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CRUX #5 - Photo Special Out Now! |
25-Oct-2007 9:43:35 AM
Unless you have something super duper (or we contact you direct!) all major submissions are now closed for our Xmas Photo Annual issue. Thanks for sending us more great stuff peoples.
There are a few little bits and pieces that we need...
Woodie Worx CRUX Pimp My Woodie Competition
For our next issue we want to create a feature article about Australasia’s best home climbing walls. Email us a photo of your wall for a chance to be included and even better, a chance to win big! The grand champion wall, as judged by us, wins a big set of 40 Woodie Worx holds and ten runner-ups win a set of 5 holds each. It's almost too easy... send your photo entires to woodieworx@woodieworx.com
If you have any local news or libel inducing photos we'd like these as well. As usual, all printed contributors get a free mag (over 50 last issue!) and the chance to win heaps of great prizes - including ropes, DVDs, biners, headlamps, books (what else can we get rid of??) Get in quick!
If you're just the apathetic armchair critic then you have until early December before you can take a gander at our latest mag.
25-Oct-2007 10:29:55 AM
p.s. Woodie Worx comps closes November 5th.
26-Oct-2007 9:47:24 AM
can people from NZ enter?
26-Oct-2007 10:01:37 AM
I don't see why not. After all the man wrote;
>Australasia’s best home climbing walls
... as long as you don't try to pass off a sheep as 'money' for postage.
Heh, heh, heh.
26-Oct-2007 11:37:46 AM
Yes, NZ entries are fine!
27-Nov-2007 5:55:48 PM
Hello again from CRUX HQ,
A grand total of 76 fantastic people have combined to put together our latest issue of CRUX, lucky number 5. It’s our first Photo Annual edition, with 80 pages of A4 sized visual treats and lively written trips, reviews and opinions. There are photo galleries galore plus a wealth of other Xmas treats including exotic profiles on Madagascar and Morocco, and the less exotic Brisbane steep sport crags and Nowra hard routes. Who is HEX? Find out on page 16! Get baffled by the Arapiles Cruxword and scratch your head on the relevance of an article about a share house cat called Otto.

The mag will be rolling out over the next few weeks across Australia. Contributors get their free copies this week, subscribers by early next week and then finally the shops in the first week of December.
You can find out a little more by visiting
Did you win a contributor prize? If you’re on this list then you’re in with a chance. Check the last page for details! All these crazy cats helped to create this issue. Big thanks to all of them for putting their mad skilz to the printed page. Adam Bramwell, Adam Demmert, Adam Donoghue, Adrian Lang, Alana Wills, Alex Trnovsky, Ana Greer, Anita Sharma, Antoine Moussette, Ben Cossey, Cameron Fairbairn, Charile Creese, Chris Bonnington, Chris Fox, Corey Putkunz, Craig Ingram, Daniel Johnston, Darian Woods, Dave Jones, David Clark, Doug Hockley, Douggs, Duncan Steel, Ed Liddle, Esther Renita, Francesca Eldridge, Gareth Llewellin, Gavin Chester, Gavin Oliver, Gemma Woldendorp, Glen Ludlam ,Graham Zimmerman, James Kassay, James Falconer, James Pfrunder, Jan Zbranek, Jason Lammers, JJ O’Brien, Joe Goding, John Kazanas, John O’Conner, Jono Schmidt, Josh Caple, Julian Hurrell, Justin Jefferson, Keith Lockwood, Lauren Chandler, Lee Cujes, Marcus Varlin, Mark Bailey, Mark Clavarino, Mark Kendrick, Mark Watson, Marten Blumen, Matt Adams, Michael Boniwell, Michael Meadows, Mike Beckers, Mike Law, Monique Forestier, Neil Monteith, Nick Hanc--k, Phil Box, Phil Neville, Ramon Francis, Rod Smith, Scott Fraser, Simon Carter, Simon Murry, Simon Sirotti, Steve Bright, Steve Hawkshaw, Steve Kelly, Tim Haasnoot, Toby Bucek
Issue #6 – Girl Power Special
We are well on our way to complete our Autumn edition, which will be themed around female rock-climbers. We’ll be going out on a limb to source the best articles, photos and gear reviews by and for the fairer sex. Never fear, the guys won’t be forgotten entirely. We have struggled to get female content previously, so please spread the word! We are after witty, entertaining and inspiring stories (and photos) from chick climbers. This is their issue, we want them to be the feature! Email content to editor at cruxmag.com.au
Culture Vulture
Got a funny photo? Send it to us! It’s as simple as dragging, dropping and hitting send. You don’t even need to include a caption – we’ll do that for you!
