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mouseys magical land of nonsense |
18-Sep-2007 8:07:32 PM
Hey little mousey
don't you cry !
In a snow board acci
ur gunna dy !!! :D
Theres gunna be blood all over the snow
but that babe from last night
left in ur cheek a happy glow ;-)
So when the tabloids put u on the front
no ones gunna call u a
Take it easy, bro !
18-Sep-2007 8:10:23 PM
haha i actually met her at the snow through some mutual friends, then drove her home to the shire... damn shire women :P
and i was actually on my best behaviour, barely looked another girl while i was after her...
>hat about insurance and all that shit for when it all comess tumblin down , via a snow board f-up ??
after all my injuries im well schooled in that shit dude, its all in place.
18-Sep-2007 8:15:53 PM
18-Sep-2007 8:23:02 PM
On 18/09/2007 mousey wrote:
>haha i actually met her at the snow through some mutual friends, then drove
>her home to the shire... damn shire women :P
>and i was actually on my best behaviour...
Yeah well thats where u fkd up !!! Shire gools seen it all , when them bin growin up out eeerreee booooyy !!!
" Do it like they do on the Discovery channel !!! "
Forgit th darmons an chocklattes , jerst beer an a beer rug ...
18-Sep-2007 8:27:27 PM
haha! nah this one was very different but not meant to be mine apparently
18-Sep-2007 8:30:22 PM
Oh well ... HEY !!! UR SISTERS FRIENDS !!! ... they are always a great avenue for potential gfs !!! ... or maybe her piano teacher if you fancy the ' mature woman ' thing ...
28-Sep-2007 7:19:15 PM
++random entry into the mouse's e-journal++
went out last w/e for a skate sesh @ bondi bowl... few bourbons, few crashes, lots of good times with the boys... got a couple snaps too
sambo laying it off the tiles

nat styling a frontside 5-0

just about to run out the door for 3 days of 4wdin, boozing and bootay @ stockton, have a fun&safe long w/e everybawdy
1-Oct-2007 9:48:54 AM
Great shots Josh!
1-Oct-2007 10:10:11 PM
damn. best weekend of my life.
1-Oct-2007 11:36:43 PM
What? Better than Ozy? Come on . . .
2-Oct-2007 2:04:28 PM
ozy was absolutely amazing but spending 3 funpacked days & 4 nights charging & chilling with my best mates in the world has trumped it macca....
i didnt take a camera but lots of people did, photos (for anyone that gives a damn?) will start to appear on my flickr soon
2-Oct-2007 2:26:48 PM
great! What does it look like cropped up (esp. B&W shot)?
4-Oct-2007 10:40:10 PM
12-Oct-2007 6:39:50 PM
frenchies have been spying on us
12-Oct-2007 6:49:07 PM
pastrana is a madman
12-Oct-2007 6:53:28 PM
That first Bondi bowl shot is awesome .
12-Oct-2007 7:14:25 PM
It had started in a pub. Sly was having a beer with an old friend from school and the old friend from school was very upset about his family pie-making business.
'We should never have moved into ham and cheese,' the old friend from school was saying, 'ham and cheese is a poof's pie. I told Dad, I said, "Dad, ham and cheese is a poof's pie.
The great Australian bloke is not going to take kindly to having to build the best bloody country in the world on ham and cheese pie."
'He wants meat,' sympathized Sly.
'Of course he wants meat,' the old friend from school said, 'you can't surf all day and root all night on ham and cheese.'
12-Oct-2007 7:24:03 PM
It was if he had gone mad. He was acting in a way which he despised himself for. If had been fifteen years since he had tried his hand at poetry. He had thought that shameful, inexcusable episode in his life was over and forgotten forever. There is absolutely no excuse for amateur poetry writing, it should be against the law. Teenagers, CD reluctantly accepted, should be allowed a brief foray into the repulsive, self-indulgent activity. After all, every kid in the world goes through a period where they are under the impression that they are the only person who has ever suffered, the only person who has ever truly understood confusion and rejection, and exam revision and acne. Obviously this horrid time needs an outlet other than vandalism and hence, while it lasts, every kid is clearly entitled to pen the teen-anguished epic. At the age of fifteen CD had decided to ditch poetry to leave more time for masturbation and had never had cause to regret the decision.
12-Oct-2007 7:26:16 PM
cheers adam
hey ten mouse-points if anyone knows where the above paragraphs are stolen from
also, anyone got beta on 'who killed the kennedys' at the frontline? got on it this arvo and tried a couple burly sequences that might work but im sure there must be an easier way?
12-Oct-2007 7:38:35 PM
Is it lifted out of something written by John Birmingham?