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1-Jan-2012 2:08:57 PM
While I probably could/should go out and climb on rock, I've decided what I really need is the kind of stoke that only a climbing DVD can deliver. I do not currently own any climbing vids and have been told Hard Grit, Asgard project(?) & Masters of Stone are pretty darn groovy.
Anyone got any favourite must sees that raise their stoke levels?
1-Jan-2012 3:38:38 PM
Eiger sanction
1-Jan-2012 4:31:06 PM
With Clints awesome quotes it's hard not to love;
Miss Cerberus: I was expecting you before this. Mr. Dragon does not like to be kept waiting.
Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: Oh, the impatient albino.
Miss Cerberus: I don't think Mr. Dragon's affliction is a joking matter.
Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: I thought it was rather humorous, myself. A spy network being run by a bloodless freak who can't stand light or cold.
Miss Cerberus: Or germs. Are you healthy?
Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: Should I turn my head and cough?
Miss Cerberus: No known infections?
Dr. Jonathan Hemlock: Nothing other than the usual, syphilis, running sores, and the clap.
1-Jan-2012 9:47:09 PM
2nd the Eiger Sanction.
Hard Way To The Top is a good treatise on Malcolm Matheson's Ozy and Gumtree ascents in one day (both, ie back to back), on the north wall of Buffalo, plus includes interviews with first ascentionists, both aid and free.
1-Jan-2012 11:28:04 PM
Hey M9, where can you get a copy of: hard way to the top? Been after a copy for a long time.
2-Jan-2012 12:26:46 AM
On 1/01/2012 widewetandslippery wrote:
>Eiger sanction
It's a much better book.
2-Jan-2012 2:43:53 AM
Return to sender on sender films is a classic fav of mine.
Plus first accent and the sharp end always get me psyched to climb.
2-Jan-2012 6:18:42 PM
The Mountain.
That Spencer Tracy is well 'ard.
Robert Wagner should should have stuck to bouldering
2-Jan-2012 6:25:38 PM
Scream of Stone. Best .... Climbing.... Film .... Ever !!!
2-Jan-2012 7:09:47 PM
On 2/01/2012 wallwombat wrote:
>On 1/01/2012 widewetandslippery wrote:
>>Eiger sanction
>It's a much better book.
Is the hot indian chick hotter in the book?
2-Jan-2012 10:03:26 PM
Return 2 Sender gets my vote as the best climbing movie I've seen.
2-Jan-2012 10:49:49 PM
I think climbing transfers much better to writing and buhls nangar Parabat Pilgrmaige is toPs
3-Jan-2012 8:44:41 AM
I just watched Progression and it was awesome. It is the only full length climbing movie I have seen though...
3-Jan-2012 9:44:15 AM
Hey Mike,
Depends what sort of fix you're after.
Peter Mortimer’s Sender Films titles 'Return to Sender' and 'First Ascent' are both great - fun but with a poignant moral or message at the end. First ascent the series is fantastic too (available through Big Up Productions) which is more like 6 short films. 'Point Of No Return' is one of these which follows Jonny Copp and Micah Dash on a mission into Tibet. It makes me cry every time I watch it.
Big Up Productions' 'Progression' and 'King Lines' are both awesome too, particularly if you get your jollies listening to Sharma's blow off valve.
If however you like pretty colours, great music, lots of slow mo, and like to pretend that the climbing lifestyle is akin to a music video, then Chuck Fryberger's titles 'CORE' and 'Scene' are ace!
Even though I'd call myself a trad / aid climber, I still get a boner every time I watch Chuck's films. You can get the HD downloads cheap here:
However if your obvious aid penchant needs a little caressing, have you read Mark Hudon's latest TR on Supertopo? Lots of accompanying vid at his YouTube channel too:
3-Jan-2012 9:50:39 AM
Cheers Ben and gang,
I'll check out the films you guys have mentioned, especially the Mark Hudon one..
3-Jan-2012 3:10:45 PM
On 1/01/2012 marky wrote:
>Hey M9, where can you get a copy of: hard way to the top? Been after a
>copy for a long time.
There have been some previous posts similar to yours, and if I remember correctly some replies had a more recent addy to follow up.
~> Could try this thread first... I am not sure if there is a more recent addy.
Some footage is here.
... and a review here.
could be more info in further links?
4-Jan-2012 11:16:25 AM
Reach is a pile of garbage, don't bother with that one.
4-Jan-2012 3:49:02 PM
I've really enjoyed watching some of Dave Macleod's Scottish exploits. "The Triple 5":
was good and I'm itching to watch "The Long Hope":
It looks epic!
4-Jan-2012 5:03:29 PM
Someone must know the link to the vid of the world cup/model girl heelhookinng for no good reason dws in crotia wearing very little.
4-Jan-2012 5:31:19 PM
I really liked Best Forgotten Art, but then I've heard some people say that crack climbing is neither...
Hard Grit is great too - the opening sequence is an absolute classic. I first saw it at Escalade '99 and can still remember the dead silence in the tent during those first 5 minutes or so.