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Future of CRUX - A4 or A5? |
29-Nov-2007 10:18:37 AM
Howdy peoples...
Here at CRUX HQ we are trying to decide whether to continue with the larger format of our rag. There are some advantages and disadvantages that we can see...
Pros - Better for photos, better for advertisers, slightly cheaper to print, more 'normal' in size
Cons - More expensive to post, less durable, requires better quality photo contributions, too 'normal' and corporate in look
Pros - Durable, handy size for backpacks, more smaller articles, different - more street press style
Cons - Hard to sell advertising, less impact for photos, people don't notice it in shops!
The other option is to do two A5 issues and one A4 annual a year. This sucks for us as it confuses our designers, advertisers and retailers. We'd like to stick to one format.
We really appreciate your feedback about this. It's a community mag that was birthed from these forums so your thoughts are really important. Feel free to give us any other feedback as well in how we can make it a better magazine. Please vote!
29-Nov-2007 10:24:02 AM
I like the A5 format in terms of look etc, but if it's easier for you guys to get advertising in an A4 format, then that seems the best option. I wouldn't stop buying it due to A4 format, and advertising is important so you can keep churning them out!
29-Nov-2007 10:28:04 AM
i like the A5 format - more cuties and sturdies.
29-Nov-2007 10:33:06 AM
A5 is easy to transport in my very feminine handbag.
29-Nov-2007 10:34:47 AM
The A5 is great for throwing in the pack. For at least a week it travells with me.
Mind you if to make it more viable for you to go A4 I will continue to buy it. GREAT mag by the way. Cant wait for number 5 might have to contribute to #6 to get my copy early.
29-Nov-2007 10:44:25 AM
A5 is good for me
it actually makes it stand out more imo
but doesn't really matter
just do what is easier
i'll still buy it
29-Nov-2007 10:59:46 AM
29-Nov-2007 11:01:44 AM
I like A5, it's more individual than the mass of mags out there, but will still buy it no matter the size.
If the advertising is easier to come by and the photos are bigger/better then go with that, it's all good.
29-Nov-2007 11:01:49 AM
The A5 size stands out and gained recognition for the mag. Everyone knows that Crux kicks ass now so an A4 size is cool.
29-Nov-2007 11:14:31 AM
A5 all the way!
29-Nov-2007 11:14:43 AM
I really like the A5, it's quirky and a bit individual. But like everyone else, I wouldn't stop buying it if it was A4.
29-Nov-2007 12:08:30 PM
Excellent climbing photos well presented are important to me, so I voted A4. I'd buy every Crux at A4 but none at A5 unless there is an article of special interest to me. A5 is restricting what could be a great mag IMO.
Crag guides could be put in as inserts in the convenient A5 size. At least one other mag does something similar!
29-Nov-2007 12:09:25 PM
Will wait until I get my hands on the A4 edition, but I expect I'm going to like the format more than the A5 - easier to read, more design flexibility, and the photos can have the impact the photographer intended.
29-Nov-2007 12:19:30 PM
i want pretty pictures so big is nice, and it gives the designer more room to move (im a fan of the simpler arty designs over the packitallintight vibe necessitated by an a5 format... but i do enjoy being able to throw a bit of reading material in the top of the pack...
what about 3 a5 issues & a larger photo annual each year? the larger doesnt have to be a4 either!
29-Nov-2007 12:37:30 PM
Problem with having different sizes is that ad rates and ad sizes would vary issue to issue as does
postage (very confusing for advertisers and resellers!). We discovered that going A4 practically doubled
our postage costs, even though the weight is practicly the same as the chunkier A5 version. Advertisers
got annoyed that they had to create new artwork for the different larger size.
29-Nov-2007 12:49:12 PM
what about a "climbing centrefold" to satisfy those who like climbing pics in larger size?
29-Nov-2007 1:08:40 PM
Suoertopo centerfolds. Someone could fly around the country in a helicopter and take crag shots then do the artwork and print them out. Pick me pick me!.
Seriously, I like the A5 format for all it's good points. If A4 meant better revenue and therefore a better and maybe more regular product then I'm all for it.
29-Nov-2007 2:41:31 PM
I voted A4. It's the pics I like looking at and bigger is better for that in my opinion, but I believe your core regular readers would be happy with any format at all just so long as it keeps getting published. Print it on bog paper and we'd still read it!
Whether it fits in a pack or not is immaterial, you'd just chuck it in the car and read it while waiting for the pasta to cook or in the tent at night. My copy of the latest issue got read by my house mate cover to cover in one sitting the instant it arrived home. I started on it this morning over breaky. I suspect most copies will be read before their owners even get to a crag.
I think what you need to be focusing on is attracting new customers, potential new contributors, and new advertisers and thus generating more revenue, so the mag has a solid future ahead of it. So my vote is go with whatever your research says will make more money for you.
29-Nov-2007 2:50:10 PM
On 29/11/2007 Mike wrote:
>I think what you need to be focusing on is attracting new customers, potential
>new contributors, and new advertisers and thus generating more revenue,
>so the mag has a solid future ahead of it. So my vote is go with whatever
>your research says will make more money for you.
That's probably A4 then!
29-Nov-2007 5:24:46 PM
and bi-monthly!?????