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6-Sep-2014 7:16:06 PM
Is Summerday valley open for climbing?
6-Sep-2014 8:38:41 PM
Ahhhh..... no.
19-Dec-2014 8:47:45 AM
Sorry to ask again but is Summerday valley open yet
19-Dec-2014 9:08:00 AM
I believe the VCC ran two exclusive weekend for a limited amount of booked climbers. They were to assess the impact this had on the area and determine an open date into early 2015?
I have not heard any more on that though
19-Dec-2014 9:39:46 AM
It is not open to the general public yet. To try and assess how much damage etc will happen, Parks has instituted a soft, phased opening, available only to license tour operators and some other select groups. There was a full information program etc that operators had to go on to stay in line with Parks requirements. For instance, the VCC has one person who must be on all trips to the VCC.
At this stage, other than booking with a guide, the only way to get in there is head along on a VCC trip to the area. The gates are locked, etc.
The area was very heavily impacted by the fires so things will be very slow reopening to the general public.
As always, the place with the most up to date information is the Cliffcare website and if there isn't an explicit note saying the area is open, it's still closed.
19-Dec-2014 2:09:09 PM
And this latest from the Grampians Park Recovery Update which has just arrived :
Mt Difficult Range, Wartook basin, Hollow Mountain, Summerday Valley and Coppermine Track areas – remain closed
The above areas will remain closed primarily to provide the opportunity for these fragile areas to regenerate. Visitor Safety is also an important consideration as sites have been severely impacted by the fire, leading to unstable rocks, trees and soil. The dry conditions have also lead to minimal ecological regeneration. Parks Victoria expects that these areas will remain closed until Spring 2015 to aid regeneration and reduce the visitor risks. In the meantime, Parks Victoria is reviewing visitor facilities and experiences across the Mt Difficult Range, including hiker camps, to ensure sustainable and improved infrastructure is provided to better provide for increased visitation into the future.
22-Dec-2014 11:09:57 AM
HI All,
I will be putting out a small report in the next day or so, but basically as Kieran and Andrew noted, Summerday is still closed. The CliffCare website will always have the latest information. Many people think that because the last date is quite old that it is not being updated. It is - it just means there have been no changes to the information. Still - good on you for checking.
22-Dec-2014 4:11:59 PM
Thanks everyone, went climbing at Halls Gap instead.
PS On the walk up to Venus baths there is a big outcrop with some tempting lines.
It is just after the walking track turnoff to Bulaces Glen.
I don't know if it has a name but access is too easy for it not to have been investigated.
23-Dec-2014 9:15:35 AM
Socrophiliac Buttress. 3 routes.
1. Mums Word 25m 20
Thin and runout. A #4 SLCD and some small TCUs are handy. Start at the slabby aręte left of Socropophiliac. Up this for 12m to a gap and a thin horizontal crack. Head right along the crack almost into Socropophiliac then delicately to the ledge. Move left to the aręte and over the bulge. Matthew Brooks, Daniel Brooks. 11/1/91
2. Socropophiliac 25m 9
Not as bad as the name would imply, but no world-beater either. Climb the short chimney at the left hand side of the outcrop. better: climb the obvious left-facing corner (mostly as a chimney) to exit left. Descent? Clive Parker, Lesley Kefford. 6/9/68
3. *High Society 27m 19
Start 4m right of Socropophiliac at a crack. Jam the crack to a break and go right over the bulge on the aręte to a ledge. Move left along the ledge to a crack, up this to a short traverse into the top of Socropophiliac. Daniel Brooks, Matthew Brooks. 11/1/91
23-Dec-2014 11:58:10 AM
Hi All,
Access report and Northern Grampians climbing area update posts are now up on the CliffCare site. You can see here
Have a safe and happy festive season.
19-Aug-2015 7:59:14 PM
Hi, last asked 8 months ago. Is Summerday valley open yet?
20-Aug-2015 7:56:59 AM
No, SDV is still closed to the general public.
It is accessible via tour groups and VCC trips but not to the general public. Whilst ever everything north of Hollow Mountain is closed, Summerday will remain closed to the general public as there's no way to control where people go once that gate is open.
There will be a huge announcement on when that happens (and, here, vertical life, thecrag, etc). Given that we've now had some light rain, perhaps sometime in the next 12 months there will be some regrowth and eventually a reopening.
20-Aug-2015 5:50:02 PM
21-Aug-2015 2:29:41 PM
I will have some definite dates shortly. Hopeful for a Spring reopening - it is looking possible so fingers crossed. Latest article on CliffCare has some good points once areas do reopen.