On 8/12/2013 ajfclark wrote:
>What's the worst belaying you've ever experienced?
It's a big call.
The one where I hit the ground - yeah bad, but it was a beach in Thailand, so I walked away. No harm dome.
The one where I was dropped 30m - I didn't hit anything, and so it was all good.
The one where I was seconding with a loop of slack dangling 5m below me the whole way - "Oh, harden up Eduardo", they all say.
The one where my belayer and the other climbing partner were too busy shoving sticks up the rear end of flies to bother paying attention. They couldn't hear me say "watch me" above all the hooting and cheering - no big deal really.
The one where my belayer took me off belay so he could go talk to his mate, just moments before I said "Have you got me?" - well I should just expect that sort of thing.
The one where I called "safe" only to look down and see my belayer and their friend looking up at me from several metres away from where the rope lay unattended - so what, you say.
No, the one that takes the cake is the one where I was balked by a tight rope on every move on the whole route, and I mean every move. Not once did I get to move up without the rope pulling tight. Every clip involved pulling about 10cm of slack, then wait, then another 10cm of slack, then wait, etc etc etc. Eventually I started pulling up a couple of metres of slack before I'd do a move, but then he got wise to that, and would take it back in as soon as I let go of it in order to do the move, resulting in the rope going tight. Yep - that's the one, and I was being belayed by someone who considers themselves one of Australia's most experienced climbers.
Similarly, being deliberately short roped whilst above a single brassy rates very high on the list. He, Mike didn't seem to understand what the issue was.
On 9/12/2013 Edward Oslabofvic wrote:
>Yep - that's the one, and I was being belayed
>by someone who considers themselves one of Australia's most experienced
simey was getting back at you for not putting a little umberella in his martini?
On 9/12/2013 phillipivan wrote:
>Similarly, being deliberately short roped whilst above a single brassy
>rates very high on the list. He, Mike didn't seem to understand what the
>issue was.
He probably learns fast.
You are gonna belay him in the future right?