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Mysterious bolts left of Clean Sweep |
16-Sep-2004 3:41:49 PM
Can anyone explain the fixed hanger in the groove on the arete right of Dinosaurs Don't Dyno and L of Clean Sweep? looks several years old at least. Is it a project? Open?
Red lines in this photo are (from L to R) Dinosaurs Don't Dyno (roughly), Clean Sweep, and Dance of Life. Yellow line is where the unknown climb might go - starting on the L may be impossible, while coming from the R is definitely possible but the rope drag would be horrendous. The groove itself looks hard enough!
16-Sep-2004 8:35:45 PM
phil_nev was telling me of a new ross taylor route called 'the chick is trouble', 26. could this be it?
20-Sep-2004 1:27:20 PM
Kent's right - The Chick Is Trouble shares the same start and finish as 7th banana pitch 1. It was put up in 1999 - but the FHs left of Clean Sweep look older than that. I spose the mystery will remain...
20-Sep-2004 2:25:13 PM
On 20/09/2004 WM wrote:
>Kent's right - The Chick Is Trouble shares the same start and finish as
>7th banana pitch 1. It was put up in 1999 - but the FHs left of Clean Sweep
>look older than that. I spose the mystery will remain...c
cool! an open project to steal? who's up for it!!?? :D
20-Sep-2004 5:54:59 PM
All yours - I'll bring my prussiks