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26-Oct-2013 1:47:08 AM
On 25/10/2013 Ben_E wrote:
>Any critter that beats up on cats is golden in my book.
+1, though they don't just stop at cats. And rabies treatments aren't pleasant, I've heard.
>Really? I kind of like the smell of skunk... at least at that low-level
>you get when one has been hit somewhere on the highway.
Yeah they don't seem to stink quite as bad unless they spray. It's retch-inducing.
> Mind you, while
>living in the US I nearly got sprayed once or twice when I surprised one
>on my bike late at night. If I'd got a face full I'm sure I'd like it less.
I ran over a dead one on my bike a year or two ago - was coming around a blind corner at some speed and there it was right in front of me. I've never pedaled so hard in my life.
27-Oct-2013 11:02:32 AM
8-Feb-2014 9:35:05 PM
Not Friday, but: The Big Liebowski as 8 Bit Videogame.
8-Feb-2014 10:01:01 PM
On 8/02/2014 phillipivan wrote:
>Not Friday, but:
>The Big Liebowski as 8 Bit Videogame.
You'll need to delete and repost on Friday…. Sorry but those are the rules:)
8-Feb-2014 10:34:02 PM
Can you file the old and start a new thread.
9-Feb-2014 12:14:45 AM
On 8/02/2014 Miguel75 wrote:
>On 8/02/2014 phillipivan wrote:
>>Not Friday, but:
>>The Big Liebowski as 8 Bit Videogame.
>You'll need to delete and repost on Friday…. Sorry but those are the rules:)
You first.
21-Feb-2014 2:39:57 PM
Saw this post from the parody Reddit forum ClimbingCircleJerk:
"When you're new to climbing, sometimes you get a little overexcited about meeting your climbing heroes. Once or twice, new climbers at my gym have, well, made a bit of a mess when Chris "The God" Sharma or Alex "Please Put Your Huge Biceps Around Me" Puccio drop by on their circuit. So, this is a story I sometimes tell the gumbies about the time I met one of my climbing heroes.
So, I'll preface this story by letting you know that I'm a serious business climber. Like, I climb 5.17d in my sleep. I'm that serious. Well, so about seven years ago I was involved in developing a new crag (you've probably never heard of it). Well, there was this one really cool-looking line that started in a cave, then rose up across a roof, and then right up a beautiful series of pockets. Pure climbing heaven.
Well, we bolted the line and got to working on it. We know it would be a hard one from the moment we first saw it, but damn, we didn't realize how hard it actually was. Day after day we worked it, but we made no progress.
Well, one morning, we arrive only to see this guy halfway up the line, maybe 15 meters up. He couldn't have given it much practice that morning, because it's just barely light out, and the sun wasn't even up. As we got closer, we could see that he was freesoloing it. Just running right up it.
Well, we watched him, totally amazed, as he went from two-finger pocket to pinch to 1 finger gaston, and finally tapped the anchor. Then he did the most amazing thing....he let go with his left hand, tapped something on his belt, and just....let go. Before we knew it, he had dropped all 30 meters to the ground and stood before us. He was covered in black spandex, and was wearing a black balaclava with what seemed almost to be ears. He just glared at us and, in a gravelly voice, said, "5.12d." My jaw just dropped. I was sure it was going to go at 5.14c or higher. This guy not only sent my project, but he downgraded it before I even got a chance to rate it. Total bullshit. I opened my mouth to ask him who he thought he was, but before I could finish my sentence, he growled, "I'm Batman." And then he clocked me one upside the head and ran off.
So, to this day, I tell this story to gumbies so they'll know that, no matter how cool they think it is to spot Chris Sharma at their gym, they'll know I'm cooler, because Batman sent my proj."
8-Mar-2014 7:20:10 AM
This made my day, from our fearless leader Tony Abbott
“When I look out tonight at an audience of people who work with timber, who work in forests, I don’t see people who are environmental bandits, I see people who are the ultimate conservationists,”
Up is down and black is white also and the ministry of truth says that 2 + 2 = 5...
A little late but it's still friday over where I am.
21-Mar-2014 10:20:44 AM
Jokes from around the world, in their original form and the bizarre English translation.
Interesting to see which ones are obviously puns and word play or in-jokes; vs the simple international sex, gross out and toilet humour.
