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NEW Hubba Hubba Tent - $400 |
15-Dec-2010 12:15:39 AM
The dude has advertised a never used but pre-owned (hence technically second hand) MSR tent. Now let's say I buy that tent and when the package arrives in the mail, I open it and find it's not a tent, it's an inflatable Wally Lewis doll. In that case, I am entitled to a refund because the product I received was not the product I paid for. If it is the MSR tent that I paid for and it is in the condition I was led to believe it was in, then I am not entitled to a refund.
There is no need to go delving into every nook and cranny of the NSW Fair Trading Act .What GriZZly is doing is no different from what anyone else is doing when they sell second hand goods here.
What seems to be different in his case and what seems to have got up a couple of people's noses is that (A) He made his intent very clear from the beginning - he said straight away that he bought the tent in the US with the intention of selling it and making a small profit.
(B) He only seems to post when he wants to sell something.
I think he's basically copping it for being honest. He could easily have could up with some bullshit story about buying the Hubba Hubba tent and then before he had a chance to use it, he got a great deal on a Hubba Hubba HP, which is a better tent...blah, blah,blah.....
He also said he reads most of the threads on the site but doesn't post himself. Lots of people do that. Big deal! Would it be better that he post inane crap just for the sake of it?
Who really gives a shit?
It's the festive season. Relax. Eat some fruit cake. Have a beer. Unhinch your carkle and don't get so worked up about what someone else is doing, especially when they aren't causing anyone any harm..
Remember, stress is a killer.
15-Dec-2010 2:01:15 AM
On 15/12/2010 wallwombat wrote:
>Unhinch your carkle
Excellent work WW, This is now officially my 2010 Yuletide greeting!
15-Dec-2010 9:17:16 AM
What seems to be different in his case and what seems to have got up a couple of people's noses is that
(B) He only seems to post when he wants to sell something.
His only contribution is to plaster the front page with 'for sale' adds for overpriced gear.
He just happened to be the next person that did this after my own little winge thread about such occurrences.
Somebody else picked up on it and a few others chimed in.
If we winge enough, they will go away.
15-Dec-2010 9:36:16 AM
I like the trading post because I always want to keep tabs on the going price of jousting sticks.
If you think grizzly is selling stuff overpriced just tell him he's dreamin.
15-Dec-2010 9:56:35 AM
On 15/12/2010 wallwombat wrote:
... Now let's say I buy that tent and when the package arrives in the mail, I open it and find it's not a tent, it's an inflatable Wally Lewis doll. In that case, I am...
STOKED to have been able to get a Wally Lewis doll for a great price. It will look great in the living room with a Xmas tree up its clacker.
15-Dec-2010 9:59:44 AM
I can understand your point about him being the first to pop up after your 'Chocky user guidelines' post but realistically Grizzly's been up front about the game he's playing. In my mind he has the same right to lurk and post sale ads as you do to lurk and post your thoughts on who can and can't sell gear.
Grizzly's providing a service, if you don't like it ignore him/her, or beat him at his own game. This thread reminds me of this on supertopo:
15-Dec-2010 10:13:30 AM
On 15/12/2010 Miguel75 wrote:
>Grizzly's providing a service
You are kidding right? He neither supports local retailers nor does he provide the best price for those who choose not to buy local. Some service.
p.s. AJF importing inflatable sheep? Now thats a service.
15-Dec-2010 10:18:06 AM
Some people consider being rooted up the bum a service.....
15-Dec-2010 10:40:54 AM
On 15/12/2010 ambyeok wrote:
>You are kidding right? He neither supports local retailers nor does he
>provide the best price for those who choose not to buy local. Some service.
All this 'support local retailers' stuff is a crock of shit. I support local retailers as much as a I can but if I want to buy myself a MSR Hubba Hubba tent, I'm not going to pay $650 to buy it here if I can buy it for $300 online from the states.
Are you saying that you would, Mr Megabucks?
When Grizzly (who I don't know from a bar of soap) bought that tent, hopped on a plane back to Oz and advertised it for sale,.he effectively BECAME a local retailer and one with a much lower mark up than most of them.
And if the dollar was sitting at 0.65 US$, Grizzly's price would be pretty bloody good.
15-Dec-2010 11:08:19 AM
On 15/12/2010 wallwombat wrote:
>All this 'support local retailers' stuff is a crock of shit...
Fine, the service Griz provides is a personal escort of your tent back to Aus. For the price thats actually pretty bloody cheap. Myself, I dont need my tents personally escorted and will be sending my megabucks international.
