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Chockstone Forum - General Discussion

General Climbing Discussion

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Trad climb? (2) 20-May-2003 At 12:56:25 PM eddym

I wasn't asking for advice. I appreciate people's burning need to give it but if you re-read my notes I was trying to initiate an interesting discusion about the subject. But hey! Whatever! Thanks for the advice! Some fixed gear is shit and does break. Good, I think we can all agree on this. Like a lot of things in climbing we need to use our experience to decide for ourselves what is a safe path of action.

Now, what about the question of removing fixed gear? What are people's ethics on this? I would like to move the discusion further down this path. Has anyone removed fixed gear? On a regular basis? On what grounds? I'm interested to hear people's thoughts on THIS...

I see nmonteith (thanks for continuing the discusion) is of the opinion that fixed 'mank' should be removed. Good. How do you decide on this? Do you have some examples of where you have removed fixed gear on routes of a similar type as 'Trojan' to share?


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