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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Top Stupid Mistakes to Avoid 31-Oct-2003 At 3:15:41 PM Rock Weasel
I acknowledge that many of the climbers who have died are competent and generally safe climbers. But how many of these deaths are caused by objective hazards (rock fall, swooping falcons, lightening strike, etc.)? I would contend that there would be next to none. The vast majority of deaths are caused by negligence or oversight on the behalf of the deceased. This is inexcusable. The question must then be asked, is it true that safe and deligent climbers die? Take the guy who died as Araps this Easter. He soloed an easy route the day before the accident (always a good way to die). Then he ran it out on a route that has ample, quality (but intricate) protection. Would anyone call this climber a safe operator? And no one needs to be reminded about the utter stupidity of some of the near misses reported this year (sport climbers rapping off ends of ropes, etc.) This may seem uncharitable, but gravity is not a charitable force to contend with. We must analyse and learn from the accidents that happen to others, and most of all, avoid their folly.

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