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Selling all my gear. Would anyone like to buy it? |
12-May-2009 12:42:49 PM
12-May-2009 12:50:31 PM
That's a pretty awesome rack you have there Ti!
12-May-2009 12:54:06 PM
Sad news regarding need to sell off the gear ti, but I am pleased for your upcoming prospects.
Having recently done a trip where that gear was used I can vouch for its excellent condition.
I feel like a vulture now ...
Bivy bag.
I'd like to buy it (depending on size) ...
Please refresh my memory.
What size was it again?
Is it full goretex or has a different base?
12-May-2009 1:03:00 PM
Are you giving up climbing????
12-May-2009 1:19:00 PM
Not good at it?????? humbug.
PM'ed you.
12-May-2009 1:19:22 PM
Have just messaged you.
12-May-2009 1:21:20 PM
On 12/05/2009 ti wrote:
>Maybe...I'm not very good at it...
That's no reason to stop. Sometimes it's my prime motivation.
But I can see your dilemna. Go OS, sell rack..... but what about the future, that feeling of rock on skin. Won't you miss that? I'd try and sell all the non-critical gear first, and just keep a sneaky light rack for future adventures.
12-May-2009 1:26:55 PM
On 12/05/2009 ti wrote:
>Anyone have any suggestions or contacts about bouldering/ climbing/ big
>wall stuff over there? I'll be located at Ahmedabad (south of Delhi).
I've PMed you Nick McKinnons contact details. He lives in India and gets out on the rock quite often.
12-May-2009 1:27:43 PM
On 12/05/2009 evanbb wrote:
>But I can see your dilemna. Go OS, sell rack..... but what about the future,
>that feeling of rock on skin. Won't you miss that? I'd try and sell all
>the non-critical gear first, and just keep a sneaky light rack for future
And it will cost a LOT more to replace it all in the future!
12-May-2009 1:59:06 PM
Don't sell it ti! You won't be in India that long & when you eventually return you'll miss all that shiny gear. As Neil said it'll cost a heap more to replace!
Surely you could do a couple extra Cliffhanger shifts or whatever to rustle up some more holiday fund coin?
12-May-2009 2:11:01 PM
On 12/05/2009 suprok wrote:
>Don't sell it ti! You won't be in India that long & when you eventually
>return you'll miss all that shiny gear. As Neil said it'll cost a heap
>more to replace!
>Surely you could do a couple extra Cliffhanger shifts or whatever to rustle
>up some more holiday fund coin?
you can make a few bucks doing pharmaceutical trials as well, give these guys a yell-
oh wait was that the wrong link?
12-May-2009 2:12:05 PM
Don't do it!!!
That rack and its owner belong together.
12-May-2009 2:26:48 PM
Bugger the camera Someone will just steal it or it will get broken besides the only advantage that a full SLR has over a $500 digital is you can blow up your photos all the other advantages are for pros like Neil, Josh Caple etc where your also carrying $5000 worth of lenses as well. Get a point and shoot digital and keep the rack, sell the tent etc. Thats MHO though
12-May-2009 2:29:44 PM
For $1500 you can get a bloody awesome digital SLR these days.
12-May-2009 2:43:04 PM
On 12/05/2009 ademmert wrote:
>Are you giving up climbing????
& ti replied;
>Maybe...I'm not very good at it...
~> I agree with captainpant;
I was way impressed with seeing your virtually pro-less lead of the (lower version of) rising-traverse ramp on final pitch of Defender of The Faith original route.
Similarly the gutsy effort in pushing on to complete a pitch after taking a fall lower on the route.
You were carrying that entire rack listed above plus some! at the time, so it was an excellent effort indeed.
12-May-2009 2:59:44 PM
>~> I agree with captainpant;
12-May-2009 3:00:26 PM
On 12/05/2009 ti wrote:
>Aw.. thanks Rod. that reminds me, I am still yet to write up a trip report.
Will it include an account of why your rack ends at c4 #5? ;-)
12-May-2009 3:11:00 PM
On 12/05/2009 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>I was way impressed with seeing your virtually pro-less lead of the (lower
>version of) rising-traverse ramp on final pitch of Defender of The Faith
>original route.
>Similarly the gutsy effort in pushing on to complete a pitch after taking
>a fall lower on the route.
>You were carrying that entire rack listed above plus some! at the time,
>so it was an excellent effort indeed.
Oh wow! I dont think I could fit the entire rack in my car, let alone on my harness! Thats not even mentioning the weight!
12-May-2009 3:11:37 PM
On 12/05/2009 ajfclark wrote:
>>~> I agree with captainpant;
12-May-2009 3:12:10 PM
ti wrote;
>: ) sure will!
Here is the C4 #6 (a little worse for wear after being recovered), to complete the rack again!
