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woody material available - for princely sum of $0 |
29-Apr-2010 3:50:25 PM
My bouldering wall has been built almost entirely out of free materials.
single use pallets are often made out of 12mm ply, combine a few sheets of this with some liquid nails to make suitable ply.
framing material can be obtained from timber skids used to deliver sheet metal.
both of these can be obtained for free if you ask around in most factory estates as it costs companies money to get rid of unwanted waste.
the total cost of this bouldering wall is:
1 slad of beer (for materials)
bolts and screws
one tin of miss tinted paint from bunnings

29-Apr-2010 4:13:17 PM
I love it! I want to build a woody.... Are you using SS hardware and if so did you find a good (read inexpensive) retailer?
29-Apr-2010 4:19:02 PM
No just galvanised stuff, I figure that the timber will rot away first, don't bother with stainless bolts if you are trying to building on the cheep. put some greese on the bolts before installation and paint the outside of them.
And buy them from a specialty bolt shop not bunnings (cheeper), try offering to pay cash, some places may reduce the price.
30-Apr-2010 1:33:03 PM
On 29/04/2010 Paul wrote:
>My bouldering wall has been built almost entirely out of free materials.
>single use pallets are often made out of 12mm ply, combine a few sheets
>of this with some liquid nails to make suitable ply.
>framing material can be obtained from timber skids used to deliver sheet
>both of these can be obtained for free if you ask around in most factory
>estates as it costs companies money to get rid of unwanted waste.
>the total cost of this bouldering wall is:
>1 slad of beer (for materials)
>bolts and screws
>one tin of miss tinted paint from bunnings
When you told me you had been developing your bouldering wall I never imagined this Monstrous unit. In future I think I need to employ you more to keep you away from the church of wood and therfore stop you becoming some power infested crusher and also get you to build me one as well so I can become a power infested crusher!!!!!
30-Apr-2010 3:18:06 PM
On 29/04/2010 Paul wrote:
>No just galvanised stuff, I figure that the timber will rot away first,
>don't bother with stainless bolts if you are trying to building on the
>cheep. put some greese on the bolts before installation and paint the outside
>of them.
Good thinking... The SS hardward was looking to be my undoing! I can't wait for my wife to let me build one of these!
1-May-2010 8:01:33 AM
On 29/04/2010 mattjr wrote:
>Angry No. A little bored with a finger injury.. maybe.
>I now realise that I have no right to delete my prior comments and that
>M9 is god.
>(insert suitable expletives directed toward M9 here)
>heh f&%kin heh
It is a good game for bored stoners, is it not? Heh x 3
~> I escape from Chocky for a day and come back to see that stugang wants to play the game too, as I notice the 'surreal' post of his has since disappeared...
For context I will put it back in edited (snip-shortened) version.
On 28/04/2010 11:36:49 PM stugang wrote:
>Surreal. Truly surreal.
>Mattjr: I'm sorry you and your mates just missed out on my earlier (quality) woody material offering. (snip).
>From what I can make out to your deleted comments all I have to say is:
>- I never pretended it was anything other than what it is.
>-My first woody/campus (snip).
>- the reason (snip)
>I've given away loads of quality stuff here in the past. (snip) claustrophobic.
The power of the internet is a scary thing...
Although this thread is lightweight in the scheme of things it illustrates that if we are not prepared to 'own' our published thoughts, then best not to publish them in the first place. Likewise committing personal details to it, if you don't want them retrieved by people more proficient in computer use than myself.
... ~> thus endeth the serrmon from the mou-se-click!
Heh, f&%kin, heh!
1-May-2010 3:51:31 PM
On 30/04/2010 surfnclimb wrote:
>When you told me you had been developing your bouldering wall I never
>imagined this Monstrous unit. In future I think I need to employ you more
>to keep you away from the church of wood and therfore stop you becoming
>some power infested crusher and also get you to build me one as well so
>I can become a power infested crusher!!!!!
Wow, what a super wall! Good job and keep on spending lots of hours on that monster.....lots and lots of time! There's no possible way any of it will be wasted with a perfectly tuned training tool like that. Serpentine, here we come, eh?
