Author |
29-Mar-2018 1:06:59 PM
18-Apr-2018 8:22:10 PM
: D
19-Apr-2018 1:30:15 PM
On 18-Apr-2018 ima.seriousyoungliza wrote:
>..HEY DAMO !!!!!...CHECK OUT THIS MILF !!!!!!
> : D
That wasn’t funny Imahexliz , but it was good.
Glad she got the gold gong , so I see your connection with giving ODH the same.
19-Apr-2018 9:10:01 PM
: D
20-Apr-2018 5:14:31 PM
I can't ...
20-Apr-2018 5:28:08 PM
If you ever climb a few days too many here in Mt Vic my mate Geoff is highly reccomended , tell him your a 'chocky' and get a 5 percent discount.
[SPAM link removed by Moderator. Public warning (and PM sent also); as a registered user with a certain amount of credible use time on this site you should know better. If you do it again then expect time out.]
Now for a joke.
Whats the difference between a potato and a chickpea?
...I dont pay to have a potato on me.
21-Apr-2018 4:04:11 PM
: D.
27-Apr-2018 5:42:14 PM
Pissing through 6 inches of clothes with a 2-inch penis! – words by an Everest climber when asked what was the hardest thing about climbing Everest
my site: [SPAM link removed by Moderator. Public warning (and PM sent also); as a registered user with a certain amount of credible use time on this site you should know better. If you do it again then expect time out.]
18-May-2018 10:07:46 AM
.: D
31-May-2018 7:55:06 PM
: D
31-May-2018 9:31:51 PM
Sorry ima. I’m all for obtuse humour and mostly love ya work but the first clip wasn’t funny at all.
1-Jun-2018 6:14:51 PM
I once had a dog named Culla , who would always chase people on rollerblades , and often try to maul them. For many years I thought this was hilarious and would actually take him to Queens park or Manly beach unleashed for a good show, however each attack became more and more severe and there finally came a time where the council caught up with him and took his little rollerblades.
2-Jun-2018 10:35:13 AM
: D
21-Jun-2018 12:12:49 PM
: D
21-Jun-2018 7:55:21 PM
On 1-Jun-2018 E. Wells wrote:
>the council caught up with him and took his little
22-Jun-2018 8:00:07 AM
Old Tommy Cooper joke.
"Every Sunday my dog and I go for a tramp in the woods.
The dog really enjoys it but the tramp is beginning to get pissed off."
30-Jun-2018 3:41:59 PM
In the World Cup spirit Neymar GOAT