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mouseys magical land of nonsense |
24-May-2007 9:47:18 AM
righto little miss, you're on my list for a beatdown now
see this?
^thats my 'im gonna kick you in the hiney' face!
24-May-2007 9:50:10 AM
hmmmm cat versus mouse...
24-May-2007 9:50:19 AM
24-May-2007 9:50:55 AM
On 24/05/2007 steph wrote:
>hmmmm cat versus mouse...
well that works for both of us, cus IM TASTY!!!
24-May-2007 9:50:58 AM
On 24/05/2007 Sabu wrote:
welcome to the party ;p
24-May-2007 9:51:53 AM
looks like fun!
24-May-2007 9:56:43 AM
On 23/05/2007 red wrote:
>Climbing at the youies is like wanking with a cheese grater - slightly
>amusing but mostly painful!
sorry but i fail to see the source of even the slightest amusement in wanking with a cheesegrater
24-May-2007 9:59:48 AM
On 24/05/2007 mousey wrote:
>On 23/05/2007 red wrote:
>>Climbing at the youies is like wanking with a cheese grater - slightly
>>amusing but mostly painful!
>sorry but i fail to see the source of even the slightest amusement in
>wanking with a cheesegrater
i see it ;P
24-May-2007 10:01:11 AM
well its a novelty, and a great talking point with the ladies: "that guy u were with, hes a pussy, im a real man cos i use a cheesgrater to get off, hope ur up to the task"
dude its foolproof.
in fact i dare you to say that next time ur at a party, just for the look on the chicks face!
24-May-2007 10:01:18 AM
On 24/05/2007 steph wrote:
>i see it ;P
poor james..... poor, poor james....
*shakes head in sympathetic disbelief*
24-May-2007 10:02:17 AM
yeah yeah.
24-May-2007 10:04:04 AM
On 24/05/2007 Sabu wrote:
>in fact i dare you to say that next time ur at a party, just for the look
>on the chicks face!
well i DOUBLE dare you to say that to a chick at the ararat safeway.
24-May-2007 10:04:21 AM
On 24/05/2007 mousey wrote:
>On 24/05/2007 steph wrote:
>>i see it ;P
>poor james..... poor, poor james....
>*shakes head in sympathetic disbelief*
AHAHAHA who's the girlyman now? don't u wanna prove urself mousey? take up sabu's dare, it'd be soooo funny :)
>well i DOUBLE dare you to say that to a chick at the ararat safeway.
don't say that - he'll do it :S
24-May-2007 10:07:45 AM
>don't say that - he'll do it :S
and so will she, no doubt
24-May-2007 10:09:30 AM
On 24/05/2007 steph wrote:
>>well i DOUBLE dare you to say that to a chick at the ararat safeway.
>don't say that - he'll do it :S
snigger, i'd probably give it a go and get stopped in the doorway on my in!
24-May-2007 10:10:12 AM
On 24/05/2007 Sabu wrote:
>On 24/05/2007 steph wrote:
>>>well i DOUBLE dare you to say that to a chick at the ararat safeway.
>>don't say that - he'll do it :S
>snigger, i'd probably give it a go and get stopped in the doorway on my
damn straight. lol
24-May-2007 10:17:55 AM
for archival purposes....
On 24/05/2007 BadBrad of the Isles wrote:
>It's really quite simple as guys are quite simple when you boil it down.
>1) Arrange date making it clear you will drive.
>2) Pick him up but make sure the entire inside of your car except for
>one small area for driving vision is covered with hardcore p0rnography.
>3) Garnish liberally with an assortment of strategiaclly placed s3x toys.
>4) Greet him with the line "i hope you bought a lot of water because its
>going to be a long day"
>Guaranteed results*.
>* Disclaimer: This may contain traces of nuts.
24-May-2007 10:53:45 AM
Mousey is all in a rush.
Obviously the pseudo-sex topics get him going ...
Have been keeping an eye on his posts to congratulate him on his 2000th when it appeared and yesterday he was up to 1998; ... but since then he rapidly got to 2031 (and still rising), so I can't be fagged trying to backtrack which actual one was the 2000 POST milestone.
Anywho; ... CONGRATULATIONS MOUSEY; ... big group hug folks; and Yay, Hip Hip Hooray; 4eezajollygoodmouseyetc on passing that Chockstone post milestone.
BTW Hex in all his forms (including Ghost) is up to 2248 so you still have some apprenticing to do B4yadoimmousey! ... although a young gun like yourself is likely to have more time left up your sleeve to achieve it than ghosts, or dinosaurs like us.*
(*M9 and his adoring troll variants).
Heh, heh, heh.
24-May-2007 11:02:17 AM
wowee, what can i say? im getting all choked up!
i spend way to much time on this f---ing forum. no wonder i never get any work done. ive still got film in the 'in' tray from araps at new years...
24-May-2007 11:06:29 AM
On 24/05/2007 mousey wrote:
>wowee, what can i say? im getting all choked up!
>i spend way to much time on this f---ing forum. no wonder i never get
>any work done. ive still got film in the 'in' tray from araps at new years...
Ah the memories.....