it was flooded?
15-Sep-2016 12:05:42 PM
Update on web site:
"The Grampians National Park is closed until the afternoon of Friday 16 September due to heavy rainfall, flooding and minor rock-falls. Visitor sites will be assessed for safety before reopening."
The Emergency Management Vic site says it will be reassessed at 4pm.
15-Sep-2016 12:09:10 PM
That note wasn't on the page when I looked again just now and I had to force refresh the page to get it to update.
Looking at the headers, their cache settings are possibly a little too aggressive:
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2016 02:11:51 GMT Expires: Fri, 16 Sep 2016 01:56:58 GMT Cache-Control: max-age=86400, public Pragma: cache
15-Sep-2016 12:09:25 PM
More info and updates on VicRoads:
The Mt Victory Road is closed due to flooding and landslip.
The Western Highway is blocked in both directions between Horsham and Deep Lead. This isn't posted on the VicRoads website, though, but from The Courier website and I assume is now reopened.
Nothing else regarding the state of the Stawell-Halls Gap or Ararat-Halls Gap roads on VicRoads.
15-Sep-2016 12:16:34 PM
There's a few other alerts on the site that were last update at 1pm yesterday:
Western Highway (A8)
Near: Howard Road, Glenorchy
Traffic Alert Flood
Water over shoulders of Western Highway near Howards rest area. Motorists to take care through the area as speed restrictions apply.
Western Highway (A8)
From: Stawell Road, Horsham
To: Stawell-Warracknabeal Road, Deep Lead
Traffic Alert Flood
Road has been re-opened with some restrictions in place. Please observe any signage or personel on site between Horsham and Deep Lead. There is still water over the road in some areas.
15-Sep-2016 12:30:42 PM
Here's a picture from a few days ago of some of the damage inside the park. KP's instagram.
It's rained far more since then.
16-Sep-2016 12:00:17 PM
Grampians National Park UPDATE - 16/09/2016
VicRoads have just reopened Mt Victory Rd (Northern Grampians Rd) through to Mackenzie Falls.
This means access is now available to the Wonderland carpark (Pinnacle walk), Sundial Carpark, Reeds Lookout and the Balconies, Boroka Lookout and Mackenzie Falls. (From the East – Halls Gap side only. A road closure will remain in place from the Wartook side).
• Parks Victoria staff will be working in these areas to remove debris throughout the next few hours so please be mindful of machinery and people working.
• Roads closures are in place off the Northern Grampians Rd, as the Victoria Valley area, and Asses Ears will remain closed. Please keep safety in mind and do not travel past any closure signage.
18-Sep-2016 9:07:31 AM
Redmans Track was closed yesterday and I don't expect it will have opened today.
This limits access to a number of climbing areas, such as Barbican Wall, Barbican Rocks, and all of The Dials.
The road is closed because of a slip or washout on the Pomonal side (which is well past these climbing areas). However Parks have opted to close the whole road rather than block it part way.
Signs and barriers are up at the main Grampians-Dunkeld road intersection.
20-Sep-2016 11:48:38 AM
CliffCare has some updates.
20-Sep-2016 12:40:45 PM
Bloody discriminatory map that one.
25-Nov-2016 9:15:24 PM
Main Grampians Rd is closed Sunday for the Grate (sic) Victorian bike ride.
South of Halls Gap - from Tymna Drive (just north of the dam) to Victoria Valley Rd. So basically everything south of Halls Gap.
4000 bike riders, stay well clear.
(at this rate Grampians climbing will be constrained to a few small rocks in the front garden of one of the local restaurants by mid next year).
26-Nov-2016 8:06:57 AM
updated nov 2016
28-Nov-2016 12:22:14 PM
Redman's track is still closed - as shown on the map but not in the list of closed roads.
19-Dec-2016 9:06:39 PM
My understanding is that Harrops track is still closed and access to Buandik is via Henty Highway? Coming from Halls Gap. Hoping someone can confirm this? Cheers, Dan
19-Dec-2016 9:25:39 PM
According to the latest Grampians Road Report (16/12), Harrop Track is now open but has areas of erosion and is 4WD only recommended. Red Rock Road is still closed.
Coming from Halls Gap, Glenelg River Road is still closed from Mt Victory Rd so your best bet to Buandik is still probably to drive via Zumsteins/Wartook/Brimpaen to the Henty Highway. Going south and over Mirranatwa Gap and via Jensens Rd and Harrop track is probably going to take a lot longer.
Best to look at the Parks web site and correlate the road report with the map of current tracks and roads open to work out where you can drive. The current map is a few weeks old so you need the road report to see what has changed in the meantime (eg Harrop Track now open).
20-Dec-2016 7:47:41 AM
Much appreciated Kieran.
Kieran, went to Buandik from Halls Gap yesterday, went there via My Victory Rd/Zumsteins/Brimpaen and Henty Hwy. Thought we would chance it and come back via Harrops/Jensens/Mirranatwa. Had absolutely no issues in a very standard family sedan on either Harrops of Jensens. About 20mins longer coming back on the dirt roads, would be less in 4wd. Wouldn't do it in a brand new or lowered car, and a bit of caution is needed for the odd large pothole.
1-May-2017 11:52:54 AM
Just clicked on the link above (Grampians-National-Park-Update), and it takes you to the updated (Feb 2017) version.
Although there are many closed roads, and some visitor sites and walking tracks are closed, it appears that all areas (including previously closed Eastern Mt Difficult range / Briggs Bluff) are now open to hiking / climbing.
Does someone at cliffcare want to update The Crag to reflect the updated access?
What about Main Wall at Summerday - is that area still closed? Or officially open now?
1-May-2017 12:38:45 PM
There are still signs in place at Main Wall (or there was on Saturday). They had been fixed up from the time before that that I was in there (2 weeks ago) so I assume it's still an active closure.
1-Nov-2017 12:37:54 PM
Glenelg River Rd is (still) closed between the Mt Victory Rd and Boreang campground.
Redmans track is still closed, since it was washed out by rainfall in September 2016. This impacts access to some 15 crags, including Barbican Rocks, Barbican Wall and Redman's Bluff. I have written to the VCC access officer for an update but still awaiting a reply.