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10-Feb-2006 9:47:43 AM
Excitement builds - I've started accumulating supplies for the forthcoming phases of construction. I was up at "tradie" hours this morning gathering paint. A very big thankyou to Dulux for donating the paint to the Project, and to Dulux employee Kathy Dicker for organising it for us!
In other news, some wonderful members of the climbing community have been donating holds to the cause. Thankyou so far to Terry Tynan and Steven Smith!
13-Feb-2006 3:03:20 PM
Piccies from the weekend......
Eddie Rawlins returns for his third full day of service. You can't beat Eddie's enthusiasm for doing his bit!
Leigh Colles (right) entertains Afra Yang with his famous jokes, while they await supplies to be passed up to them by the team below.
Tim Le heads up the wall. You can see the horizontal crossbars (attached to the vertical concrete wall) starting to appear at the far end.
Dallas Hipwell joins the team.
Eddie Rawlins has finished preparing a piece of angle steel, and passes it to the install team above (Afra Yang on the left, Leigh Colles on the right). Dallas Hipwell works below.
Dallas Hipwell hard at work.
Tim Le, doing some custom-fitting.
"Cleats". This is my contribution to Australian art - can someone get it framed for me please?! No seriously, this is some work I could actually do whilst sitting down with my dodgy foot. "Cleats" are used for attaching one piece of steel to another, or for attaching a piece of steel to a concrete wall.
Igoitz Garagarza live in action on the grinder. Tim Le's legs in the background.
Doing their best to create magic moments for the Australian Climbing Calendar - Afra Yang (left) and Leigh Colles (right).
A side-on view of the 30 degree wall. Afra Yang and Leigh Colles at height in the background, Dallas Hipwell working at ground level, and Igoitz Garagarza's legs in the foreground.
A side-on view of the 45 degree wall. Tim Le posing to contribute to the silhouette look, and can of "Cold Gal" in the foreground.
13-Feb-2006 3:22:05 PM
Hi everyone,
As the steel framework gets under control and edges closer to completion, I can start directing my attentions on the next phases. I have commenced ordering the bolts required for attaching wood to the steel framework, and also the teenuts. On account of the fact that hold manufacturers require a couple of weeks notice to make our holds, I've started ordering holds as well. I've purchased some Uncarved Block holds, near-new, from Alister Robertson. I've received lots of donation holds, and have more promised on the way. On the weekend Robert Metzke dropped some holds off to me, there's a pile of holds from John Stone waiting for me to collect them, and Gerard Healey has offered holds to the cause as well. Last week Steven Smith and Terence Tynan donated holds also. Today a sizeable box of holds turned up from Darren Heaney at Mingy Goat; a NSW-based climbing equipment company that makes holds. Despite the fact our "little woodie" at Burnley is a tad far away for him to pop in and have a boulder after work, Darren has generously donated anyway. Thanks Darren!!
I have placed an order with James Kassay's company Infinite Holds, and will be placing an order with Mingy Goat in the next day or so.
The excitement builds! We're getting there, Melbourne!
To wet your appetite, I have provided a picture below of some of the holds Darren sent me from Mingy Goat.
I will also at this point indicate that the 45 degree wall is 8.4 metres long, and the 30 degree wall is 10.4 metres long. I'll measure up the vertical wall and get back to you on it's length.
Best Wishes,
Jacqui Middleton
13-Feb-2006 3:39:31 PM
How are we going to attach the grass to the overhanging walls? What sort of bolts do we use to keep the
holds fixed to the grass?
13-Feb-2006 6:40:54 PM
On 13/02/2006 drdeviousII wrote:
>How are we going to attach the grass to the overhanging walls? What sort
>of bolts do we use to keep the
>holds fixed to the grass?
aSecret weapon to combat theft?
17-Feb-2006 9:52:37 AM
More weekend pics
Afra Yang enjoys some morning tea. Dallas Hipwell working in the background, and Eddie's famous orange shirt.
Afra Yang awaits a piece of steel to be passed from the team below. Dallas Hipwell works below.
