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13-Nov-2018 1:23:08 PM
Who owns the rope that has been left on Preludes Wall for the past month or so? I am going to take it down and throw it out if it is not reclaimed by the next time I get up there.
14-Nov-2018 12:15:00 AM
Long thin litter!
14-Nov-2018 2:31:47 AM
Not mine.
14-Nov-2018 3:21:02 AM
No idea why it's there. I think you should claim it Wendy.
14-Nov-2018 12:04:19 PM
It's in about the right condition for you to climb on it, Ben!
14-Nov-2018 4:08:04 PM
A prelude is an action or event serving as an introduction to something more important, so who knows what lies ahead.......
14-Nov-2018 5:07:10 PM
Double standard here innit? Someone leaves gear on Trojan for weeks and if it gets removed there are howls of abuse, but just 'cos some poor numpty is taking a month to work out the sequences on Rosy Shy they get their rope nicked by the local crag cops.
(don't take me seriously pls!)
14-Nov-2018 9:16:13 PM
Wondered WTF that was there for in early October. Crappy old thing too.
There’s a "sequence" on Rosy Shy?
15-Nov-2018 12:14:24 AM
On 14-Nov-2018 johnpitcairn wrote:
>Wondered WTF that was there for in early October. Crappy old thing too.
>There’s a "sequence" on Rosy Shy?
Yep, speak to someone you are attracted to, feel self conscious, doubts arise, feedback loop to hormones, capilaries dilate, blushing ensues - QED
15-Nov-2018 3:43:47 PM
Sorry John, Amber doesn't do it for me. YMMV.