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Congestion Management Plan for the Long Weekend |
25-Oct-2005 5:17:16 PM
Congestion Management Plan for the Long Weekend – Arapiles
Due to the combination of the Nati Frinj Festival, VCC trip plans and general expected levels of mayhem over the token ‘long weekend’ of the Cup, Safer Cliffs Vic, in conjunction with the Natimuk Police, SES and West Goroke Boy Scouts are pleased to announce a congestion management plan (CMP) will be put in place for the coming weekend.
The plan is as follows:
1. Major trade routes
A booking scheme has been set up, see (or dial 1-800 CLIPME). Be quick, at present only the following slots are left:
The Bard – 7:30, 12:10 Saturday, fully booked Sunday, 11:15 and the ‘epic slot’ of 6:15 Monday afternoon. Note daylight savings time applies.
Ivan - still plenty of availability, call the 1-800 number for preferred times.
Tiptoe Ridge – no bookings accepted, instead the CMP prescribes a ‘soloing only’ policy for this route over the entire weekend to ensure everyone gets a go. Slower climbers please keep to the left to allow faster climbers to pass. A drinks station will be set up on the Pinnacle.
Syrinx – site of the VCC barbeque so you will need a lunch voucher before queuing up on this route.
2. The Plaques area
Setting up individual topropes is prohibited, instead the CMP team will set up a rotating pulley system that bears some similarity to a rope tow system at minor ski resorts. Climbers will be able to attach themselves at 3 metre intervals via a modified ‘nutcracker’ system that runs around a one-way pulley. Please ensure you exit cleanly. Note: A 30-second time limit applies for deliberations at the Dramp roof to ensure those stuck waiting above and below you do not get pumped out.
3. Organ Pipes
A bookings system has been deemed impractical, instead a series of turnstiles and Tensa barriers have been installed to ensure an orderly queuing system. The Natimuk Police will be in attendance to ensure the crowd does not become riotous.
A strict limit of 20 climbers will be imposed on the ledge at the base of Red Wall. Once this limit fills up, climbers will have to wait for someone to exit before heading up, much like the capacity systems in place at popular nightclubs. Neil Monteith has offered to play bouncer.
Thanks all for your cooperation and have a great weekend.
25-Oct-2005 5:32:37 PM
Never know... could happen one day - look at the Overland Track - you also have to pay $100 on top of your park entry fee
25-Oct-2005 6:05:45 PM
On 25/10/2005 gfdonc wrote:
>Congestion Management Plan for the Long Weekend – Arapiles
hehehe....that is pure gold... straight to the pool room with that
good work gfdonc
25-Oct-2005 7:00:53 PM
On 25/10/2005 gfdonc wrote:
>Congestion Management Plan for the Long Weekend – Arapiles
come to the grampians!
25-Oct-2005 8:50:50 PM
25-Oct-2005 10:07:24 PM
Love your work
26-Oct-2005 9:46:39 AM
Ah.......Vic Range solitude!!
26-Oct-2005 9:56:52 AM
ditto chalk free.
26-Oct-2005 12:51:23 PM
haha nice one gfdonc, my BS detector didn't go off until i read about the drinks station ;) :)
26-Oct-2005 1:16:44 PM
oh wow!! it didn't click for me!!!
i actually believed it, damn!!!
nice one!!!!