Keep it level... Tim Le pays close attention to the spirit level to ensure the side panel beams are perfectly horizontal.
Jacqui Middleton coating cleats with galvanising paint. Also pictured are Afra Yang and Tim Le.
At your service... Afra Yang always happy to be at work at the site.
17-Feb-2006 10:14:09 AM
Worked continued this week. Hard working team members completed a day's work at their paid jobs, and then showed up at Burnley to work some more. Thankyou so much everyone!
James Pfrunder returns to the site to help out.
Local resident Ron joins the team, assisting Tim Le by hoisting a piece of angle steel. Ron regularly turns up keen to help progress the project.
"Hold it still for me mate"... Ron provides support to the worker above (Tim Le, not pictured).
David Russell, enthusiast from the original Burnley Wall, joins the team.
Martin Lama works hard to edge the steel framework closer to completion, installing horizontal beams on the side panels.
Martin Lama concentrates hard, always happy working at the site, keen to "put something back into the sport". Martin has regularly made himself available to work on short notice in the interests of keeping the project moving swiftly.
Putting things away for the night. When everyone else is tired and losing interest, David Russell still full of beans helping pack up the site. David is pictured with local resident Ron who has been helping out all week.
We're getting close! Tim Le, who has been working on every single working bee since we started constructing the framework, is excited about seeing the phase completed.
17-Feb-2006 2:02:49 PM
beats the hell out of my garage
17-Feb-2006 3:06:48 PM
Funny you should mention that - people are donating holds from the woodies they planned to build, but figure Burnley will be a far better woodie, so the holds are coming our way instead. Thankyou very much to John Stone, Gerard Healey, and Clarke Vincent, all of whom I have received holds from this week.
20-Feb-2006 10:05:20 AM
Good morning climbers
A working bee took place at Burnley on Saturday – we did more work on the steel framework (it's a big job!). Working hard were Martin Lama, David McKelvie, David Russell, Tim Lunn, myself, Igoitz Garagarza and Eddie Rawlins. I didn't get pictures on the day, as I was rather tired and managed to forget my camera. My apologies. However, I went back in on Sunday to get some progress piccies for you.
The 30 degree wall is all up.
A side-on view of the 30 degree wall.
Most of the holes needed for attaching wood to the 30 degree wall are already drilled
The angle steel is marked out ready for the carpenter – where one panel ends and another begins.
The 45 degree wall is only a couple of hours away from being finished. You can see where the last remaining (9) horizontal crossbars are awaiting installation.
A side-on view of the 45 degree wall.
Our next step is to put the wood up on the 30 degree wall! It will really start to look like a bouldering wall at that stage!!
Best wishes,
Jacqui Middleton
Burnley Project
VCC working in conjunction with Parks Victoria
22-Feb-2006 10:07:01 AM
Piccie update
A lot more goes on behind the scenes of The Burnley Project than may be evident. Yesterday afternoon, assigned project carpenter Steve Ford, and myself, turned up to prepare some wood for the wall. The task? To get 20 planks of plywood and glue another layer of plywood to it.
Here's Steve transferring some plywood
Coating the first layer of plywood with glue, ready to bond it to the second layer
Steve's pictured with a tub of glue in a classy thankyou pose – he could get a job on Sale of the Century!
A big thankyou to Matt Tankey at Selleys for providing us with a large quantity of Direct Stick glue to help us along with The Burnley Project.
Best wishes to all
Jacqui Middleton
Burnley Project
VCC working with Parks Victoria
22-Feb-2006 3:00:44 PM
The wall looks fantastic. Can't wait to get down there and have a thrash. When do you expect to have it completed?
22-Feb-2006 3:14:36 PM
Hi Steve,
I remember you from uni!
Don't have an answer to the question I'm afraid. Any number of issues could rise up and hit us in the face and slow us down. It will be finished when it is finished. But I can assure you I am currently spending every spare minute of my time on this thing to get it delivered.
