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How much do Aliens sell for in Australia? |
1-Mar-2012 6:31:44 PM
Nah you'd still be a seppo - you can't really change that bit.
But if you did all that to ODH's bottom you'd be more of an arsebandit than an arseclown.
1-Mar-2012 6:36:24 PM
Bomber Pro could film it and find a way to make it boring even for the gay population. One Day Hero is sad because his wifebeater just makes him look like a worn-out truckie. Dont mind them.
1-Mar-2012 6:43:23 PM
On 1/03/2012 jsj42 wrote:
>So, "dick"...if I took my "c--k" (fill in the blanks and pronounce it exactly
>as it's spelled) and used it to "route" you in the "arsehole", would that
>make me more of a "seppo" or less?
Um-ah, swearer! Here in Aus we don't use power tools, i.e. a router, anywhere near someone's bum, if it can be helped. In the case it can't be helped then cest la vie!
As an aside, you probably wouldn't want to route someone with a cork, cook, cauk or cask. It's just not cricket!
1-Mar-2012 7:38:31 PM
On 1/03/2012 jsj42 wrote:
>So, "dick"...if I took my "c--k" (fill in the blanks and pronounce it exactly
>as it's spelled) and used it to "route" you in the "arsehole", would that
>make me more of a "seppo" or less?
Oh, that you've self identified as a gay rapist, I have loads of respect for you.
To answer your question though, it would confirm my suspicions about the general disposition of seppo climbers.
1-Mar-2012 9:15:35 PM
OHD - you can't go around calling people names. Racism isn't tolerated, so tone down the posts or it will be another week at home thinking of silly things to say till your account gets re-enabled...
1-Mar-2012 10:12:21 PM
Let the record show that I simply was trying to sell my Aliens, and provide some feedback on how much I like Aliens over Mastercams. Stating how hard I climb was simply to offer some credibility (ie I'm not some gym climbing gumbie who doesn't know anything).
ODH, I don't even know you, and you don't know me, but you felt the need to attack me and make all sorts of insinuations about me from halfway around the world. Maybe you thought I was arrogantly spraying and for some reason that offended you? Believe me I was not - the last thing I need is some sort of ego stroke from the likes of you.
Again, I was just trying to sell my cams.
While you may be harboring all sorts of negativity towards American climbers as evidenced by your last post, most Australian climbers I've met (and climbed with) are fine folks (some of my best experiences were climbing Passport with the late Shaggy Kreutzer, climbing the Rainbow Wall with Adam Demmert, and climbing the West Face of El Cap with Gareth Llewellyn). There are, of course, assholes in every country (America included) - and perhaps you are just one of the Australian variety. Which is really a shame, because I suspect we'd get on just fine in person. Oh well, I'm not losing sleep over it.
1-Mar-2012 10:14:38 PM
Over to you jsj42. With a tiny bit of imagination you can incite a proper ODH abuse torrent. Go for it; it's not personal and he loves the attention.
1-Mar-2012 10:15:53 PM
arr i wos too slow
1-Mar-2012 10:18:27 PM
Hanging shit on yanks isn't racism..........its a national passtime. Besides, I've seen this guy at the crag, he stuggles to onsight mid-5.11. Claiming to be some "5.13 trad climber" is false advertising, making his second-hand gear sound tougher than it really is.
1-Mar-2012 10:25:33 PM
My climbing resume is entirely open to the public - I keep extensive notes of my performance on every route I've done. Perhaps you have seen me at the crag and if so, it's entirely likely that you've seen me struggle on 5.11's. Heck, I've fallen off 5.9's. I also flashed the Moonlight Buttress and yes, have redpointed many 5.13 trad climbs. You don't have to agree with my tactics - which occasionally involves top roping, more often involves going ground up, and always involves whipping and hangdogging - but really, why all the hate? Besides, if I were such a bad climber, wouldn't that just make me an even better judge of how good Aliens are at catching my talentless butt?
You don't hear me bashing your ability as a climber... mainly because I don't give a shit about you. But once you go attacking me - and w/o provocation - what do you expect?
1-Mar-2012 10:31:24 PM
Ah, you seem all right, and you've climbed with some people I like. How'd you do on Passport? If you ticked that off, you're a bloody good climber in my book.
B.t.w., I was bullshitting about having seen you climb (another aussie passtime)
1-Mar-2012 10:32:29 PM
An excellent, even handed response jsj. Well played.
1-Mar-2012 10:35:47 PM
Fully A-O of course. I climbed in Australia in 2004 and at the time, Despatched was by far and away the hardest route I had ever redpointed. I would love to try Passport again now that I've marginally improved as a rock climber.
I did get a pretty sweet photo though:
1-Mar-2012 11:00:08 PM
I'm not even trying to be an arsehole here, but this sort of thing.....
>My climbing resume is entirely open to the public - I keep extensive notes
>of my performance on every route I've done.
