On 13/04/2010 ajfclark wrote:
>On 13/04/2010 ambyeok wrote:
>>Oh yeah. [You're] right. Friday funny appears to be the quality of my
>Your English could use some polish too... ;-)
so two couples were on a pub holiday and the men convinced their wives to do a bit of swapping one night. they decided that the next morning at breakfast they would tap on their teacups to show how things went.
one man, let's call him phil, laughed to himself on the way upstairs, knowing his wife was having her monthlies, thinking he had put one over on his mate, let's call him simon.
next morning phil looked smugly over to simon and tapped his teacup three times. simon casually picked up his spoon, tapped the strawberry jam once and the nutella three times.
Point Perpendicular was named by Captain James Cook during his infamous voyage to Australia in 1770 in search of new routes. Since then a number of other well known people have visited Point Perp and it now boasts several hundred routes on dozens of different cliffs. "
On 28/04/2010 DaCrux wrote:
>even more laughs from http://www.climbing.com.au/the_grampians.htm
>Julian Saunders might look like a girl but must be a really good climber
>if he can solo a 28 with a pack on his back....
And how long has there been a lake below Taipan Wall?