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19-Sep-2007 10:24:58 AM
Welcome to the chockstone F#@kwit of the Week Awards!
This weeks award in the field of Taking Ones Self Too Seriously, with special mention for a dummy spit six year olds could be proud of, goes toooo.....................
"Don't kid yourself by considering yourself a master of irony. You aren't. You are a sad little fabrication of a human being who displays serious pathological behavior. You are the kind of pathetic creature that ends up topping themselves. I feel sorry for you. : (
Write whatever you want. I've finally resorted to the ignore tab. Life is too short to waste time on your demented histrionics. Goodbye you sad little man."
Congratulations Wallwombat, you are a F@#kwit!
19-Sep-2007 10:31:33 AM
Hey, I'm impressed that wallwombat can write whole sentences without having to resort to resort to txt spk. From me he also gets the "Express Your True Inner Feelings" award!!! You've also got to ask yourself "Who would you rather be on your side in a fight at the pub?" - a guy with the name of Sillypants???
19-Sep-2007 11:42:00 AM
Wallwombat gets the "Hear hear" award from me. Good on you WW.
19-Sep-2007 12:30:27 PM
If it came down to a 'disagreement' I'd certainly hope the frillypant wearing sillypants was one my side.
19-Sep-2007 12:38:07 PM
damn you to heck hero, you have to make yourself feel good by ridiculing others who make emotive comments about you.
I hope your chalk gets wet!****
**** does this have me in the running for the next nomination ;-)???
19-Sep-2007 1:09:51 PM
Whatever someday hero wrote it must have been the usual crap that comes from his posts
I gave up looking ages ago (I use ignore post tab), he's a usless troll! "back under your rock"
19-Sep-2007 1:31:33 PM
On 19/09/2007 tnd wrote:
>Wallwombat gets the "Hear hear" award from me.
Me too!
19-Sep-2007 1:32:38 PM
On 19/09/2007 mikepatt wrote:
>If it came down to a 'disagreement' I'd certainly hope the frillypant wearing
>sillypants was one my side.
If you think its the same guy that used to post as Edward Frillypants - It isn't!
19-Sep-2007 1:58:31 PM
Thats right. He has not logged on since 10/03/2006.
I reckon the new ripoff is our old mate hex again.
19-Sep-2007 3:24:15 PM
On 19/09/2007 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>Thats right. He has not logged on since 10/03/2006.
And the original Edward Frillypants is pretty pissed off that someone is posting and implying that this new incarnation is him.
19-Sep-2007 3:37:18 PM
I can understand that, ... as it has happened to others before.
I suspect that when hex's identity is revealed publicly that there will be a fair size posse waiting to lynch him?
Btw; I agree with tnd post above re
>Wallwombat gets the "Hear hear" award from me. Good on you WW
This is another thread to polarise the masses?
19-Sep-2007 3:58:52 PM
YAWN !!! ... morons ...
Hey Damo !!! I'm happy to do some mutual #rse-licking with u anytime, bro !!! :D
Ed & Ed
23-Sep-2007 3:56:36 PM
On 19/09/2007 bomber pro wrote:
>Whatever someday hero wrote it must have been the usual crap that comes
>from his posts
>I gave up looking ages ago (I use ignore post tab), he's a usless troll!
> "back under your rock"
Ah Muki, how age wearies us. I rembember when I first met you at araps, you were getting about in a pair
of tiger striped pants....complete with tail!! When did you become a grumpy old man?
15-Jan-2008 6:19:10 PM
On 11/01/2008 SwineOfTheTimes wrote:
Amazing what a bit of media hype can do.
Dragged up a mountain by a local, and dove a tractor to the south pole when he was meant to be building a radio tower.
Like his son, over rated!
Not much comment needed here.......Swine, you are this week's F*#kwit of the Week!
15-Jan-2008 6:36:28 PM
Fantastic. It seems like anytime One Day Zero deems someone is deserving of the F.W.O.T.W Award he's going to rehash this fabulous thread. You bewdy!
16-Jan-2008 3:39:45 PM
On 15/01/2008 wallwombat wrote:
>You bewdy!
... said the inaugural (unjustified), recipient!
(With apologies if you are feeling a bit sensitive after this week on Chocky WW).
16-Jan-2008 3:48:53 PM
I want to know all the weekly winners between when this thread started and now.
16-Jan-2008 3:49:53 PM
On 19/09/2007 one day hero wrote:
>Welcome to the chockstone F#@kwit of the Week Awards!
>Congratulations Wallwombat, you are a F@#kwit!
I've always found personal abuse to be best delivered in person and with good reason. Surely you could derive more pleasure from needling/tormenting those nearest and dearest to you. Forum members - whats the point? chickenshit way to get your thrills.
16-Jan-2008 3:54:08 PM
On 16/01/2008 westie wrote:
>I've always found personal abuse to be best delivered in person and with
>good reason. Surely you could derive more pleasure from needling/tormenting
>those nearest and dearest to you. Forum members - whats the point? chickenshit
>way to get your thrills.
Wives, girlfriends and close colleagues are some of my favourites.
16-Jan-2008 3:56:52 PM
Your more likely to get a better reaction here, and the option of being anonymous allows one to keep the targeted on the boil for months, years even, and may even result in a nervous breakdown!
This kind of treatment is only reserved for poor belayers not unsuspecting non-climbers like~>
>Wives, girlfriends and close colleagues
Heh, heh, heh.