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what would you do in a pandemic? |
27-Apr-2009 12:39:53 PM
If one of these nasty flu strains ended up spreading all over the world, what would you do, stick it out in town or stock up the car with supplies and hide out in the hills? Might be a pretty good excuse for an extended climbing holiday.. ;)
27-Apr-2009 12:46:17 PM
It depends on whether the virus turns infected people into flesh eating zombies.
I've always fancied being a flesh eating zombi, particularly if it means going head to head with Milla Jojovic.
I've been practicing my moaning for just this occasion.
It begs the question though, what happens if a vegan gets turned into a zombi? Does a zombi vegan have an unquenchable hunger for tofu? I can't picture it.
27-Apr-2009 12:52:03 PM
On 27/04/2009 Eduardo Slabofvic wrote:
>It begs the question though, what happens if a vegan gets turned into a zombi? Does a zombi vegan have an unquenchable hunger for tofu? I can't picture it.
27-Apr-2009 1:07:25 PM
Wot, hang out at the Pines with a bunch of rag-tag international visitors with poor personal hygiene and limited fresh water?
27-Apr-2009 1:07:41 PM
On 27/04/2009 anthonyk wrote:
>stock up the car with supplies and hide out in the hills?
I spent most of last night and wayyy too much of this morning picturing exactly that.
On 27/04/2009 ajfclark wrote:
27-Apr-2009 2:07:39 PM
Pandemics = less people = less climbers = more new routes = pandemics good
27-Apr-2009 2:11:34 PM
... & in the same theme; ~> When your number is up then it is up; ... be it flu; road toll while escaping the flu; climbing accident once you have escaped.
... brings to mind the Monty Python tune 'Always look on the bright side of life'?
27-Apr-2009 2:37:48 PM
On 27/04/2009 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>... brings to mind the Monty Python tune 'Always look on the bright side of life'?
or the one about the universe...
27-Apr-2009 2:51:28 PM
On 27/04/2009 ajfclark wrote:
Well played sir.
27-Apr-2009 3:05:13 PM
On 27/04/2009 ajfclark wrote:
That's got legs.
27-Apr-2009 7:05:54 PM
On 27/04/2009 Eduardo Slabofvic wrote:
>It depends on whether the virus turns infected people into flesh eating
id be stayin on a portaledge halfway up ozy with oreos and milk lol nice and safe from zombies ;)
27-Apr-2009 7:10:08 PM
On 27/04/2009 ajfclark wrote:
That is very, very funny.
27-Apr-2009 7:11:28 PM
On 27/04/2009 anthonyk wrote:
>If one of these nasty flu strains ended up spreading all over the world,
>what would you do, stick it out in town or stock up the car with supplies
>and hide out in the hills? Might be a pretty good excuse for an extended
>climbing holiday.. ;)
I certainly wouldn't hang around uni. That place is a breeding ground! Going bush is a good idea! maybe the gramps, plenty of space there, water, climbing.
As for zombies, i like bl@kes idea. Ozy would definitely have a tactical advantage when it comes to a shoot out!!
27-Apr-2009 7:12:15 PM
On 27/04/2009 bl@ke wrote:
>id be stayin on a portaledge halfway up ozy with oreos and milk lol nice
>and safe from zombies ;)
But are you going to hang your portaledge off cams or hexes?
27-Apr-2009 7:23:12 PM
cams. unless there is some good bolts about so then i can throw my cams at the zombies. id also have my zombie survival guide :)
wait! a thought occurd! what about rock climbing zombies! i couldnt bring myself to shooting a malcom mathieson zombie as he soloed his way closer and closer........
27-Apr-2009 7:35:02 PM
I'm really not that worried. I climb with a zombie most weekends.

He doesn't eat brains. He eats beers
27-Apr-2009 7:43:50 PM
hahaha :)
where abouts is the pic? looks like my type of cliff
27-Apr-2009 8:59:42 PM
On 27/04/2009 bl@ke wrote:
> i can throw my cams at the zombies.
Nono, you don't throw cams at zombies, you throw records at them. Electro for preference.
27-Apr-2009 9:11:13 PM
oh i see a bit of shaun of the dead? ok ill pack a bunch of records into my haul bag :)
28-Apr-2009 1:30:19 PM
Hide out in the Barry Range, wait for the carnage to subside then basically raid everywhere for top equipment.
I'd take a copy of the omega man for reading