21-Mar-2014 11:03:03 AM
On 21/03/2014 martym wrote:
>Jokes from around the world, in their original form and the bizarre English
>Interesting to see which ones are obviously puns and word play or in-jokes;
>vs the simple international sex, gross out and toilet humour.
Yoo hoo Mr martym, thank you for posting that link as I did so enjoy it, but unlike you I found it more interesting to see that other cultures are equally well adapt at disparaging humour of the expense of their ethnic targets variety.
And here was I thinking that it was just Derek my M10 love, who was gross for that type of humour, amongst those I hear humour from.
That kind of link gets me to thinking, but here is an example of why it isn't always good to come to what appears to be a logical conclusion.
So there's three climbing mates sitting at the Bluies Mt Vic bar one night, all chatting about life
when a bloke in a suit walks in sits down and orders a scotch.
After a bit of debate between the three mates as to what the bloke in the suit
does for a living, the sport-climbing one of them decides to go and ask him.
So he strolls over sits down and says, “Hey there mate, we don't get many blokes
in here wearing suits, would you mind me asking what you do for a crust?”
“I'm a Logical Scientist”, says the suit bloke.
“I’ve never heard of one of those, what does a Logical Scientist do?”
“Well I'll give you an example, Do you own a goldfish?”
“Yes I do.”
“From that it's logical to assume you keep it in a bowl or a pond.”
“I keep mine in a pond”, he says.
“Ok from that it's logical to assume you live in a house with a yard.”
“Yep sure do.”
“From that it's logical to assume that you are married with a family.”
“Yep wife and four kids.”
“Ok so it's logical to assume you have a healthy sex life!”
“Yep three times a week, but you haven't answered my question, What is a Logical Scientist?”
The scientist says, “I asked you if you had a goldfish, and from that I deduced that you lived in a house with your wife and kids and you had a healthy sex life”.
The sport-climber goes back to his mates and tells them he is a Logical Scientist.
His bouldering mate asks what a Logical Scientist does.
“Righto I’ll give you an example, Do you own a goldfish?”
“No I don't own a goldfish.”
“Well you're a wanker.”
21-Mar-2014 11:40:32 AM
On 21/03/2014 MrsM10iswhereitsat. wrote:
>That kind of link gets me to thinking, but here is an example of why it
>isn't always good to come to what appears to be a logical conclusion.
>“Righto I’ll give you an example, Do you own a goldfish?”
22-Mar-2014 12:46:29 PM
New door lock that is selling well in SA at the moment...

24-Mar-2014 12:40:42 PM
Gilligan found it...
24-Mar-2014 2:20:31 PM
They could make a radio out of two coconuts and some sand, but couldn't fix a three foot hole in a boat. They'll have no hope with a plane.
24-Mar-2014 2:27:47 PM
On 24/03/2014 Edward Oslabofvic wrote:
>They could make a radio out of two coconuts and some sand, but couldn't
>fix a three foot hole in a boat. They'll have no hope with a plane.
~> You reckon they must've been gen-y-sportclimbers, eh bro?
24-Mar-2014 3:25:08 PM
On 24/03/2014 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>>~> You reckon they must've been gen-y-sportclimbers, eh bro?
They don't have beards though
24-Mar-2014 4:13:01 PM
On 24/03/2014 Edward Oslabofvic wrote:
>On 24/03/2014 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>>>~> You reckon they must've been gen-y-sportclimbers, eh bro?
>They don't have beards though
You have grown a beard?
Pics or it never happened.
28-Mar-2014 10:44:34 AM
On 28/03/2014 ajfclark wrote:
>Stumbled across this earlier in the week though it's probably not funny
>if you didn't play street fighter:
I get it... but they're not climbing rocks... it might be rock hard, but it's not rock...
28-Mar-2014 3:17:31 PM
Man, I dumped almost enough for a house deposit into that game back in my youth.
I was at least a 5.14 Streetfighter player.
28-Mar-2014 3:21:07 PM
On 28/03/2014 spicelab wrote:
>Man, I dumped almost enough for a house deposit into that game back in
>my youth.
>I was at least a 5.14 Streetfighter player.
And then Kylie Minogue ruined it all...