1-May-2010 4:18:24 PM
M9, I deleted my note not cos of anything in it as it was all innocuous enough but cos mattjr made the gesture of deleting his posts and I thought I'd do the same (despite the fact it was all plain enough to see in your post). I was a bit annoyed he posted a pm but I was never going to lose sleep over anything else he said - in the end he deleted them and I was grateful he did. Nuff said - you do what you want with your posts myself and mattjr have made our preferences clear.
1-May-2010 5:47:24 PM
On 1/05/2010 One Day Hero wrote:
>On 30/04/2010 surfnclimb wrote:
>>When you told me you had been developing your bouldering wall I never
>>imagined this Monstrous unit. In future I think I need to employ you
>>to keep you away from the church of wood and therfore stop you becoming
>>some power infested crusher and also get you to build me one as well
>>I can become a power infested crusher!!!!!
>Listen, no one is going to be crushing anything if they waste their time
>training on that poorly conceived, shitty chunk of hopes and dreams!!
I seem to be able to get a good workout from it and it is a lot more productive for my climbing that writing crap on the internet is.
>If you wanna get strong, your woody needs to be long has
>that turdboard been up? Any progress gradewise?..........course not!
It has been growing over the last few years as I acquired materials, since I have had it my climbing has gone up four or five grades. I think this is progress.
1-May-2010 7:00:04 PM
On 1/05/2010 stugang wrote:
>M9, I deleted my note not cos of anything in it as it was all innocuous
>enough but cos mattjr made the gesture of deleting his posts and I thought
>I'd do the same (despite the fact it was all plain enough to see in your
>post). I was a bit annoyed he posted a pm but I was never going to lose
>sleep over anything else he said - in the end he deleted them and I was
>grateful he did. Nuff said - you do what you want with your posts myself
>and mattjr have made our preferences clear.
M9 why don't you keep out of it?
The delete function is there for a reason and what gives you the right to undermine it.
All I can come up with is that perhaps it gives you some sense of power?
And yes Paul, good effort with the wall but it certainly isn't a training tool. I thought ODH's comments were a bit harsh but pretty much bang on, there are some good books around with information on building home woodys.
2-May-2010 12:12:58 PM
On 1/05/2010 mattjr wrote:
>On 1/05/2010 stugang wrote:
>>M9, I deleted my note not cos of anything in it as it was all innocuous
>>enough but cos mattjr made the gesture of deleting his posts and I thought
>>I'd do the same (despite the fact it was all plain enough to see in your
>>post). I was a bit annoyed he posted a pm but I was never going to lose
>>sleep over anything else he said - in the end he deleted them and I
>>grateful he did. Nuff said - you do what you want with your posts myself
>>and mattjr have made our preferences clear.
>M9 why don't you keep out of it?
>The delete function is there for a reason and what gives you the right
>to undermine it.
>All I can come up with is that perhaps it gives you some sense of power?
>And yes Paul, good effort with the wall but it certainly isn't a training
>tool. I thought ODH's comments were a bit harsh but pretty much bang on,
>there are some good books around with information on building home woodys.
If I train on it then surely it is a training tool?
My inital post was purely to show what can be achieved on almost no budget and considering how little has been spent I think that it is great value as a training tool.
2-May-2010 7:44:38 PM
On 1/05/2010 mattjr wrote:
>On 1/05/2010 stugang wrote:
>>M9, I deleted my note not cos of anything in it as it was all innocuous
>>enough but cos mattjr made the gesture of deleting his posts and I thought
>>I'd do the same (despite the fact it was all plain enough to see in your
>>post). I was a bit annoyed he posted a pm but I was never going to lose
>>sleep over anything else he said - in the end he deleted them and I
>>grateful he did. Nuff said - you do what you want with your posts myself
>>and mattjr have made our preferences clear.
>M9 why don't you keep out of it?
>The delete function is there for a reason and what gives you the right
>to undermine it.
>All I can come up with is that perhaps it gives you some sense of power?
Good evening gents.
There is nothing in my actions that represents power to me. Anyone can do it by looking at cache posts. Your deleting them is not truly a delete.
The delete function serves more than one purpose and is easily abused, so I was using the 'reinstate ability' as a statement of my own against the actions of those who delete their posts. Maybe I have been too heavy handed using this lightweight thread to make a point, as part of my mindset has been shaped by some early Chocky user-IDs who deleted all their posts and left many threads without context as a result, and I did not want to see this kind of action encouraged.
