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mouseys magical land of nonsense |
2-May-2007 3:41:31 PM
OKAY so who's the numnuts that signed me up for a gay dating service email thing?
ill pay that, its pretty funny. but id still like to know who it was so that i can make rude gestures in your direction.
RETRO: okay you can stop signing me up for free porn now. serious.
2-May-2007 4:08:37 PM
ahahaha i wish i could say that it was me or that i knew who it was thats CLASSIC!!!!
4-May-2007 11:17:33 PM
mousy u'd like this:
4-May-2007 11:23:33 PM
id love to do that!
5-May-2007 2:12:36 AM
officially stoked.
check out the next inside sport.
also just ordered a yates sheild harness from the states... no more hangin out for hours in my corax!! yay
5-May-2007 8:29:16 PM
note to nick; dont leave yourself logged in on the ivanhoe computer if yo9u dont want me to sabotage your account.
kind regards,
6-May-2007 10:56:59 PM
an interesting thing happened today.
i went to redledge for a chill day with some of the boys (i cant climb 'ard enough for anythign there) and through the course of the day, sir vincent of daymus attacked me with a pair of the little foldup scissors that you get in medi kits, and gave me a dirty great mullet.
now understand that i friken hate bogans with a passion, but i looked straight out of the lithgow dog fights walkin around blackheath to get dinner. it was most embarassing. but we got some rad photos of me wearing elmars shortshorts and dodgy flanno. ill post em when i get a copy off vinny
6-May-2007 11:10:12 PM
just got sent this. not sure what to make of it. mildy entertaining i guess.
6-May-2007 11:38:35 PM
amost forgot!
CONGRATS TO HELEN DAY! this morning she sent 'dont believe the tripe' (29) at boronia point. on fire!!
8-May-2007 6:56:31 AM
On 7/05/2007 Dodgy_Gear wrote:
>Myself and several other people I climb with have had just about a gut
>full of the rampant mess that you have created in the Grampians over the
>last few years.
>It's not bad enough that routes have been going up with 7 bolts in 16m
>(these routes just reflect your short sited view) but this continual addition
>of rap stations and belays for the safety of all is going to far!
>If you or your friends that you justify your actions can not do the routes
>the way they were first climbed and had numerous ascents, then go do something
>else or work on your skills so you can. If you feel the risk is to great,
>then don't take it.
>I have had several heated discussion with the NBF in the past over their
>actions, one point raised was that there activities were just the thin
>edge of the wedge and other lesser climbers would see it as exceptable
>behaviour. Your actions of late have proven this to be so!
>Your selfish actions do nothing to advance climbing, just drag it down
>to the lowest common denominator.
yeehaa, the cauldron just copped a bittofa stirrin!!
im a mate of neilos and consider him a rad dude, but if this is true (wouldnt have a clue as i havent climbed any of his routes) then thats not cool IMVHO.
thing is, its so easy to sit on ya arse and have a go at those who are actually out there doing something.
8-May-2007 6:01:52 PM
On 8/05/2007 mousey wrote:
>thing is, its so easy to sit on ya arse and have a go at those who are
>actually out there doing something.
Just quietly and not very magically over here in the backwater this argument seems a bit odd as if you don't believe in placing bolts your not going to be 'out there' doing something that everybody knows about. Except maybe chopping other peoples bolts. And Gene is probably too busy for this...
9-May-2007 12:57:03 PM
>yeehaa, the cauldron just copped a bittofa stirrin!!
9-May-2007 4:34:27 PM
On 9/05/2007 ghost wrote:
>>yeehaa, the cauldron just copped a bittofa stirrin!!
This is very Hex-ish.
Who said Hex was gone?
Is that the sound of a 107 yr old cowbell at the Pines I can hear??
... or his spirit lingering longer on the rice paper of Chockstone than the crampon scratches in the kitchen lino floor???
10-May-2007 4:49:15 PM
keen for another nz trip in late spt until mid oct. get some heli boardin and some backcountry booters done, then a couple weeks in the basin. anyone else keen for the climbin part of the trip?
10-May-2007 4:49:36 PM
oh yeh. check this out:
11-May-2007 3:25:26 PM
IIIIIIIII rrrreeeeccccceeeeeeeiiiivvvveeeeedddddddd aaaaaa PPPPPPPPPMMMMMMM ffffrrrrooooommmm SSSSSaaaaaabbbbuuuuuu ssssuuuugggggggggeeeessssttttiiinnggggg ttttthhhheeee tttthhhhrrrreeeeeee ooooofffff uuuuuusssss sssshhhhoooouuulllllddddd ggggooooo tttttooooo NNNNNNNNZZZZZZZZ ttttoooooggggeeettthhheeerrrr
AAAAAnnnnnyyyy tttthhhhooouuuugggghhhtttsssss ????????????????????
11-May-2007 3:46:09 PM
you recieved no such pm, now getbackinyabox!
11-May-2007 3:50:05 PM
ccccccooooooofffffiiiiinnnnnnn ????????
AAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!
MMMMuuuuu ........
>you recieved
'''''''iiiiiiiii bbbeeeeeefffffooorrrreeeee eeeeeeee eeeeexxxxxccccceeeepppptttt aaaaffffttteeerrrr ccccccccccc''''''''''
nnnnnooooooo wwwwwooooonnnnddddeeeerrrrr tttthhheeee eeeeddddd''''' sssyyyssssstttteeeemmmmm nnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddsssss ffffiiivvvveeeee bbbbiiiiilllliiiioooonnnnnn ddddoooollllaaaarrrrrssssss
13-May-2007 12:58:36 AM
hooray for night climbing.
this morning (technically yesterday morning) went to bardens with my mate for his first day on rock. turned out he;s a bit of a gun (flashed a 19 & had a good go on a 24)
so the 3 of us decided to go do a late lap on sweet dreams to give him a go at multipitch.
it was rad fun, by the second pitch we were watching the sun deep in the sky behind the 3 sisters, then we had a chillout on ledge before the 5th pitch eating chocolate bars, taking photos, making prank 'please rescue us' phonecalls to our mums & chatting about random crap. topped out at about 9:30 & went straight to maccas.
next time i do a night climb though, for sure im taking a headtorch.
13-May-2007 4:00:29 PM
dude doing a dbl back layout with FIVE twists. ridiculous.