15-Dec-2010 11:25:57 AM
On 15/12/2010 ambyeok wrote:
> Myself, I don't need my tents personally escorted and will be sending my megabucks >international.
Don't get me wrong, I'd be sending my megabucks international too but there are plenty who either can't be bothered or don't have the initiative to do that.
Like I stated earlier, he should have put it on ebay. It would be someone else's by now if he did.
15-Dec-2010 11:40:22 AM
>And if the dollar was sitting at 0.65 US$, Grizzly's price would be pretty
>bloody good.
Yeah..and if it was sitting at 0.50 USD it would be an even better price...but it's not. Its 1:1!
15-Dec-2010 11:42:06 AM
On 15/12/2010 wallwombat wrote:
>Like I stated earlier, he should have put it on ebay. It would be someone
>else's by now if he did.
There's a statement I agree with! But then he would actually have to PAY for advertising :)
15-Dec-2010 11:52:27 AM
On 15/12/2010 ambyeok wrote:
>You are kidding right? He neither supports local retailers nor does he
>provide the best price for those who choose not to buy local. Some service.
Ambyeok, you seem to take issue with Grizzly not supporting 'local retailers' and then in the next post you say;
>Myself, I dont need my tents personally escorted and will be sending my megabucks international.
How is his support of local retailers different to yours? For all we know Grizzly buys everything except ropes and tents from his local... ;)
With the strong dollar local retailers are hating life right now, though savvy retailers are still finding ways to buck the trend. Bogong has WC tech friends on sale for $99 with a WC racking biner (not sure which one though). As an example, on Spadout, you can pick up a Tech Friend from the US for ~Aus$55, add ~Aus $8 for a biner and minimum Aus $15 for postage you're looking at Aus $88, along with ~10 days for shipping. I'd say most people would seriusly consider paying the $11 "gimme it now" tax to walk out the shop and clip your new toy to your rack.
It's swings and roundabouts, good Aussie dollar, crap Aussie dollar. Gear purchased OS, gear purchased here...
On 14/12/2010 rightarmbad wrote:
>Anyhow, I'm off to get a real bargain from the states
P.S. Rightarmband, anychance you're open to gear orders from the US?? ;) I have a portaledge that needs a personal escort back to the promised land.
15-Dec-2010 11:56:33 AM
On 15/12/2010 Miguel75 wrote:
>P.S. Rightarmband, anychance you're open to gear orders from the US??
>;) I have a portaledge that needs a personal escort back to the promised
~> Now that is keen, and you did not even manage to get time out to attend the Buffalo Aid shindig!
15-Dec-2010 12:03:10 PM
On 15/12/2010 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>On 15/12/2010 Miguel75 wrote:
>>P.S. Rightarmband, anychance you're open to gear orders from the US??
>>;) I have a portaledge that needs a personal escort back to the promised
>~> Now that is keen, and you did not even manage to get time out to attend
>the Buffalo Aid shindig!
Brain damage, sick kids and crazy times at work conspired against me! The ledge is not a done deal yet, though with a forthcoming redundancy payout it's looking good. I'm trying to sell my wife on it as a holiday house. We can rock up anywhere, hang said ledge from a tree/cliff/streetlight and enjoy the views... And it's cheaper than a place in Torquay too..
15-Dec-2010 12:05:42 PM
On 15/12/2010 Miguel75 wrote:
>Ambyeok, you seem to take issue with Grizzly not supporting 'local retailers'...
Wasnt my intention to suggest such, simply that if you charge more than it is otherwise available for then you should be providing some kind of service to justify the additional cost.
I think WW cleared it up for me when he said "there are plenty who either can't be bothered or don't have the initiative".
15-Dec-2010 12:11:58 PM
On 15/12/2010 ambyeok wrote:
>On 15/12/2010 Miguel75 wrote:
>>Ambyeok, you seem to take issue with Grizzly not supporting 'local retailers'...
>Wasnt my intention to suggest such, simply that if you charge more than
>it is otherwise available for then you should be providing some kind of
>service to justify the additional cost.
Good point. I feel a happy medium would be if Grizzly were to offer an inflatable sheep with each tent...
15-Dec-2010 12:16:59 PM
On 15/12/2010 Miguel75 wrote:
>Good point. I feel a happy medium would be if Grizzly were to offer an
>inflatable sheep with each tent...
I thought Chocky was an Australian site and not in New-
So I doubt that would be popular here.
Heh, heh, heh.
15-Dec-2010 12:18:59 PM
If we were in the 'Country that shall remain nameless', would customer service dictate the provision of special gloves and gumboots too?