.....might gain you cred in the U.S., but I don't know a single climber over here who would read that and think anything other than "wanker"
Seriously, Miguel? What did you think when you read that?
Miguel is a certified nice guy (mormon), he'll burn in hell if he thinks any thoughts which are too nasty. And he's even done a residential training program in "interacting with yanks without hanging shit on them"......studied in Utah
1-Mar-2012 11:14:28 PM
On 1/03/2012 One Day Hero wrote:
>I'm not even trying to be an arsehole here, but this sort of thing.....
>>My climbing resume is entirely open to the public - I keep extensive
>>of my performance on every route I've done.
>.....might gain you cred in the U.S., but I don't know a single climber
>over here who would read that and think anything other than "wanker"
Correct. Same goes with the 'I've done lots of sketchy 5.13 trad' comment. We have the tall poppy syndrome, they actively encourage each other to be what we would call wankers. We're just different fer fussake.
1-Mar-2012 11:20:22 PM
Exactly! And what's the world coming to if you can't use inherent cultural differences to get a cheap laugh by humiliating a foreigner?
2-Mar-2012 2:56:11 AM
You haven't succeeded in humiliating me, but if you're laughing, fine, the world can use more of that. Of course, your style is on par with me making "inbred prisoner" jokes... the idea of which doesn't even amount to a "cheap laugh" and just falls short at "totally lame."
If I were to go onto Mountain Project and ask "what do you think of XXX cams?" I'd get two-dozen opinions from the peanut gallery to sift through - garbage. But if someone came along who said, "I climb at such and such level and I love/hate said cams," I wouldn't think, "what a douche," I'd think, "oh, this guy might know what he's talking about, I'll consider his opinion".
I do find it interesting that you feel so strongly Australian. While I am American and am undoubtedly heavily influenced by my culture, I don't think of myself as a slave to it... I certainly am in the small minority as compared to the predominant opinions, values, and lifestyle in my own country. Maybe that's why I can't see how attempting to humiliating anyone for a laugh could possibly be funny to anyone but a moron.
2-Mar-2012 7:08:56 AM
Chockstone is an amusing place to lurk. So many examples of learned behavior and transference.
One Dago Hero obviously got so many 'wog boy' taunts in school that he spends all his time trying to prove he is a cool Aussie. Your 'camooflarge' doesnt fool us!
Widewetandslippery probably had some (Hungarian?) hardman for a father, who would attempt to chew through engine blocks and then pop a couple hundred percocet for the pain.
I can imagine a day at the Mikllaw ranch, just blowing shit up and relaxing with a beer or two.
Simey's Mom obviously doesnt love him. Not unusual for guidebook authors.
Miguel75 obviously spends too much time hanging around with wussbags.
I like inbred prisoner jokes.
2-Mar-2012 9:04:49 AM
On 2/03/2012 jsj42 wrote:
>If I were to go onto Mountain Project and ask "what do you think of XXX
>cams?" I'd get two-dozen opinions from the peanut gallery to sift through
>- garbage. But if someone came along who said, "I climb at such and such
>level and I love/hate said cams," I wouldn't think, "what a douche," I'd
>think, "oh, this guy might know what he's talking about, I'll consider
>his opinion".
jsj42, apart from striking ODH being a prick as usual there is a cultural difference, with Australians tending to the British school of understatement. Conrad Anker recounts somewhere that when he was about to give a presentation in the UK he was surprised to be told to tone down his , to him, matter-of-fact statement of his climbing ability. He was then further surprised to hear Mick Fowler present an account of a desperate Himalayan alpine-style ascent as though Mick and his partner were abject bumblies rather than the brilliant alpinists that they are.
There's actually nothing wrong with either approach but it can lead to misunderstandings. In ODH's favour, he probably understood this quite well but couldn't resist the temptation to be his normal offensive self.
2-Mar-2012 10:12:29 AM
On 1/03/2012 One Day Hero wrote:
>I'm not even trying to be an arsehole here, but this sort of thing.....
>>My climbing resume is entirely open to the public - I keep extensive
>>of my performance on every route I've done.
>.....might gain you cred in the U.S., but I don't know a single climber
>over here who would read that and think anything other than "wanker"
>Seriously, Miguel? What did you think when you read that?
Funnily enough it makes perfect sense... I don't know why it's more prevalent in the US, but most of my US mates document their progression. A few examples: one kept his vertical mileage when skinning through the back country, another tracked his Mt bike mileage, broken down into desert, single track, road, chair lift accessed... and quite a few tracked every detail of their reloads (rifle and pistol rounds!) One of the first things I noticed when I got out to the US was the propensity of stating your skills as a matter of fact, as opposed to the Aussie norm of talking yourself down. It took a little while to realize it wasn't always about bragging, mostly just painting a picture.
BTW, did I mention I onsighted Greys arête the other day? No? Well I did! BOOYAH!