Just use a US based remailer..plenty to pick from and alot will package several orders into one to forward to you...even with that extra middle man you can still save heaps.
On 30/03/2010 wallwombat wrote:
>I generally buy most stuff here except for stuff I want that I can't get here or that is too expensive here.
Arr c'mon. You bought your sexy Ukranian cams just because you wanted to be different and stand out from the crowd at Centennial-
>Why would I buy a portaledge here for $1200 when I can get one in the
>states for $700?
>Actually, why would I buy a portaledge?
While ever you continue bouldering I agree, but one day you may feel an urge to wake up with significant exposure under you...
~> yeah, now I re-read that last line and think second thoughts about it, you won't need a portaledge for that.
Heh, heh, heh.
On 30/03/2010 ado_m wrote:
>But what shops in the US deliver to Australia? Not gear express from
>(That said, postage from UK needlesports would get you all this at a fraction
>of the cost)
Have you somehow missed the 30 trillion threads that come up about buying gear from the US? I think it's up there with helmets, rebolting, should i still use my rope/harness/biner/vibrator and what gear for a first rack themes for regularity.
I was initially just pointing out the outrageous mark up on a couple of things at Cliffhanger.
Anyway, these threads have their uses. I think you, Wendy, mentioned acmeclimbing.com in the last thread like this and now, because of that, I have nice shiny Madrock Ultralight Wiregates on half my cams.
On 30/03/2010 Wendy wrote:
>Have you somehow missed the 30 trillion threads that come up about buying
>gear from the US? I think it's up there with helmets, rebolting, should
>i still use my rope/harness/biner/vibrator and what gear for a first rack
>themes for regularity.
well how about we just shut chockstone down and stop chatting because it appears to be redundant now.. What about all the repeating threads on climbing.......
On 30/03/2010 wallwombat wrote;
>Anyway, these threads have their uses.
Especially to those who start them, but continueing in the theme of your new-twist use of them, Wendy wrote;
>should i still use my rope/harness/biner/vibrator
Interesting question! The simple addition of one word changes the whole flavour of the question/thread, and I am surprised that the merchants of such word carnage have not already jumped onto the hijack bandwagon and run amok with the steering wheel.
Cue; enter-
Hehx 3
On 30/03/2010 Wendy wrote:
>Have you somehow missed the 30 trillion threads that come up about buying
>gear from the US? I think it's up there with helmets, rebolting, should
>i use my still/rope/harness/biner/hairdryer and what gear for a first rack
>themes for regularity.
Well I also missed the important word there "still" yes you should use your still to make as much moonshine as ya can! We all need that rye now!
I buy my climbing gear from mtntools.com and my clothes, shoes and backpacks from backcountry.com, in fact, i'm waiting for my latest purchase to be delivered from backcountry. and another mtntools order is going soon (they're lovely people at mtntools). if you buy an outdated rope from the states that's on sale (which are probably still so "new" that we don't even have them in this country) then you save $$+++++
there are other websites though. (mountaingear springs to mind)
On 31/03/2010 D.Lodge wrote:
>don't want to be the bearer of bad tidings, but if everyone buys all their
>stuf from OS, what happens to the local shops?
As with companies in the rest of the economy, if they don't have differentiable products, and they're not the cheapest, they just lose market share to companies that provide those same products at lower prices...
It's quite possible to think of the world as one big marketplace these days.
I won't ship a bowl from america, it's not worth the time or the effort. But if i've just spent US$800 on clothing that would have cost me $1200+ in Australia (some of which don't even exist in this country) THEN it becomes worth my time and money.
I said it before on another post, i have seen importers mark up 100% for a wholesale price, and retailers mark up 100% for the retail price - it's just not worth it!
On 31/03/2010 D.Lodge wrote:
>don't want to be the bearer of bad tidings, but if everyone buys all their stuf from OS, what >happens to the local shops?
You write, "don't want to be bearer of bad tidings, but" and then you ask a question.
Don't mean to be the grammar police but that's abysmal.
The fact is, everyone doesn't buy their stuff from overseas. As I said, I buy all my ropes and a lot of other stuff from local retailers. Some things aren't available here and some things are marked up way too much. $449 for a double gear sling that sells for $90 in the USA is a prime example. Cliffhanger are the only ones that sell the Yates double gear sling and they think they can charge what ever they want for it. Well I say Cliffhanger can go and get rooted.
Recently I wanted to buy some Madrock Ultralight Wiregate biners for my cams and found could I get them for around $55 for 10 in the states, compared to around $9 each here. I apologise to the Australian retailer but I'm going to go with the 10 for $55 every time. I am in the process of buying a crash pad from that Australian retailer at the moment. He gets my $365 for the pad but he missed out on my $55 for the biners. I think he can probably live with that.
I believe, the majority of climbers still do buy locally most of the time. I think they always will but if some young climber, who is going to uni and doesn't have a lot of cash decides he can get a set of C4s a lot cheaper by buying online from the states, I'm not going to blame him.
Not all climbers buy stuff from OS. Just like not all climbers post on Chockstone.
Only $75 US a pair. I got a couple, plus a pair of Magos and it worked out at around 110 AUD per pair (including UPS postage). Turned up in a week - Great Service. I got a new downie from them too the set me back less than 100 AUD. With the exhange rate as it is, I don't know why anyone buys their gear here.