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9-Nov-2007 3:27:04 PM
Just wondering what constitutes a 'whipper' to people out there. Is it +5 meters or more? Be interesting to hear about some of the larger falls (and why they happened) from everyone :)
9-Nov-2007 3:31:25 PM
>what constitutes a 'whipper' ?
A whipper is the bloke with the flagellation stick, or cat'o'nine-tails as the case may be?
Not being into leather harness gear; (heh, heh), ... for me a whipper is often characterised by one of the following hallmarks;
*unexpected fall.
*dangerous fall (bad gear/landing/belay/belayer!/etc).
*longer than expected fall (assumed 'good' gear rips).
At the risk of sounding blase; long falls in and of themselves (imo) are not necessarily whippers if the gear is known to be good, it holds, and the landing is safe.
This is not to say they can't be scary when they are long enough; as one has more time to contemplate what is happening!
9-Nov-2007 3:35:23 PM
Anything under five is just a fall.
Ten meters or more is a whipper.
And fifteen meters plus is big.
9-Nov-2007 3:56:50 PM
On 9/11/2007 bomber pro wrote:
>Anything under five is just a fall.
>Ten meters or more is a whipper.
>And fifteen meters plus is big.
What is between 5 and 10 bp?
9-Nov-2007 6:28:01 PM
These are just my arbitrary distances, 0-5 small fall 5-10 medium fall 10-15 whipper 15-+ big fall
9-Nov-2007 8:05:09 PM
0-5m - whimp
5 - 10m - whip
10 - 15m - shit
15-20m - shit shit
20 - 30m - faarrkk!
30 - 50m - thank farkin god
50+m - thump
9-Nov-2007 9:19:07 PM
anything where my waist is above the top piece
9-Nov-2007 10:53:04 PM
when you can hear the air whistling
10-Nov-2007 9:25:50 AM
A whipper is when your belay tries to take in a heap of rope when you are falling resulting in you being catapulted into the rock where the snapping of your ankles resembles the sound of a whip being cracked.
I had what felt like a reasonably large fall from the top of the first pitch of Excalibur at Mt Piddington (Blue Mountains) onto a blindly placed (as an afterthought) 00 HB cam. In reality it was probably only about 3 or 4 metres at best. But felt a long way at the time, long enough to make me squeal like a little bitch.
10-Nov-2007 12:02:06 PM
A whipper is when you are on a 2 pitch climb and you reach the top of the 2nd pitch. You are so excited you have done it clean and decide to jump off.
Just as you are letting go, you cast a look down to see that your belayer is rapping off the fixed line to the floor and has tied of the end of the rope to the belay.
Now thats a whipper
12-Nov-2007 11:40:59 AM
When you realise you are now level with or lower than your belayer (depending on weights).
12-Nov-2007 12:21:23 PM
3:31:25 PM
>what constitutes a 'whipper' ?
A whipper is the bloke with the flagellation stick, or cat'o'nine-tails as the case may be?
M9 I kinda agree but I have always been more into the "woman with the flagellation stick, or cat'o'nine-tails as the case may be?"
12-Nov-2007 12:22:17 PM
On 12/11/2007 steph wrote:
>When you realise you are now level with or lower than your belayer (depending
>on weights).
This type of fall, especially if only in the first few moves off the belay, is a factor one fall if a piece of
gear has been placed between you and the belay, and a factor two fall if there is no gear between you
and the belay, and as such feels big because it has less rope to absorb the forces involved.
Try and clip a solid high piece in the anchor when heading past it, to avoid a factor 2 fall onto the anchor.
12-Nov-2007 1:17:34 PM
On 12/11/2007 widewetandslippery wrote:
>M9 I kinda agree but I have always been more into the "woman with the
>flagellation stick, or cat'o'nine-tails as the case may be?"
... didn't say anything about being a 'whippee' though did I. Heh, heh, heh.
Some more random thoughts ...
I heard from a fellow who overheard it at a party, that mousey took a rad whipper into a gutter once ...
Do Deep Water Soloists have whippers?
Did Dan Osman reckon his last jump was a whipper?
If a boulderer does not have a spotter or a mat and falls, is that a whipper?
If an old traddie dies of blood loss while scub-bashing to an epic choss-fest has s/he been whipped?
On the grading scale of whipping if you rebound (think bungy), and hence take a second dive at it, is that a whip+ or some other grade?
What does Mr Whippy think of all this commotion / others possibly cornering the ice cream market?
12-Nov-2007 1:35:40 PM
You're into aids climbing man, I reckon you are a whipee specialist. As for ice creaming or or anyone screaming its a matter of how out of order you have been whipped.
I reckon the smallest smack can be whipping. Its how the route looks you in the eye.
12-Nov-2007 1:55:15 PM
Mousey is scared of Redfern pubs, I doubt he would go into th gutter with a whipper.
12-Nov-2007 1:58:51 PM
JJ, did you do that, if you did I am honestly impressed.
12-Nov-2007 2:15:37 PM
>I reckon the smallest smack can be whipping.
That prolly sums up the bottom line! (Heh, heh, heh).
If it hurts then it was a whipper!
13-Nov-2007 3:06:02 AM
13-Nov-2007 11:34:58 AM
When your belayer slams the first draw???? Could be a weight difference thing for us fatties!