For some reason or another that quote got me unsuccessfully digging about in my notebooks for something along the lines of "insomnia - the disease of the incurably alive" but I couldn't find it.
But found something more appropriate (i.e. funny)..why I wrote this all down I can't remember, but obviously was letting out a bit of built up passive aggressive tension after three days of belaying...
XXXX on the Penetrator
"Yeh I see what you mean it is easier that way"
"That time I almost had it"
"Too much cycling - loss of flexibility"
"Its just a boulder problem on top rope"
"Oh damn I missed the fucher again"
"I got it that time but I fell off"
"I hate doing moves over and over again - as much chance of doing it the first time as the 60th"
"Oh yeh I'll do it this afternoon"
"Can I have another belay - see if I can be bothered doing this"
Next day
"Ahh I'm getting it but ......"
"xxxx did you do ....."
"I'm impressed you guys had the patience to stick this out"
"I know I can do the rest"
"This route is not inspiring me the least"
"Maybe I'll try the dyno once more - you can't go wrong:"
"Ahh this is stupid"
"I can feel my finger getting more and more stressed"
Sorry for the OT...but could any of you literary devils or hero's divine the source of this quote which seems strangely appropriate for us chockies:
Much of human behaviour can be seen as actions designed to manipulate the responses of others to confirm a desired identity or to validate a particular view of reality.
it appears in a notebook between a quote from goethe, a comic strip cutting and another qoute from voltaire which for some reason also seems appropriate:
We are unhappy because of what we lack, and never happy by dint of what we have. To sleep etc. is not happiness; not to sleep is unbearable.
Amy Winehouse. In a failed attempt to help before she died, not even Gavin from Autoglass could fix her crack problem.
Can all those waiting to make a joke about Amy Winehouse please form a line…
It’s what she would’ve wanted.
Whats the difference between Jeremy Clarkson and Amy Winehouse?
Jeremy Clarkson is still on top gear.
Two detectives are in Amy Winehouses flat. One says to the other “I’ve never heard of her, what was she famous for?”
The other copper replies “She was a very well known musician.”
The first detective looks around and says, “Ah, I see now. Let me guess, she played the spoons?”
Whats the difference between Amy Winehouse and a Moped?
A Moped can hit 30
What do Amy Winehouse and Michael Jackson have in common?
They both have a 10 year old crack addiction.
Before telling such sick and abusive jokes about Amy Winehouse, think about her poor close friends.
Imagine how they’ll feel on Thursday, when they finally come round and find out.
News of Amy Winehouse’s death travelled with such speed. When I heard I couldn’t help but crack up with emotion. She was a real heroin. It’s such a blow. She really made a hash of things though. Her life just went to pot. Someone should have kept tabs on her.
Elton John will perform at Amy Winehouse’s funeral with a beautiful rendition of Candle Under The Spoon.
News: Amy Winehouse is found slightly more dead today, than yesterday.
Alex Higgins and George Best are very, very, very happy….
They’ve just found out heaven’s getting a new Winehouse…
What was Amy Winehouse’s biggest hit?
Her last one.
I can’t believe she died at 27.
Poor girl didn’t even make it to an ounce.
It seems that this is the end of the line for Ms. Winehouse.
The metropolitan police have had a shocking week.
Luckily for them, the Camden drug statistics just lowered by 50%
Unemployment in London has just hit a record high, after 6,000 drug dealers have just been put out of work.
My dyslexic mate just text me “There’s been a death at an Army Warehouse somewhere in North London”
Amy Winehouse was found dead, face down, in a pile of shit, piss and vomit….
Other people know it as Camden!
Lets not all focus on the negatives that surround her death, lets focus on the good things she left us with.
Like a f---ing chance at scoring some crack in London again.
I suppose with a surname like Winehouse, it was inevitable that Amy would die because of drink.
I just hope that my son, Dave Beergarden, doesn’t go the same way.
Keep hearing Amy Winehouse being described as a ‘Wasted talent’..
Fair enough ……. she was always wasted!
After hearing the news of Amy Winehouse’s death, I could not be more upset…
I had her down for August in the sweepstakes.
So Amy Winehouse is dead?
What a waste of breast implants!
And another one sniffs the dust!
In honour of Amy Winehouse, we shall all be doing 15 lines in the pub toilets, tonight!
W.I.P Amy.
From your good friend Jonathon Ross. x
What the f---? Michael Jackson is dead?
It must be shit to be Pete Doherty; all of your best friends dying in one day….
Looks like theirs going to be an overdose on Amy Winehouse jokes today.Amy Winehouse found dead age 27.
Her family, friends, dealer and the owner of her local bargain booze are said to be totally distraught.
Amy Winehouse has been found dead in her London flat.
Oh well, more heroin for the rest of us.
They should’a made her go to rehab,
but now she’s,
Gone. Gone. Gone.
On 28/07/2011 sbm wrote:
>On 28/07/2011 StuckNut wrote:
>>RIP Amy Winehouse - now lets ROFLMAO!
>That's harsh man. We should be congratulating Amy for what is now five
>whole days of sobriety.
The ironic thing is that it was her sobriety that killed her.