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9-Feb-2015 10:41:07 AM
For sale, Black Diamond portaledge single, and simple fly, used twice, $550.
Runout customs, ultra light,double portaledge and fly,hauled down an up a cliff but never used, $750.
Based in Sydney, can post at buyers expense.
Black Diamond leadge sold
Runout customs leadge sold
11-Feb-2015 8:24:30 AM
Do you have a picture of the runout customs set up with fly?
11-Feb-2015 3:30:08 PM
Hmmm, single could be good.. Will give you a call ...
11-Feb-2015 4:10:10 PM
On 11/02/2015 Macciza wrote:
>Hmmm, single could be good.. Will give you a call ...
Is that a I'll take it, or not?
Given recent controversy of U claiming others jumping claims I feel like gazumping you just to wind you up.
2 bad I think portaledges are only good 4 how to stuff up good climbing otherwise you'd be accusing me of being an unfair claim jumper.
Troll i can live with but claim jumper not so much.
11-Feb-2015 5:28:06 PM
Oh sorry ....
I should have said,
g'day mate how you been, haven't seen you in a while, didn't realise you were selling the ledges, you should have given me a call, Your old stuffs still going fine, off on an adventure this weekend . . .
Anyway keen on the single, will just pop a bit of a post to register my expression of interest or 'dibs' or shotgun or whatever they call it these days, under contract, just holding it to see if a mate wants it first .. I'll give you a call, I'm guessing you stil have the same number, how's the missus and kids . . .
Anyway, I guess you must have lost your phone as your old number goes to someone new, give us a call and we'll catch up, have sent you a PM....
11-Feb-2015 6:38:01 PM
Black Diamond leadge sold,