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20-Sep-2010 8:23:05 PM
i was climbing at the watchtower and did a route that wasnt in the guide, im guessing it has been climbed and recored before as its such a obvious line, just wondered if anyone knew the name and grade.
its just around corner on the side wall to the right of ky valley. up the face then on to the right hand arching arete.
any ideas??
20-Sep-2010 9:12:11 PM
On 20/09/2010 dave_rose1 wrote:
>i was climbing at the watchtower and did a route that wasnt in the guide,
>im guessing it has been climbed and recored before as its such a obvious
>line, just wondered if anyone knew the name and grade.
>its just around corner on the side wall to the right of ky valley. up
>the face then on to the right hand arching arete.
>any ideas??
Probably Texas Flood 19
Slab, wall and crack on arete just around right of KY Valley, from Mount Difficult guide.
If you want to start doing routes that aren't in the Tempest/Mentz guide you probably should get your hands on the other guidebooks that are available plus have a look at what's in the ACA guides (no-one has done the Watchtower yet though)
21-Sep-2010 10:10:32 AM
cheers. yeah ur prob right it felt about 19ish, woulnt really recomend it tho, its all a bit snappy.
which line is the watchtower? all the lines there seem to have been taken
21-Sep-2010 10:18:50 AM
On 21/09/2010 dave_rose1 wrote:
>which line is the watchtower? all the lines there seem to have been taken
Kieran was referring to the fact that no one has entered the full guidebook info for the Watchtower crag in the ACA database.
21-Sep-2010 11:48:41 AM
On 21/09/2010 dave_rose1 wrote:
>it felt about 19ish, woulnt really recomend
>it tho, its all a bit snappy.
Probably why it's not in the Select guide. With most cliffs in the Mentz/Tempest guide, you can assume that if it's an obvious climb and it's not in the guide, it's almost certainly already been climbed and is probably not worth doing.
As I said earlier, if you're starting to look at the gaps between the climbs then you need to start doing some research.