18-Oct-2013 1:43:40 PM
On 18/10/2013 gonesurfing wrote:
>Are the plastic buckles on each end on my black diamond (single) portaleadge,
>satisfactory, shouldn't they be steel?
My older BD single is a different design. Having said that (and looking at the BD site Tech-specs), I imagine that metal would probably be better*, however I don't think it matters greatly because the design is done in a way that spreads the load, so they would be adequate to the task, due not being stress-points.
* I think metal buckles would resist UV degradation better in the long term, and survive abuse like standing on them in cold conditions (brittleness factor??); however you would have to leave the ledge setup in sunlight heaps, and possibly in a high altitude environment for either factor to overtake general wear and tear issues affecting the ledge in other ways.
If the need ever arose, I also imagine that they could be replaced fairly easily.
Are you aware of / coming to, the Buffalo aid-weekend?