This probably makes more sense here:
On 10/01/2017 ajfclark wrote:
>I did yesterday just to see what it's like.
>Unless @egosan's ropes have shrunk a fair bit, the first abseil is a bit
>long perhaps? My 82kg + the rack barely got level with the bolts on stretch
>on a pair of 50m 7.9mm ropes. Threading the ropes at the top with the knot
>on the right they pulled fine for us, but I could see a lot of potential
>for things to go wrong. There's loads of bushes, loose rock, blocks, etc.
>Speaking on things going wrong, there was a bit of an epic when he assumed
>he could get to the ground from there and ended up on a 10cm wide ledge
>15m off the deck...
>After getting him to the ground on a single 7.9mm rope, I rapped to the
>bolted belay on Hot Flap, way, way left (facing the cliff), pulled again,
>and then to the ground with still not oodles of rope left.
>So 3 raps vs a quick walk down Pharos Gully. Even without the extra stuffing
>around, I think the walk is faster. With 60m ropes things might improve,
>but I'm still not sure you'll get to the ground from the Siren/Hot Flap
@egosan has since measured his ropes. They are 48.6m. |