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5-May-2010 11:32:03 AM
On 3/05/2010 simey wrote:
>All I know is that traversing bluestone walls is a lot more relevant to
>my climbing than lying around on a mattress looking at my woody.
Ooh yeah, how good are those bluestone walls in Melbourne! Eye of the Tiger, here we come, eh?
5-May-2010 11:57:28 AM
On 5/05/2010 ..::- Chris -::.. wrote:
>There is 3k of materials in that bad boy, marine ply on the roof etc.....
Well, as a climber, I can't think of a single thing I'd rather spend that money on
>Slabs and tiny face holds are my weakness, plus when we have friends over
>the verticle wall is something my mates can jump on without nailing themselves...
Yep, with a vertical woody up you'll be crushing slabs in no time. Wall of Mirrors, here we come, eh?
>I am surprised you are so keen on steep walls, given that the ACT doesn't
>have any overhangs ; ) (waits for flaming) ; )
Hang on, you're right! I've been doing it all wrong, will get to and flip my woody over pronto! Yippee, I'm so happy to have realised what I was doing wrong (with jesus's guidance, of course)
5-May-2010 12:16:25 PM
Since we're on the topic of backyard constructions, have you seen doubleshort's 90ft sloper campus board before?
6-May-2010 2:19:49 PM
On 5/05/2010 one day hero wrote:
>Haven't heard from Paul in a you reckon I hurt his feelings?
I doubt youv'e hurt his feelings. Experts have tried and failed. So I doubt a try hard like you could upset him.
By the way, have a nice day O.D.H.
7-May-2010 6:40:59 PM
On 5/05/2010 one day hero wrote:
>On 3/05/2010 stugang wrote:
>>hero my intention was not to offer woody building advice but to hang
>>shit on you and simey.
>Yeah, I know. Your ecological niche is piss funny, subtle ribbing.....Simey's
>is sarchasm, served dry as the proverbial. I worry that if I stray too
>far from being an in-your-face arsehole, I'll be stepping on someones toes
>(2 fcukers trying to outfunny each other in the same genre just doesn't
>Haven't heard from Paul in a you reckon I hurt his feelings?
Nope. Been busy with work and planing the next phase of the woody.
7-May-2010 7:38:42 PM
@One day hero. Still waiting for your photos and would like to see them before you get banned and can't post...
7-May-2010 9:15:33 PM
Hay dalai
Hero specificly directed the word arsehole toward a member of the chockstone fraternity.
Surely that deserves a banning?
7-May-2010 9:39:00 PM
Am currently in discussions with another mod as to what actions we should take with odh. He has been getting a bit too feisty on the forum of late and needs a nap for a little while IMO...
OHD - please edit the post on the previous page to remove abuse directed to another member (if you ask which post I'd suggest you edit all that you think may be against the forum rules) and tone it down.
Take this as warning number one. Next warning will result in one week in the time out bin.
7-May-2010 11:25:19 PM
get over it dalai no one cares
7-May-2010 11:37:16 PM
On 7/05/2010 SummitSlag wrote:
>get over it dalai no one cares
Well since Stugang raised a valid point about comments directed at him which contravene the forums rules it's my place to care.
I think I'm being reasonable asking odh to show a some maturity and edit his own post/s rather than as a moderator edit/delete posts myself. odh has been trolling in quite a few topics recently - directing his comments at various members trying to get a rise... It's tolerated to a point but when other members rightly complain then action has to be taken.
8-May-2010 7:33:11 AM
Before my quip gets taken too far out of hand - I was refeering to the fact odh called himself an a*hole
8-May-2010 12:26:44 PM
Then I misunderstood your comment Stugang. ODH has been pushing the boundries in other topics too so the warning still stands.
8-May-2010 1:16:24 PM
On 8/05/2010 dalai wrote:
>Then I misunderstood your comment Stugang. ODH has been pushing the boundries
>in other topics too so the warning still stands.
Leave ODH, he may speak his mind without counting to ten first, but that can (sometimes)lead to some funny sh&t!?
9-May-2010 11:36:55 PM
ODH so isn't a troll and I don't think his comments should be taken as personal attacks. He has the courage to say what he thinks and say it in an entertaining way. There is no namby pamby with his posts.
10-May-2010 8:05:11 AM
On 5/05/2010 ajfclark wrote:
>Since we're on the topic of backyard constructions, have you seen doubleshort's 90ft sloper campus board before?
Damn you ajf, I just watched 3 minutes of goldfish expecting to see some campus board above the pond or, even better, a goldfish crushing epic fail. What I got was 3 minutes of goldfish.
10-May-2010 8:12:02 AM
On 10/05/2010 ambyeok wrote:
>Damn you ajf, I just watched 3 minutes of goldfish expecting to see some campus board above the pond or, even better, a goldfish crushing epic fail. What I got was 3 minutes of goldfish.
All the videos in his profile bar one are about his campus board... try for instance... and I just realised I obviously wasn't paying attention to what I was typing the other day, it's not a 90ft board, it's 15ft.
10-May-2010 1:08:03 PM
On 10/05/2010 ajfclark wrote:
>... it's not a 90ft board, it's 15ft.
Yeah, but the goldfish were pretty big.
10-May-2010 1:20:39 PM
here is the video that shows just how mean that campus board is.
At the end you get a close up of the rungs.
10-May-2010 1:22:04 PM
If it didn't seem painful enough, somewhere in the comments he mentions that it's skateboard grip tape on the rungs...
10-May-2010 3:05:40 PM
On 7/05/2010 dalai wrote:
>Am currently in discussions with another mod as to what actions we should
>take with odh. He has been getting a bit too feisty on the forum of late
>and needs a nap for a little while IMO...
>OHD - please edit the post on the previous page to remove abuse directed
>to another member (if you ask which post I'd suggest you edit all that
>you think may be against the forum rules) and tone it down.
>Take this as warning number one. Next warning will result in one week
>in the time out bin.
What? I haven't even slagged people off on this topic, just their training boards. The message I'm getting from this warning is "It's fine to get stuck into christians and their god, but you cross a line when you criticise another man's woody!"
Look, it's not so much that I'm speaking my mind, just that I've farked up and enrolled in a whole swag of really boring subjects.....faffing on chocky is slightly less mind destroying than organic chem. Once this semester is over and I actually get some climbing in, I'll be a much nicer person................and, to be honest, I need to start studying and figure that getting banned for a few weeks will help. If you don't ban me now, the shockhorror dial will continue being turned up till you do :) Don't worry too much about the woody photos. I have to get up to canberra to take 'em, will be a while till that happens...and I can always get Dave or Oli to post them.