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Selling all my gear. Would anyone like to buy it? |
12-May-2009 4:45:05 PM
>You know that moment haunts me to this day. I remember it like it was yesterday. Falling, falling...
>and I never even got to use it. : (
~>that is probably the only downside of using such a large rack ... ~> resulting from the tangles they can get into!
12-May-2009 4:52:02 PM
How do you do that to a cam!?!?
12-May-2009 4:53:00 PM
It was a massive fall...
~ and ti is still alive to tell the tale!
12-May-2009 4:54:25 PM
On 12/05/2009 olbert wrote:
>How do you do that to a cam!?!?
You know how you test the depth of a well by throwing a stone down and seeing how long it takes to hit the water? Similar to that but calculating the depth of a gorge...
12-May-2009 10:51:35 PM
How can you ti-minate such a good rack?
Do you cyborgs feel no emotion at all?
12-May-2009 11:05:41 PM
Don't do it man!! just slave yourself out to someone for a week.. the rack is worth more
than your dignity!! If you really have to i would say get rid of maybe the c3s and a few of
the nuts but keep a set of nuts and the c4s plus a few draws. then at least you can
dabble a bit.
12-May-2009 11:21:16 PM
On 12/05/2009 ti wrote:
>On 12/05/2009 ademmert wrote:
>>Are you giving up climbing????
>Maybe...I'm not very good at it...
I am happy to agree with you given that you always tell me that I am too argumentative.
As for selling your rack, well being a girl means you don't need a rack to go climbing anyway. There must be plenty of well-equipped young men wanting you to lead them to glory. Sell it all... preferably to someone you might want to climb with in the future.
13-May-2009 1:50:57 AM
I'm just confused why someone would buy such a comprehensive and enviable rack and then give up on leading. Why the hell do you need #4,#5,#6 C4s and both Aliens and C3s. Not to mention 3 sets of nuts.
Christ some people started off leading with just a rack of nuts and a couple booty cams.
13-May-2009 7:34:37 AM
On 13/05/2009 patto wrote:
> Why the hell do you need #4,#5,#6 C4s
>and both Aliens and C3s. Not to mention 3 sets of nuts.
If you didn't notice, Ti also has a portaledge, which would lead me to believe aid climbing was part of the plan.
Aid climbers need lots of gear, unless they constantly are back cleaning.
I'm actually surprised there aren't any offset Aliens and cam hooks on the list.
I bet M9 has a similar rack, if not bigger.
13-May-2009 10:50:23 AM
On 13/05/2009 patto wrote:
>I'm just confused why someone would buy such a comprehensive and enviable
>rack and then give up on leading. Why the hell do you need #4,#5,#6 C4s
>and both Aliens and C3s. Not to mention 3 sets of nuts.
I think you'd find that people who work at outdoor stores ie Cliffhanger get a fairly generous deal, i.e. cost price plus 10% or so when buying gear...
so it makes sense to sell all your gear for more than you paid for it and then buy some more when you get back....i know i would
13-May-2009 3:22:54 PM
On 13/05/2009 wallwombat wrote:
>On 13/05/2009 patto wrote:
>> Why the hell do you need #4,#5,#6 C4s
>>and both Aliens and C3s. Not to mention 3 sets of nuts.
>If you didn't notice, Ti also has a portaledge, which would lead me to
>believe aid climbing was part of the plan.
>Aid climbers need lots of gear, unless they constantly are back cleaning.
>I'm actually surprised there aren't any offset Aliens and cam hooks on
>the list.
>I bet M9 has a similar rack, if not bigger.
wallwombat is on the money.
I am aware of a number of solo aid ascents that ti has done, and from my experience solo aid is more gear intensive for a single rack, than the comparative luxury of combining with a partners rack to come up with the necessary items.
For a recent aid ascent we did together, I augmented ti's rack with the items that were not on it. This enabled me to get by with only one bike load!
13-May-2009 8:52:32 PM
I would like all Aliens willing to pay 300 cheers jt
13-May-2009 9:09:54 PM
I'm sure there are a few of us willing to pay $300 for six pretty new looking Aliens.
Shame that's half the asking price.
14-May-2009 9:07:51 AM
Hi Ti,
You don't know me, but we've had casual conversations at Cliff Hanger.
I'm finding the whole concept of you selling your gear really upsetting.
I know my rack is one of my most treasured possessions.
I don't know whether this is unprecedented but is there any way the Chockstone 'controllers' can set up a secure on line donation fund...'SAVE TI's RACK' (No double entendre inferred)
I'd be very happy to start the ball rolling with a $50 donation
Sincerely, JDB
14-May-2009 9:53:32 AM
Well if you are in Delhi, hop on a plane and fly to Bangalore, then train it to Hospet, and haggle like mad for a cheap Rickshaw to HAMPI, cross the river on a boat for 10 rupees (haggle this also), and go and play in the 300 squared kilometers of BOULDERS!
Seeing as you'll have NO gear, you can hire a boulder pad pretty easily. Seems like a mission, but you can't go to india and not go to hampi, plenty of places to stay, and so cheap!
14-May-2009 10:09:29 PM
Ti, I'd LOVE to buy that portaledge of you....any chance?
Happy travels!
15-May-2009 10:27:02 AM
Bugger you've sold the red & blue etrier pair... i was too slow :(
How much do you want for the 4 petzl oval biners?
16-May-2009 8:52:01 AM
i am interested in the aliens, sent you a PM
18-May-2009 9:02:12 PM
Hello, can I please buy your cams and possibly all your passive gear?
18-May-2009 9:48:39 PM
On 18/05/2009 Starchy wrote:
>Hello, can I please buy your cams and possibly all your passive gear?
Well, Ti, it took three pages of fishing but I think you hooked a big one.
Have fun in India.