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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

Poll Option Votes Graph
Yes, Freeclimbing roped-lead-soloing 6
Yes, Aidclimbing roped-lead-soloing 6
Yes, Freeclimbing top-rope soloing 20
Yes, Aidclimbing top-rope soloing 1
Yes, all of the above 9
Yes, Lead free climbing soloing (nil rope). 9
Yes, Aid Lead soloing (nil rope). 1
No way Josê! 9

Topic Date User
Roped Soloing - Who Does It? (for OP) 5-Feb-2008 At 9:25:22 AM IdratherbeclimbingM9
On 5/02/2008 westie wrote:
>Can someone who does this give some feedback on how enjoyable it is? seems
>like a lot of buggarising around.

It certainly can be a fair bit of buggerising around.

Maybe the question should be 'How desperate are you for a climb when no partner is available?'; as it certainly fills that niche.

I find roped solo leading very fulfilling, particularly on hardish aid as the timeframe involved allows me to test my mental reserves. After a good session (when everything flows, as compared to snarfus), I feel like I have been through a detoxification of sorts, where the crap (mental and otherwise!), seems to get purged.
It also heightens my sense of awareness / clarity of perception not only at a simple eg visual level, but also in an 'appreciative of life' (and relationships), sort of way.

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