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Climbing Media Reviewed
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(Doco) Hardcore Anglo-French bouldering video. Fontainebleau and the Peak District.

Format Video Category Non-Fiction
Title http.bloc  Mins 60 
Starring Olivier Lebreton  RRP  
Director   Reviews
Edition 2000?  Ave Rating **** (3.50 of 5)


User Comments
This vid loosely chronicles a year in the life of some of the top Parisian boulderers, both in Font, and also on a short trip to the Peak. It is very fast paced with a good driving soundtrack, but the music video approach can be tiring, as is the enormous number of problems they try to fit in. As a bouldering vid it is one of my favourites, and it really gets you itching to get out there, with most of the great problems in many areas such as Bas Cuvier and L'Elephant. The UK road trip is also fun, as are the more bizarre antics of the film crew at various times, but overall I think it is best seen as something to dip into for small doses rather than to sit and watch from beginning to end. There is a link here.. which is also a good introduction to the whole Fontainbleau area. If you ever go to Europe, this is a MUST do location! 

Further Reading:
On The Edge - A review, details, etc.


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