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woody material available - for princely sum of $0 |
10-Apr-2010 5:57:07 PM
anyone in melbourne (near burnley) and building a woody and in need of ply for the princely sum of $0 should call or sms my mobile. The number has been put in my profile under "comments". If my phone number isn't there then the offer is no longer valid.
28-Apr-2010 4:02:25 PM
I assume this is no longer available??? anyone know any whereabouts of cheap ply around? Are those burnley holds just gathering dust as well?
28-Apr-2010 5:04:41 PM
On 28/04/2010 Paz wrote:
>I assume this is no longer available???
Phone number now not listed in the Stugang's comments section so I'd say no.
>anyone know any whereabouts of cheap ply around?
Where most bouldering wall ply is found - building sites
>Are those burnley holds just gathering dust as well?
Holds will be going straight back on after Citylink crews get their bridge work done...
28-Apr-2010 9:08:50 PM
Bad karma posting PM's mattjr...
28-Apr-2010 9:20:20 PM
Not condoning it, but many a woody has been built with 'found' building supplies. Stugang was passing on a possibility - one PM gave you information you decided to pass on the suggestion.
28-Apr-2010 9:22:49 PM
doesn't seem like it would be particularly difficult to find out who owns the vacant lot and offer to clear the "rubbish" for them
28-Apr-2010 9:29:56 PM
Not if the panels are still there and it doesn't concern their moral code?
28-Apr-2010 9:37:00 PM
On 28/04/2010 mattjr wrote:
>O.K. What about.. it has been checked out and it is a dead end
So the panels aren't there anymore?
28-Apr-2010 9:37:58 PM
I had one of these today.
~> a bit big but I am happy to share if anyone wants some*...

Heh, heh, heh.
(*Always wanted to catchamod with that piccie...)
28-Apr-2010 9:43:26 PM
I'm very chilled - just not sure what the problem is?
Stugang posted that he had details of free woody material.
He provided this - from a scenario that many woodys have been constructed. Very grey from a legality perspective but was also very clear in his PM and left it at that.
Time wasted from any interested party - minimal from the start as it was clearly spelt out in the PM where and how it could be obtained...
Edit - does look I'm a pretty angry person arguing with myself now mattjr's posts have gone... And I didn't delete them either!
28-Apr-2010 10:03:42 PM
You do indeed seem like an angry muffin now Mattjr's posts are gone.. I read the complete, undeleted thread before and had a giggle! I read the deleted thread and couldn't figure out what was missing.
Having a restless 4 week old baby has skewed my grasp on reality...
28-Apr-2010 10:11:11 PM
After mattjr posted stugangs PM this reply is fair enough as it is in the same flavour?
I can always delete it later...
Heh, heh, heh.
On 10/04/2010 mattjr wrote:
>before i start harrasing you on your mobile..
> the ply in good condition, is it treated, does it have t-bolts, how much do you have?
On 28/04/2010 mattjr wrote:
>On 28/04/2010 Paz wrote:
>I assume this is no longer available??? anyone know any whereabouts of
>cheap ply around? Are those burnley holds just gathering dust as well?
Don't bother
>Stugang wrote:
>it looks abandoned to me - its up to you and your moral code if you >agree/disagree with me. If you think its crap then at least you haven't wasted your time as a session at burnley is just around the corner.
Then wrote;
>Bad 'Karma' posting dodgy threads !? My bad Stugang
>Why waste anyone else's time?
Then wrote;
>I posted the information to extinguish the thread.. it is a time waster.. forget it Paz .
Then wrote;
>O.K. What about.. it has been checked out and it is a dead end and should not really have been posted on Chockstone in the manner in which it was posted?
>For everyone who has shown an interest's benefit.
Then wrote;
>Go check it out for yourself if you like Dalai
Then wrote;
>Go away M9, we are both bored and this is entertaining us both in some strange way.
~>Yes I am bored too.
For those into puzzles, the sequence is correct, but I will let you put them in place for yourselves, to see if Miguel75 is correct!
~> let the entertainment continue!
28-Apr-2010 10:28:32 PM
It looks like we're going to have a gold old fashioned stoning on another thread and I was thinking maybe we can extend the stoning invitation to this thread?
Ooooh, lets have a chockstoning....
28-Apr-2010 11:14:08 PM
I wish I was stoned.
29-Apr-2010 2:11:03 AM
Angry No. A little bored with a finger injury.. maybe.
I now realise that I have no right to delete my prior comments and that M9 is god.
(insert suitable expletives directed toward M9 here)
heh f&%kin heh
29-Apr-2010 8:54:31 AM
Seems Simey has an ally.
29-Apr-2010 9:23:43 AM
On 28/04/2010 wallwombat wrote:
>I wish I was stoned.
Maybe we should go bouldering?
29-Apr-2010 9:26:18 AM
Off the original topic, but broadly related...
Anyone know a good source of corflute? That's the fluted plastic board commonly used for Real Estate signs and advertising.
I think I'll get some by just driving around the industrial area at night.
29-Apr-2010 1:59:58 PM
Depends on how much of it you wan't, I've obtained some good sized pieces from a local signwriter for nicks in the past, I'm a loooong way from where you live though but you probably have close by.
29-Apr-2010 2:01:10 PM
On 29/04/2010 salty crag wrote:
>Depends on how much of it you wan't, I've obtained some good sized pieces
>from a local signwriter for nicks in the past, I'm a loooong way from where
>you live though but you probably have close by.
Enough to make a chook shed. I reckon I'll try some locals. Cheers.