The deadline for contributions is – 15th February 2008
Issue 6 will hit the stores in the first week of April, just in time for the Nowra and Queensland season to take off!
And lastly, the Red Chili Hunt comp has closed. Thanks for all the entires. Keep an eye out for the next big comp that will be launched soon.
Thanks for your help in creating this issue, and I look forward to your next contribution!
The CRUX Team
27-Nov-2007 11:05:24 PM
Woohoo! Can't wait and front cover looks 'fully sick bro!'
28-Nov-2007 6:58:00 PM
I got to see a proof and it looks more than fully sick. Dunno if Neil mentioned that the size is huge, in other words I won't need a magnifying glass to read the contact and check out the rad picatures. Folks the mag is awesome, get yours as soon as it comes out, I fully can't wait to get my copy in the mail.
28-Nov-2007 7:37:30 PM
All the subscribers copies are "in the mail".
28-Nov-2007 10:32:55 PM
Well copies arrived in the mail today (Cheers Neil) and I must say looking awesome guys, well done. The A4 format on the gloss paper has worked an absolute treat and is up there with the best looking climbing mags from o/s. Keep up the good work and I am sure your days of doing charity work will soon be over.
John K.
1-Dec-2007 11:51:25 AM
I got my glossy climbing Pr0n magazine now and I have devoured it cover to cover. Best mag in the world. Kicked a goal this time Crux Mag, well done. Oooh I love all the pretty large pictures.
2-Dec-2007 8:48:56 AM
>... as long as you don't try to pass off a sheep as 'money' for postage.
>Heh, heh, heh.
Ho-hum - same old joke, surely it's had its' day.
From Wikipedia. Sheep population (millions)
Australia 102.7
New Zealand 39.9
2-Dec-2007 10:07:19 AM
On 2/12/2007 martyb wrote:
>>... as long as you don't try to pass off a sheep as 'money' for postage.
>>Heh, heh, heh.
>Ho-hum - same old joke, surely it's had its' day.
>From Wikipedia. Sheep population (millions)
>Australia 102.7
>New Zealand 39.9
Well, if you want to get silly about it:
from wikipedia:
NZ pop = 4.2 million, so 9.5 sheep per person
Oz pop = 21.2 million, so 4.8 sheep per person
NZ land area = 268,680sq.km, so 149 sheep per sq.km
Oz land area = 7,741,220sq.km, so 13 sheep per sq.km
So NZ is double the sheep per person, and more than 10 times the sheep per sq.km
I think the joke is still on NZ :o)
3-Dec-2007 10:25:07 AM
Too much time andesite!!
3-Dec-2007 11:35:00 AM
> From Wikipedia. Sheep population (millions)
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheep
> Australia 102.7
> New Zealand 39.9
That's becuase in Australia it's the sheep that are bonking the sheep...
P.S. I'm half Kiwi - hmm, maybe that happened before there were more sheep around...
3-Dec-2007 12:05:42 PM
Awesome issue, great shots and, strangely enuff, I now want to climb steep stuff in QLD. The awesome power of advertising.
BTW, in that photo of me in the history section, I don't know if they were diet drugs
3-Dec-2007 12:43:21 PM
Just got mine. Looks great - that's also got to be the coolest cover shot I've seen in a while.
5-Dec-2007 3:26:28 PM
Neil and others, thanks indeed. Bought the mag yesterday and it is totally inspiring. Good to see my link-ups rant get published in CVulture too...
And what an inspirational story with Simon and Sir Chris. If I'm running out Blueys classics when I'm 70 I'll be one happy climber.
5-Dec-2007 3:48:16 PM
Bought the last copy at Bogong at lunchtime .. A4 looks like the way forward.
6-Dec-2007 8:44:54 AM
On 27/11/2007 cruxmag wrote:
>>Issue #6 – Girl Power Special
>We are well on our way to complete our Autumn edition, which will be themed
>around female rock-climbers. We’ll be going out on a limb to source the
>best articles, photos and gear reviews by and for the fairer sex. Never
>fear, the guys won’t be forgotten entirely. We have struggled to get female
>content previously, so please spread the word!
might want to do a news flash of Mayan Smith-Gobat's recent 8b+ tick (Geminis) in Rodellar. Not an aussie girl but still Antipodean.
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