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25-Feb-2011 11:42:34 AM
100 things learnt from experience
25-Feb-2011 12:06:56 PM
love this line
Routes that feel easy for the grade are.
Routes that feel hard for the grade aren't
25-Feb-2011 1:26:43 PM
My favourites (and most appropriate given the recent discussions) include:
Family and non-climbing friends will find it hard at first to understand that visits and other social engagements are strictly conditional on a crap weather forecast. (this is me through and through, though then they end up complaining when they dont see me even if the weather is crap because I have a go at getting a break in that bad weather and go anyway :P)
You can hit someone harder with a large Hex than a large Friend. <---thats the appropriate one :)
There is no comfortable way to sleep on a slope. (grr)
# When camping, take an empty two-litre orange juice bottle with a screw-on cap with you. You'll understand why when, having drunk seven pints and passed out, you wake up and realise it's pissing down and freezing cold outside.
# Never drink out of orange juice bottles at camping sites in the morning, especially if you have a hangover.
25-Feb-2011 1:28:26 PM
On 25/02/2011 Gavo wrote:
>You can hit someone harder with a large Hex than a large Friend. <---thats the appropriate one :)
Is this like some busted version of rock paper scissors? Hex beats friend, Hammer beats hex...
25-Feb-2011 1:31:52 PM
Could be, but Im not volunteering to play it with anyone
25-Feb-2011 1:32:09 PM
Did no one think this was funny or do i need to work on my material?
25-Feb-2011 1:33:41 PM
Are you saying you really want some draws, or a kidney. Cause I feel uncomfortable laughing at someone who needs a kidney :)
25-Feb-2011 1:38:19 PM
Not so much funny, but a decent read.. so far.. Im not finished.
The kicking your fathers ass part gave me a chuckle
25-Feb-2011 1:39:18 PM
Haha, the draws. My kidneys are fine. Feel free to laugh at me.
25-Feb-2011 1:41:43 PM
25-Feb-2011 1:53:26 PM

Marriage is like a deck of cards.
In the beginning all you need is two hearts and a diamond.
By the end you wish you had a club and a spade.
25-Feb-2011 1:55:23 PM
That was on passiveaggressivenotes a few months back:
25-Feb-2011 2:03:22 PM
On 25/02/2011 ajfclark wrote:
>That was on passiveaggressivenotes a few months back:
just sharing the love...
25-Feb-2011 2:04:38 PM
the love... of cake
25-Feb-2011 2:04:52 PM
My favourite [passiveaggressivenote] is still the vegetarian support group one.
25-Feb-2011 2:07:50 PM
On 25/02/2011 Gavo wrote:
>the love... of cake
That reminds me...
Some of the others are better...
25-Feb-2011 2:26:29 PM
On 25/02/2011 jkane wrote:
>Did no one think this was funny or do i need to work on my material?
I thought it was funny, but was waiting for someone to say you can get it cheaper in the US
27-Feb-2011 9:05:39 PM
Im sure this was put up sometime, but I just found it and I thought it was awesome.
4-Mar-2011 2:13:55 PM
Not really funny, but something to chew some time on a Friday afternoon:
4-Mar-2011 3:20:43 PM
Yeah but it will be funny as hell once the kid gets stuck in the slide or slips going down the rope and Steve gets his arse sued off.