You've been attempting a hard (for you) trad line over a few days during a road trip and are getting to the stage where your strength, technique and knowledge of the route mean that you'll probably tick the route on this attempt. To spice things up it looks like this might be your last shot for a while as the weather is building and there's a plane to catch back home the next day.
After racking up and setting off, things start off well. You've cruised the easy lower half of the route and are feeling confident heading into the crux, pulling up through the first of the tricky moves. Then the dilemma strikes - there's booty to be had that you couldn't see from lower down! After a quick fiddle you realise that it won't come easily, and that stopping to unearth your excalibur will cost you the tick. Rapping back down isn't an option as the line traverses under a big roof that you won't be able to abseil back into. Which prize do you claim?
Get your second to clean it, hanging if they have to (unless its a worthless manky nut)- then add it to your rack because the second is your wife! Win.
On 11/10/2011 Sabu wrote:
>Get your second to clean it, hanging if they have to (unless its a worthless
>manky nut)- then add it to your rack because the second is your wife! Win.
On 11/10/2011 cruze wrote:
>On 11/10/2011 Sabu wrote:
>>Get your second to clean it, hanging if they have to (unless its a worthless
>>manky nut)- then add it to your rack because the second is your wife!
I always thought this marriage caper had more to do with ownership than love and affection.