22-Feb-2006 3:33:15 PM
Given that it's all the work is being done by climbers volunteering their own spare time. The speed at which this project is coming along is brilliant.
23-Feb-2006 12:08:32 PM
Good afternoon all
My house is starting to look a bit like a climbing gym! Piles of holds have started accumulating in logical order of colour and so on. Exciting stuff!
Yesterday afternoon I received a wonderful donation of holds for the wall from Ken McKeon from Woodie Worx. A big thankyou to Ken for contacting me and offering to donate! A picture of the shipment from Ken is pictured below.
If anyone would like to view a little piece of history this Saturday afternoon, I invite you to wander past the site and watch yet another massive volunteer crew in action, putting the first of the panels up on the 30 degree wall.
Best wishes to all
Jacqui Middleton
The Burnley Project
VCC working with Parks Victoria
23-Feb-2006 12:57:21 PM
Nice work Hatman, I do notice that there is a distict lack of your crag x holds in the mix though. I am sure the chockstoners would love to have a few of those on the wall.
24-Feb-2006 10:53:32 AM
Dear climbers,
Calling all painters!
We are fast approaching the time when we'll need to paint the walls at Burnley. If you or anyone you know is a painter and would like to help out, I would love to hear from you!
(Please note that we do of course have our own paint.)
Please send me a PM if you can help!
Best wishes
Jacqui Middleton
Burnley Project
VCC working with Parks Victoria
24-Feb-2006 3:01:26 PM
Yeah Im outa cragX holds, More soon. Me thinks CRAGX hold would be desecrated and an ethnic clensing would occur!
27-Feb-2006 2:18:37 PM
Dear climbing community.
I am relieved to report that after some final tinkering on Saturday, the steel framework of both the 30 and 45 degree walls is now complete. Please find below a collection of photos relating to the finalising of the steel framework.
Best Wishes,
Jacqui Middleton
Burnley Project
VCC working with Parks Victoria
7.20am. We're on our way to the worksite. We're inside the Burnley Tunnel, looking at the "Burnley Street" exit.
Daylight – and rain, which may threaten access to the worksite.
Last minute preparations to the steelwork. Nick McKinnon drilling holes through the angle steel. We use these holes to attach the wood to the steel.
Putting everything he's got into it… Nick McKinnon works hard to meet the deadline.
Leigh Colless also working on ensuring all the necessary bolt holes are ready and waiting for the carpentry team.
Success…. Another hole bites the dust. A drill bit makes its way through the angle steel.
Nick McKinnon working overhead.
Nick McKinnon sets up shop, preparing the steelwork.
Ben Wright follows closely behind Nick's work, coating freshly-drilled bolt holds with "Cold Gal" spray.
Eddie Rawlins and Rosemary Walton prepare to make final adjustments to the 45 degree wall, in anticipation of next week's working bee.
Igoitz Garagarza carefully marks out where the bolt holes need to be.
Rosemary Walton hard at work drilling through steel. Rosemary and myself found that with a fresh drill bit, we managed only a couple of bolt holes before we were wasting our time. It seems drilling through steel is a man's job. We didn't have enough body weight to throw into the drilling process.
David McKelvie and Afra Yang work overhead on finalising the 45 degree wall.
Leigh Colless refers to this hard yakka as "socialising". Leigh has put in heaps of work at the site, and merrily toils away at the jobs noone else wants to do. Thankyou Leigh!
David McKelvie marking out where final adjustments need to be made.
Anita Sharma and Ben Wright prepare the climbing fascia for the 45 degree wall. Two layers of plywood must be bonded together and stacked under some weight, and left to dry for next week.
Don't get any of that glue on yourself, Ben! It sticks to EVERYTHING!
Happy little vegemite Anita Sharma later commented that it was "lucky" they finished the glueing before it rained. We pointed out that we'd deliberately gotten them on the task early such that they wouldn't be caught out. Planning planning planning!
27-Feb-2006 2:19:32 PM
Please note that we also commenced work on the wooden panels on the weekend. Pictures to follow.