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Moving overseas sale! 2nd Update! Lower prices!! |
2-Jul-2011 8:23:17 AM
Sure thing bits.
Yeah, I'll send that rock guide and the araps guide to Albury.
My box is empty, I'm working 7 days a week at the moment so am not near a puter all the time (just my slow phone). If the money is in, your stuff is getting sent off on Monday.
Thanks, I'll get back to each and everyone of you, don't worry!
2-Jul-2011 11:21:04 AM
Where you off to nick? Climbing related?
3-Jul-2011 8:50:04 PM
Everything is climbing related! Moving to Vancouver with the (Canadian) Mrs for a change of scenery, it just happens that Squamish is only 45 mins away...the mountain biking is ok on the nth shore too...there is some skiing...
Say hello if you come over!
4-Jul-2011 10:40:55 AM
Shotty on the ACT Granite Guide if no one has gotten it yet.
Can you post it to me FB? I'm in Sydney. Happy to fork out for some sort of registered/express post.
4-Jul-2011 11:08:49 AM
PM's bro^
5-Jul-2011 3:52:11 PM
Cheers for the boots fish_boy, ill be giving them a workout this weekend. Send us your bank info and I'll shoot the money through.
5-Jul-2011 3:57:33 PM
Sorry FB, I was in India so I wasn't wasting time on Chocky... I said some the image URL, not the page URL:
6-Jul-2011 2:25:43 PM
Hey Fishboy, I doubt you'll be taking your Bongs to VC, let me know if your keen to sell those too? Pre-packed would be best.
6-Jul-2011 3:50:16 PM
how much for the BD gear sling??
9-Jul-2011 8:07:39 AM
I would be very interesting by the rocks guides.
After 5 mouths working we are about to finally start our rock climbing trip accross australia (we come from France) and we definetly would need those topoguides.
If they are still available for a 6 pack of Mercury we'll be happy too...
My name is Marie and here is my phone number: 0406 838 037.
Just one thing, we are in Sydney until end of next week, do you think it would be possible to meet until then?
Thank you and see you
9-Jul-2011 6:30:53 PM
Hi Nick your in box is full again,
I want the 4 rp plates and the rope grab (10)
I am also keen for the asender
9-Jul-2011 6:49:39 PM
No worries, I'm going climbing now, I'll pm you when I'm back tomoza.
9-Jul-2011 8:29:29 PM
On 27/06/2011 Miguel75 wrote:
>Cheers FB, I'll take the rigging plate.
M75 snuck past the 1,000 post milestone to Chockstone with this one, and I had to do a countback to find it!
~> Foreezajollygoodposter and all that warm 'n'fuzzy stuff!
9-Jul-2011 8:32:36 PM
On 9/07/2011 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>On 27/06/2011 Miguel75 wrote:
>>Cheers FB, I'll take the rigging plate.
>M75 snuck past the 1,000 post milestone to Chockstone with this one, and
>I had to do a countback to find it!
>~> Foreezajollygoodposter and all that warm 'n'fuzzy stuff!
You losin touch M9. Picked it up straight away.
9-Jul-2011 8:34:09 PM
On 28/06/2011 shortman wrote:
>On 27/06/2011 Miguel75 wrote:
>>Cheers FB, I'll take the rigging plate.
>This was your 1000th post Mike. Don't ask how I came across this.....heh
>heh heh
I even added your touch!
9-Jul-2011 8:40:37 PM
On 9/07/2011 shortman wrote:
>On 28/06/2011 shortman wrote:
>>On 27/06/2011 Miguel75 wrote:
>>>Cheers FB, I'll take the rigging plate.
>>This was your 1000th post Mike. Don't ask how I came across this.....heh
>>heh heh
>You losin touch M9. Picked it up straight away.
>I even added your touch!
You too will get old and hard of reading one day, shortman... ;-)
~> It is good to see the positive recognition baton is being taken up by the next generation(!), though I doubt simey will thank you for taking up the heh x 3 habit!
Heh, heh, heh.
9-Jul-2011 9:03:34 PM
I missed this post Dan. M9 & Dan, thanks for noting this milestone in my Chocky journey. It means I've spent way too much time here, instead of with my kids....;)
On 28/06/2011 shortman wrote:
>On 27/06/2011 Miguel75 wrote:
>>Cheers FB, I'll take the rigging plate.
>This was your 1000th post Mike. Don't ask how I came across this.....heh
>heh heh
9-Jul-2011 9:51:06 PM
Fish boy - i"ll take the free old school sticht plate. I dropped mine off the top of Brolga last summer and miss it like a person misses a piece of dull metal with two holes in it.
However I can't abide by not giving you anything in this transaction so I'll happily furnish you with a bunch of that mercury stuff that you seem to enjoy.
10-Jul-2011 11:27:09 AM
Thanks for the guides. Just wondering if it's too late to throw these in too;
BD 5 step etts,
Chouinard Belay Seat (small tear), (hopefully still useable??)
8 Quick draws
and if so, how much you might be able to do it for??
11-Jul-2011 1:55:37 AM
Hey Nick,
the guide arrived on Friday night. Thanks heaps :)