A little thought before posting would alleviate the need to delete them later, is the point I am making...
As stugang says, both of your preferences are clear.
Now that I have made my point, ironically I am not against deleting* my posts concerning you and stugang on this thread (heh, heh, heh), if it helps maintain a mutual respect between us; ... as I too am not going to lose sleep over the issue, and value the (potential?) camaraderie more, due believing we have more in common than difference between us.
(*I am prepared to sacrifice yet another thread to minimal context, even though it runs counter my reasoning, for the greater ideal of cyber-friendship).
2-May-2010 8:14:03 PM
On 1/05/2010 One Day Hero wrote:
>>Listen, no one is going to be crushing anything if they waste their time
>training on that poorly conceived, shitty chunk of hopes and dreams!!
>If you wanna get strong, your woody needs to be long has
>that turdboard been up? Any progress gradewise?..........course not!
I love how ODH never lets niceties interfere with 'telling it how it is'.
I think I should take a leaf out of his book.
2-May-2010 8:24:17 PM
>On 1/05/2010 One Day Hero wrote:
>>>Listen, no one is going to be crushing anything if they waste their
>>training on that poorly conceived, shitty chunk of hopes and dreams!!
>>If you wanna get strong, your woody needs to be long has
>>that turdboard been up? Any progress gradewise?..........course not!
2-May-2010 9:40:59 PM
Paul - take no notice to the old bitter and twisted OHD and other critics. A steeper woody ideally will offer longer term benefit than a less steep wall, but there is more that can be trained on a wall than just power... Technique, such as body positioning, footwork and even endurance especially when starting out.
2-May-2010 9:55:46 PM
On 2/05/2010 dalai wrote:
>Paul - take no notice to the old bitter and twisted OHD and other critics.
>A steeper woody ideally will offer longer term benefit than a less steep
>wall, but there is more that can be trained on a wall than just power...
>Technique, such as body positioning, footwork and even endurance especially
>when starting out.
Too true. I understand the woody that Joe Goding has built at his place also trains you in alpinism thanks to its comparison with the North Face of the Eiger. Paul's woody as shown here would probably be of great benefit if your ultimate aim is to climb roadside cuttings.
2-May-2010 10:04:11 PM
*sigh* If you don't have something positive to contribute Simey then please don't...
2-May-2010 10:08:01 PM
On 2/05/2010 dalai wrote:
>Paul - take no notice to the old bitter and twisted OHD and other critics.
>A steeper woody ideally will offer longer term benefit than a less steep
>wall, but there is more that can be trained on a wall than just power...
>Technique, such as body positioning, footwork and even endurance especially
>when starting out.
Technique and footwork is my focus at the moment so it works well. As for power I have a variety of holds attached forming a campus board elsewhere.
It occured to me that the"the old bitter and twisted OHD and other critics" may be negative because they are infact envious of my "poorly conceived, shitty chunk of hopes and dreams", what with Burnley being closed due to the road works and everything.
2-May-2010 10:14:19 PM
On 2/05/2010 simey wrote:
>On 2/05/2010 dalai wrote:
>>Paul - take no notice to the old bitter and twisted OHD and other critics.
>>A steeper woody ideally will offer longer term benefit than a less steep
>>wall, but there is more that can be trained on a wall than just power...
>>Technique, such as body positioning, footwork and even endurance especially
>>when starting out.
>Too true. I understand the woody that Joe Goding has built at his place
>also trains you in alpinism thanks to its comparison with the North Face
>of the Eiger. Paul's woody as shown here would probably be of great benefit
>if your ultimate aim is to climb roadside cuttings.
'if your ultimate aim is to climb roadside cuttings.'
My second laugh out loud tonight!
Fu@#in funny
Note: Joe Goding has a woody, where's my invite Joe?
Edit: O.K you have us figured out we are just envious of your "poorly conceived, shitty chunk of hopes and dreams"! (the only climbing i've been doing lately is into bed)
2-May-2010 10:20:25 PM
On 2/05/2010 simey wrote:
>Too true. I understand the woody that Joe Goding has built at his place
>also trains you in alpinism thanks to its comparison with the North Face
>of the Eiger. Paul's woody as shown here would probably be of great benefit
>if your ultimate aim is to climb roadside cuttings.
I've heard that there are some good rode side cuttings out there

picture stolenfrom somewhere on the internet