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27-Jan-2018 4:06:42 PM
Hey I've got a pair of shoes that are about to blow through the toe. They aren't worth resoling but wanted to see if there was anything to help extend their life a bit. Decades ago I used goo that was used for patching up wetsuits but was wondering if there are any other types of goo/gloo on the market these days that do a good job and are recommended
27-Jan-2018 5:26:22 PM
Search function is your friend, but to save you the trouble re my previous replies on the subject...
Shoo Goo is the best I've found*, amongst a lot of trial and error.
It is used by skateboarders to protect the wear spots on their yuppy racers, comes in tubes and is pretty much available from any place that sells skateboards! It isn't cheap though is worth the outlay. It comes in black, white and clear and seems to have a high resin content though still retains some flexibility... but no friction due not being rubber.
I've used it on the toes of my aid climbing shoes that I keep resurrecting for that purpose at Buffalo and it handles the gnarl that comes from skittering in etts pretty well, even after the rand was initially worn right through!
(*I don't know if Singapore has discovered it?)
27-Jan-2018 7:39:02 PM
Cheers iveareallylongname9. Singapore has shoo goo $15 just picked it up from the local skateshop. Xx
27-Jan-2018 10:59:47 PM
If repairing a deep gouge / hole, it is best to build up layers.
I rough it up with sandpaper to improve layer bonds and if worried about the shiny lustre of final coat then a light touch up with fine grade wet-and-dry sandpaper removes that.
If repair is still too shiny for your fashion sense then a black texta pen helps, or you can do what I do and take up aid climbing as it’s out of fashion anyway!