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mouseys magical land of nonsense |
13-May-2007 10:55:08 PM
I'm no snowboarder, but thought you might appreciate this:
13-May-2007 11:39:34 PM
i definately appreciate that video. even more than i appreciated it when i posted it a few pages ago :) thanks mate
14-May-2007 2:08:34 PM
>making prank 'please rescue us' phonecalls to our mums
Not good.
Mums take these things seriously*.
(*SES and other persons in authority do also).
I know, 'cos one of my saddest experiences arising out of a climbing context was upsetting a loved one inadvertently.
... better to stick to rope jumping at the big B Gorge, where your mum will have justifiable concerns!
14-May-2007 11:16:11 PM
bummer dude, there goes a few grand!!
15-May-2007 12:06:01 AM
| keeps me well entertained. gold...
thread= Are Noobs Killing Our Sport?
Dingus writes:
Some say its true.... Tragedy of the Commons and all that horseshit. Well what say you Commoners? Are you killing our sport? Once it was only the dirtbags and us elite who climbed, now they climb on orange juice commercials. Does ths represent the Death of Climbing? Death by Noob?
no, i didnt read the couple hundred replies. but i did read the last page.
mamajamma wrote:
The only thing dying is your concept of what's traditional. You're going to die one day you self-centered sob. Why waste time worrying about the death of "your" sport. Clinging to concepts is the absence of true living. Perhaps your sport never existed anywhere but your own mind.
Whatever dick that said "ego is the essence of our sport" is a superficial loser. Climbing is not all about the climber. By challenging ourselves and being good students, we make ourselves more fully available to the community. Don't be stupid, It's not all about ripped muscles and inflated ego.
suzie_cuzie said:
>mamajama wrote:
I>t's not all about ripped muscles and inflated ego.
...OMG, it's not??? Are you sure? Maybe you should pick up a copy of Rock and Ice, because I'm pretty sure it is...
Btw, good work on givin it to Dingus. People will try to tell you that this thread was tongue-in-cheek and meant to be humourous, but don't you listen. Dingus is a n00b-hating monster. When n00bs ask him for help, he tells them to f--- off. When he sees them climbing at the crags, he cuts their ropes and laughs as they plummet to serious injury/death. He's just a bad, bad guy.
15-May-2007 7:20:20 PM
well thank god for the efficient tafe systems in nsw.
got a package in the mail today, inside was a certificate congratulating me on completing 1st year 'aviation - aircraft ops', dated october 2003.
thats ancient history ay- time for a little story about uncle josh.
dunno if ive even told anyone but i always wanted to be a pilot, i even started flying for a couple years (little 150's, 172s and piper tommos, plus gliding in russian blanicks and some whippy little S8 or somethin) when i was about 14. when i was 16 & stopped gymnastics (parents pulled me out of the 30 hour a week training schedule because i had no life) i joined the air cadets at richmond raaf base and spent a while doing boyish things like marching around on the tarmac, dressing up in yowie suits & kickin gthe shit out of each other on bush exercises, and even spent a while on the range with the ol f88s and minimis...good times.
anyway so age 17 hits and im kickin my own ass with physics & chemistry text books. ive started taking aviation at tafe after school to the raaf that im keen. my raafy friends reckon im doin good. i head in for a medical feelin mighty confident that its only a year or 2 before im cruising around in an f111.
well then dr whateverthef---hisnamewas reckons that a hearing defect (from birth) puts me just under the acceptable hearing range for acceptance into pilot training.
next day i drop out of physics & punch a couple holes in my bedroom wall, within weeks ive discovered rock climbing, the rest is history.
15-May-2007 7:47:25 PM
Thems the breaks kido, well look at the bright side! now insead of punching the shit out of your bedroom
wall, the walls are kickin your ass!
15-May-2007 9:03:19 PM
You'll always be Captain Mousey to me...
15-May-2007 9:06:47 PM
lucky for you dude, you could of ended up as some gay arsed fly boy with those ridiculous looking sunnies bombing the shit out of "terrorists" ie civillians or your own troops over in Iraq or Afghanistan. Instead your living the good life over here, climbing some awesome rock (and some choss) and taking some bullshit good photos. Call it a hard decision maybe but I know where I wanna be.
15-May-2007 9:22:17 PM
On 15/05/2007 Onsight wrote:
>You'll always be Captain Mousey to me...
On 15/05/2007 surfinclimb wrote:
> Call it a hard decision maybe but
>I know where I wanna be.
roger that dude
15-May-2007 9:27:35 PM
On 15/05/2007 mousey wrote:
>roger that dude
What has he done to deserve that?
15-May-2007 9:28:53 PM
i like being stoked.
reason for being stoked number 1: check out next issue of inside sport.
reason for being stoked number 2: this no drinking, lots of training thing is working. im actually getting stronger.
reason for being stoked number 3: with all the work ive been doing im able to afford a car & a new camera & a NZ heliboarding/climbing trip.
reason for being stoked number 4: winter is almost here, my board is wazed, & it looks like im gonna pick up some sponsors!!
15-May-2007 9:30:00 PM
On 15/05/2007 kieranl wrote:
>On 15/05/2007 mousey wrote:
>>roger that dude
>What has he done to deserve that?
is that a joke? i like jokes. but i dont get it.
15-May-2007 9:30:39 PM
As in roger the cabin boy
15-May-2007 9:31:17 PM
On 15/05/2007 mousey wrote:
>roger that dude
that's a bit risqué. hey mousey, the pics on your website look super dark when i open them in my browser and i have to frig around to view them properly. is that by intelligent design?
15-May-2007 9:32:25 PM
no dude, thats by either my monitor being too bright or your being too dark. im gonna assume the later cus i did the site on a calibrated screen.
speaking of website i really should get around to changing the front pic on that...
as for rogering the cabin boy, excuse my comedic ignorance but ive never heard the expression before. it doesn't sound like a very pleasant experience for the cabin boy though, so maybe ill keep such obviously suggestive and rique language off of the forums. from now on i shall use either 'I AGREE' or 'PUMPKIN SOUP' in the stead of the rogering.
15-May-2007 9:33:38 PM
Rod obviously understands
15-May-2007 10:02:36 PM
On 15/05/2007 mousey wrote:
>no dude, thats by either my monitor being too bright or your being too
>dark. im gonna assume the later cus i did the site on a calibrated screen.
Your pics look fine on my three calibrated screens Josh. Maybe a touch heavy in the darks sometimes...
15-May-2007 10:24:59 PM
On 15/05/2007 mousey wrote:
> i head in for a medical
>well then dr whateverthef---hisnamewas reckons that a hearing defect (from
>birth) puts me just under the acceptable hearing range for acceptance into
>pilot training.
>next day i drop out of physics & punch a couple holes in my bedroom wall,
>within weeks ive discovered rock climbing, the rest is history.
Mousey have you seen Little Miss Sunshine? You might relate to one of the characters. Good movie
15-May-2007 10:25:52 PM
mr carter!! you gonna be there on the w/e i assume? monty seemed unsure so maybe giveim a ring