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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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What happened to u Chockstone, u used to be cool?
8:13:01 PM
On 24/05/2006 rhinckle wrote:
> This is a playground, not the
>united f---ing nations. Some people take themselves far too seriously.

That's it rhinckle... for that post we are imposing sanctions and a food for oil program!

8:49:26 PM
"What happened to u Chockstone, u used to be cool?"
It's a free and open debate. Right.
You hear opinions you don't like and you don't know who says what.
Get over it.
Here Piggy, Piggy come on Piggy. Where the hell is that pig?

11:47:04 PM
>Respect someone elses opinion
>(unless it varies greatly with accepted community norms)

pure f*cking gold!
9:39:32 AM
On 24/05/2006 mousey wrote:
>>Respect someone elses opinion
>>(unless it varies greatly with accepted community norms)
>pure f*cking gold!

Yep I'm pretty sure that Voltaire didn't say "I don't agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it... unless a whole bunch of others don't agree with you also, in which case I'll hunt you down"

But he did say "Anything too stupid to be said is sung"

Chockstone the Musical anyone?


BTW - I think we all got what you meant gravitychaser - it just came across kind of funny :)

10:44:05 AM
"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely
regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams

11:28:36 AM
damn douglas adams is a funny fella

12:29:52 PM
On 25/05/2006 mousey wrote:
>damn douglas adams is a funny fella

-was- a funny fella

12:42:14 PM
hmmm good point...

1:40:35 PM
On that note I hope everyone remembered their towels today!
6:35:32 PM

Thankyou for taking a small portion of what I have said and using to advance your evil ways, you ratbags. :p

I certainly didn't mean that we all have to wear a coat and tie, sit in an office and only have sex in the missionary position, but more that some things are waaaaaay beyond what is considered acceptable (ie. torturing animals, terrorism, etc.)

Perhaps a better way to put it use the phrase "do no harm". Think of it holistically.

And thankyou for letting me on to the board after a few months of lurking.

8:52:01 AM
On 24/05/2006 gravitychaser wrote:
>What I don't like about these anonymous forums (and I have been a member
>of qurank and for a few years - my name is Jason, by the way) is
>that people seem to have forgotten common courtesies and manners.

Spot on Jason. Opinions welcome. Nastiness not necessary.

6:46:31 PM
Dead FUKIN right gravitychaser. The pesonal insults that come from some clowns on this forum would, IF they had the guts to say it to someones face, give them a one way ticket to a busted nose and a pocketfull of their own teeth.
Throw on top the blatant lying and hugely embellished stories of what "OTHER" people have said and done and it makes it a wonder that people bother to ask QS or give their opinions on this forum.
Now after what ive just said im not condoning or encouraging Violence but people need to stop throwing abuse and personal insults from behind their computer screen and fake name, because you know you wouldnt say it to someones face.

4:02:24 PM
On 22/05/2006 alrob wrote:
>Laters people, maybe i'll turn up on the forums again when there is some
>intelligent debates to participate in, but until then......

What does your user icon say about you? ~ thread; (re alrob).
On 2/08/2004 A5iswhereitsat wrote:
"Please explain" (political ramifications echo?) its significance to us!

>'But doood, it’s a post and run out!'

>'That post sounds pretty hollow'

>'Was it an onsight or a flash post?'

>'Man, you new post is contrived AS!'


... no offence alrob, it is just my lame attempt to coax you out of hiding by plagiarising and corrupting one of your previous posts.

Chockstone is only as good as the integrity of its input.
... this has a habit of waxing and waning.
~ makes for an interesting game though ...
(& I liked the towel link).

Chuck Norris
9:44:45 PM
babysitting again....ho hum....anyway the following has nothing to do with climbing, but I
reckon ,despite being funny, the article below has a lot of relevance & truth in here.... http://,,1788774,00.html

full text below....

