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10-Aug-2010 3:13:04 PM
I'm bored. Work is boring and rain is rubbish. Roll on Friday... x
10-Aug-2010 3:27:56 PM
Dont start the habit, Checking chockstone priodically during the day is highly addictive. Especially when M9 and Simey are at it.
10-Aug-2010 3:30:24 PM
On 10/08/2010 markq wrote:
>Especially when M9 and Simey are at it.
There's a mental picture I did not need.
10-Aug-2010 3:35:00 PM
F&^k me ajfclarke! that was quick! under 3 minutes to reply! Thoughts on a new thread, Chockstone addicts Anonymous?
Or does the rain inhibit everyone else productivity aswell?
10-Aug-2010 3:37:02 PM
Teleconf meetings make for idle hands. If it was a movie the catch line could be "On mute, no one can hear you type..."
[There's no e in my name BTW...]
10-Aug-2010 3:43:13 PM
On 10/08/2010 ajfclark wrote:
>On 10/08/2010 markq wrote:
>>Especially when M9 and Simey are at it.
>There's a mental picture I did not need.
It is an image I don't need either!
What you raise had occurred to me in an abstract way after the ww&s post to this thread the other day; as I reckon there are more than a few wags on this site, and I suspect most of the participants are males,... ~> which would suggest that most of the votes on that poll would be from persons of the wrong sex as far as I am concerned!!
10-Aug-2010 3:44:20 PM
Hear that simey? He's thinking about you naked... in an abstract kind of way...
10-Aug-2010 3:44:36 PM
On 10/08/2010 ajfclark wrote:
>Teleconf meetings make for idle hands. If it was a movie the catch line
>could be "On mute, no one can hear you type..."
>[There's no e in my name BTW...]
Pedante !
10-Aug-2010 3:47:55 PM
On 10/08/2010 kuu wrote:
>Pedante !
It's French for Pedant?
When you get phone calls at 1am for someone with the same name but a different spelling, you start getting pedantic about these things.
My favourite so far was a series of SMS from payphones intended for someone else in the company. They were from an anonymous tipster dobbing in some people knocking off laptops or some such from an office. Of course, being sent from a payphone there was no way to tell Mr Tipster that his tips were going to the wrong person...
10-Aug-2010 3:52:24 PM
On 10/08/2010 ajfclark wrote:
>Hear that simey? He's thinking about you naked... in an abstract kind
>of way...
No I am not.
I shall have to take a leaf from simeys book and type 'slowly' for you to get the context ajfclarkwithnoe!
10-Aug-2010 3:54:09 PM
Maybe you should draw me a picture?
10-Aug-2010 3:57:01 PM
On 10/08/2010 ajfclark wrote:
>Maybe you should draw me a picture?
Mikl and Wendy are both much cyber-better at that!
Heh, heh, heh.
10-Aug-2010 4:00:51 PM
On 10/08/2010 IdratherbeclimbingM9 wrote:
>Mikl and Wendy are both much cyber-better at that!
As long as your MS paint skills are as bad or worse than Mikl's the resulting diagram shouldn't scar anyone too much...
10-Aug-2010 4:04:49 PM
Is that scar or scare? Or did you leave the 'e' off intentionally?
10-Aug-2010 4:05:49 PM
On 10/08/2010 ajfclark wrote:
>Maybe you should draw me a picture?
I already got in trouble once for goatse, otherwise I'd post it again.
10-Aug-2010 4:09:28 PM
On 10/08/2010 ajfclark(No E) wrote:
>On 10/08/2010 kuu wrote:
>>Pedante !
>It's French for Pedant?
Sorry Andrew, the temptation was too great, but as someone who frequently has issues about the misspelling of my surname I am somewhat sympathetic.
10-Aug-2010 4:13:55 PM
On 10/08/2010 pmonks wrote:
>On 10/08/2010 ajfclark wrote:
>>Maybe you should draw me a picture?
>I already got in trouble once for goatse, otherwise I'd post it again.
>GOOGLE "goatse"!!
The wiki explanation was enough for me, sick fu%^&rs
10-Aug-2010 4:22:15 PM
On 10/08/2010 pmonks wrote:
>I already got in trouble once for goatse, otherwise I'd post it again.
First time someone showed me that picture I said "Hey, that dude is married".
10-Aug-2010 4:27:15 PM
Forget the picture, have a look at peoples reactions to seeing it on youtube. Thats comedy.
10-Aug-2010 4:29:43 PM
Are you thinking of the 2 girls 1 cup reactions perhaps? I've never heard of videos of goatse reactions.
[Do not google "2 girls 1 cup" folks though the reaction videos on youtube are gold as is the lovely song by Jon Lajoie. I think my favourite reaction video is Kermit the Frog ]