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Climbing diets of the 1980s |
27-Oct-2016 5:10:12 PM
on 27 november 2014 stugang/gangnuts spewed
>>>In any case if the grand master KC lowered his moral standards and ate a steak SYL woulda been his...
...maybe ...I rekon his biggest oversight in the whole deal was not setting up a mini camp near the route ...instead of expending heaps of psychic energy getting from the Pines ....withe a head full of doubts and trepidations ......Claw hit ' ticking weather ' which finally got him up Slopin Sleazin ...Kim oughta have ... .....HAD A STEAK ??????
K-man was a flat mate with Kim in Melbornme ....I would love to hear what K has to say about Kims cooking/eating habits ...
I once red that a female climber stopped having periods because she only ate lentils ...
What WERE the leading climbers at Araps eating in the 1980s ? ...
27-Oct-2016 5:22:35 PM

... a very serious young lizard ....
27-Oct-2016 5:29:31 PM
>>>While it's impossible to say exactly how big a part diet plays in climbing
>>>performance, ... In the late 1980s high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets were the rage
27-Oct-2016 5:34:48 PM
I dunno if diet really makes much difference ... at a Doug Scott slide show on the punter asked Doug wot he did to get fit ..." lots of fish and chips before you go then get lean on the walk to base camp ..."
I saw HB eating all sorts of greasey delights at Araps years ago ...didnt do him any harm ...
Claw his book ... reckons Mark Moorhead ate next to nothng ...
27-Oct-2016 5:46:30 PM
>>>Right now we're talking 600 grams of steak, 400-600 grams of chicken. Couple of >>>cups of rice, oats, fruit, vegetables, protein shakes, eggs.
27-Oct-2016 6:02:38 PM

..well there ya go ... bit hard to think like an olympian when yor surrounded be feral loonies in the pines ...
27-Oct-2016 7:29:52 PM
The guy in the photo was a National Park ranger last time I met him!
27-Oct-2016 9:19:48 PM
Cigarettes and lettuce leaves.
28-Oct-2016 8:15:16 AM
Blue tongue is the next best thing after woolley mammoth in a paleo diet. Helps you live to 25.
28-Oct-2016 9:24:15 AM
On 27/10/2016 ima.seriousyoungliza wrote:
>What WERE the leading climbers at Araps eating in the 1980s ? ...
Dunno bout the leading climberz, but I reckon many seconding climberz were scoffing spoonfulls of cement washed down with beer, an mebe the odd mystic smoke, but more importantly, WOT WERE U EATING BACK THEN?
7-Dec-2017 7:27:19 AM
Liza , Ur letting me down here . . . so I’ll redirect my Q to K-man.