Supposing ... There's only one thing worth debating online

Charlie Brooker
Friday June 2, 2006
The Guardian

Last week I wrote a load of nonsense about flags and idiocy; as well as appearing in print, it also
turned up on the Guardian's "Comment is Free" blog-o-site, where passersby are encouraged to scrawl
their own responses beneath the original article.

Some people disagreed with the piece, some agreed; some found it funny, some didn't. For half a
nanosecond I was tempted to join in the discussion. And then I remembered that all internet debates,
without exception, are entirely futile. So I didn't.

There's no point debating anything online. You might as well hurl shoes in the air to knock clouds from
the sky. The internet's perfect for all manner of things, but productive discussion ain't one of them. It
provides scant room for debate and infinite opportunities for fruitless point-scoring: the heady
combination of perceived anonymity, gestated responses, random heckling and a notional "live
audience" quickly conspire to create a "perfect storm" of perpetual bickering.

Stumble in, take umbrage with someone, trade a few blows, and within about two or three exchanges,
the subject itself goes out the window. Suddenly you're simply arguing about arguing. Eventually, one
side gets bored, comes to its senses, or dies, and the row fizzles out: just another needless belch in
the swirling online guffstorm.

But not for long, because online quarrelling is also addictive, in precisely the same way Tetris is
addictive. It appeals to the "lab rat" part of your brain; the annoying, irrepressible part that adores
repetitive pointlessness and would gleefully make you pop bubblewrap till Doomsday if it ever got its
way. An unfortunate few, hooked on the futile thrill of online debate, devote their lives to its cause.
They roam the internet, actively seeking out viewpoints they disagree with, or squat on
messageboards, whining, needling, sneering, over-analysing each new proclamation - joylessly
fiddling, like unhappy gorillas doomed to pick lice from one another's fur for all eternity.

Still, it's not all moan moan moan in NetLand. There's also the occasional puerile splutter to liven
things up.

In the debate sparked by my gibberish outpouring, it wasn't long before rival posters began speculating
about the size of their opponent's dicks. It led me to wonder - has the world of science ever
investigated a casual link between penis size and male political leaning?

I'd theorise that, on the whole, rightwing penises are short and stubby, hence their owners' constant
fury. Lefties, on the other hand, are spoiled for length, yet boast no girth whatsoever - which explains
their pained confusion. I flit from one camp to the other, of course, which is why mine's so massive it's
got a full-size human knee in the middle. And a back. A big man's back.

Anyway, if we must debate things online, we might as well debate that. It's not like we'll ever resolve
any of that other bullshit, is it?

Click. Mine's bigger than yours. Click. No it isn't. Click. Yes it is. Click. Refresh, repost, repeat to

7:32:19 PM
Thanks Stu for posting that - that is the best thing I've read all week (well - apart from the entire Mr Men series - now they are brilliant!)
1:05:21 PM
Sorry to hear what you have to say. I fully understand your point and your position and can't say I disagree. Oddly, the reason I am sorry to hear all of this is because I came to this site looking for a breath of fresh air...away from all the shallow bullshit, spitting, cowardly, macho, "better than you" types, I was being bombarded with at a different climbing site I had become fet up with! The world's not what it used to be.
Bob Saki
5:33:49 PM
i think for a f---en start, we er f---en, need to um arrrhh f--- tidy up the f---en language, cos it just sounds f---ed!

having said that I agree with Jason, I feel (and I may be wrong) that when debating/discussing anything in this medium you treat people as you would treat strangers that you may interact with, with respect.

and at the end of the day climbing is fun. Im always going to be very average at it, but heck i get a buzz and it's great to have a site like this where we should all be stoked to just be doing what we do. Let's cut the negativity and enjoy.

and most importantly don't let other affect you, don't take it personally beacuse as we are all aware it just ends up affecting our own moods. Who really cares if someone on this site thinks you're a tool, thinks your posts are crap, trolls or posts abominable stuff or insults you. It isn't a big deal.
12:38:01 PM
On 7/06/2006 Bob Saki wrote:
>Let's cut the negativity and enjoy.


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