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Cable Car over Mt Wellington's Organ Pipes

11:41:55 AM
An update of sorts, as I have received an email feedback to the submission I put in.

Dear Representor

Thank you for your representation on the draft Amending Plan for the Pinnacle Specific Area in Wellington Park.

The Wellington Park Management Trust has submitted its report on the issues raised in the representations to the Tasmanian Planning Commission in accordance with the Wellington Park Act 1993. The Trust’s report and all the representations received can now be viewed or downloaded on the Commission’s website;

The Commission will now review the Trust’s report and provide a report back to the Trust.

Please note that the Trust does not make its final decision on the draft Amending Plan until it has received and considered the Commission’s report.

Yours sincerely
Axel von Krusenstierna

Wellington Park Management Trust

551 submissions, a good result.
The process seems to be above reproach so far.
I wish the LHI Board of Management were as open as this mob, in their process/es regarding Balls Pyramid...

1:04:31 PM
Last post I wrote;
>551 submissions, a good result.

I have just reviewed the first 200 submissions and it is a real roller coaster ride of emotions for reading material no matter if one is for or against the proposal.

Of the first 200 there are 108 in support of a cableway and 90 against, with a couple having a bet each way...

The original approx 70 submissions were all yes development vs approx 5 againsts, and I thought the result would be a landslide based on sheer numbers alone, ... but the response-flavours seem to arrive in waves (as the word got out further and wider?), and the 'against' submissions are clawing back some tenure...

Interestingly, most 'for' submissions were short and contained little supporting rhetoric, in contrast to many of the lengthy well reasoned 'against' responses...

~> As a matter of interest I will peruse the remaining submissions for a total result when I have more time.

If it is a close call, it will be interesting to see if the final decision is based on sheer numbers of response category, or logical reasoning responses...

2:29:08 PM
n.b. - p11 of the report states "However, it is clear that the majority of representations were either opposed to the draft Amending Plan specifically and/or to a cable car in general. "
n.b. 2 - the CCT's submission was no 421 if you are interested.

4:10:17 PM
Thanks nerm!

Got a reply by email...
16 February 2015
Dear representor
Draft Amendment - Wellington Park Management Plan 2013
In October 2014, the Chairperson of the Wellington Park Trust (the Trust) sent the
Commission a copy of the Draft Amendment to the Wellington Park Management Plan
2013 (the Draft Amendment), copies of all representations received on the Draft
Amendment and a report from the Trust in relation to the representations and the Draft
After considering the representations and the Trust’s report, the Commission has decided
to hold a hearing in accordance with section 24C(3) and (5) of the Wellington Park Act
The Commission’s review function is narrow in scope and is limited to consideration of the
representations and the report of the Trust. The Commission does not have powers to
approve or reject the draft amendment but the Trust must consider a copy of the
Commission’s report before submitting its amended Management Plan to the Governor for
approval, should it proceed with the amendment.
It is not necessary for the Commission to hear from each representor as the Commission’s
Delegated Panel has had the opportunity to read and carefully consider each
representation. However, if you wish to be heard at the hearing, please provide the
Commission with a written submission, no more than one (1) A4 page, addressing the
matters that you intend to present at the hearing and how your appearance will assist the
Commission’s review. Submissions should be received by the Commission by close of
business on Friday 27 February 2015 to the address below or by email to
Please note in making a submission to be heard that you may not raise new issues but you
may expand on points in your original representation.
A Directions Hearing is to be held on 6 March 2015. Details will be provided in a public
notice to be advertised in The Mercury newspaper, and the Commission’s website, on
Saturday 21 February 2015.
Our ref: DOC/15/11018
Officer: J Dyring
Phone: 616 56833
At the Directions Hearing the Delegated Panel will consider which representors it wishes to
hear (based on the submissions received) and to give any directions regarding the
hearings. The date and time of the hearing will then be notified.
If you have any queries, or require further information on this matter, please visit the
Commission’s website ( or contact Jennifer Dyring on telephone
6165 6833.
Yours sincerely
Ann Cunningham
Chair, Delegated Panel

... Talk about a long winded process.
~> Still it is good that they are being diligent.

10:24:28 AM

1:26:24 PM
On 21/04/2015 ajfclark wrote:

Thanks for that update ajf.

From that link;
Council lawyer Kirsten Turner questioned how the trust could adequately respond to the council's concerns if it had not read its 10-page submission.

"If we look at this from a 'Planning 101' perspective, there's been a fundamental failure," Ms Turner said.

I wonder if Hobart City Council will mount a legal challenge?

10:17:55 AM
I received an update email...

>Dear Representor

>Thank you for your representation on the draft Amending Plan for the Pinnacle Specific Area in Wellington Park.

>The Amending Plan was approved by the Governor on 26 October 2015. A notice of the approval will appear in the government Gazette on 4 November 2015 and the amended Management Plan will come into effect 7 days after publication of the notice.

>You can download a copy of the Management Plan with the maps showing the new boundary of the Pinnacle Specific Area from the Wellington Park website:

>I have attached a brief summary* describing the process that led to approval of the Amending Plan and its implications.

>Yours sincerely
>Axel von Krusenstierna

>Wellington Park Management Trust

Wellington Park Management Plan Amending Plan 2015

>>An alteration to the boundary of the Pinnacle Specific Area in the Wellington Park Management Plan was approved on 26 October 2015 and will be effective from 11 November 2015. The maps showing the altered boundary of the Pinnacle Specific Area have been inserted into the Wellington Park Management Plan.

*Link unable to be posted here due Chockstone viewing it as suspicious content...
I read it (a pdf file), and it states the history leading up to the recent outcome decision, which is a disappointing result for climbers.

9:04:01 PM
In the latest Newsletter from Simon Carter, there is a link to a current petition against the latest proposed cable car development underway at the moment...

1:08:17 PM
They (the proposal developers), are at it again...

ABC radio this morning interviewed various about it.

It seems to me that developers want to develop public land under the guise of tourism (yeah right - during covid closed borders), and road safety because the summit road gets closed with snow in winter, and an 80 person gondola swinging gently in the winter breeze would be -

If you care to, then you can have your say here...

12:26:04 PM
There is an extensive Visual Impact Assessment at that link which shows before & after shots of the proposed development from 10 different viewpoints. Well worth a look.
4:06:51 PM
Thankfully Hobart council voted against the proposal 9 votes to 3! Though the company wanting to build the cable car said they will now seek legal advice and consider an appeal.

ABC News article

5:54:21 PM
A fantastic result.
It’s a shame that the ’try it on wheel’ keeps getting reinvented by the protagonists of such ventures...
The quest for money obviously overcomes learning smarts.
1:02:37 PM
Company behind the cable car proposal have thankfully decided against appealing the most recent decision.

ABC news article.

11:09:08 AM
Looks like they'll have to build a great big car park instead.

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